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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. That's the spirit! With a bit of fiddling in the editor you can create some interesting units with the current version of CM:SF, so I'm itching to see what the new one will offer.
  2. Cool AAR, enjoyable read.....Has the Apache expended all of its ordnance yet?
  3. Horrific isn't it.....Getting nuked really does **** with your psyche!
  4. I think what you describe would work.....So long as you are fully aware of the relationship between Destroy & Exit I'm sure you can find a VP solution that will prove satisfactory. Have you considered setting Target Reference Points as reinforcements for the Soviet waves? Place them on the map and then add them to the same Reinforcement Slot as the new wave.....I've no idea if this will actually work, but if it does it might prove useful.
  5. Any unit can exit at any time, no loss.....But if ANY unit in a force is subject to a destroy objective, they MUST exit, per my comment above. In CM:A I've used exit zones for both 'logistical' & 'points' purposes in the same scenario, you just need to arrange your VP appropriately (in this instance you apply a Destroy Unit Objective to the units that must exit, but to no others). HTH.....Keep messing, you'll find a way!
  6. The thing to keep in mind is that if you have both one or more Exit Terrain Objective(s) and one or more unit(s) subject to enemy Destroy Unit Objective(s), the engine always assumes that the unit(s) in question must utilise an exit, or the opposing side will get points as though the unit were destroyed (for 'preventing' its exit from the map). TBH I'd like a few exit options much as you describe, but my point was that there is presently a workaround if you can revise your VP to cover (which may not always be possible).
  7. From the 50s: & doing some particularly fine work.....At Belsen (0:50): My maternal grandfather is in the crowd watching that hut burn. I know there's some footage of them in training during the war somewhere too, but I can't find it.
  8. I always thought the 'Action Spots' were the different 'granular' positions units would adopt within a tile depending on facing, obstacles and so on.....Cheers for clearing that up.
  9. Russians seem to like painting white crosses on tank turrets? No point per-se.....I was just commenting on the similarity in the markings.
  10. I always thought there were multiple Action Spots per Tile.....Maybe I'm confusing terminology?
  11. Yup, I'd buy that module.....TBH I'd rather like to see France in CM:SF II too.
  12. One tile surely? More is always better where the editor is concerned.....I've just started tinkering with CM:BS again and having 16 AI slots is great (but 32 would be better).
  13. So long as units are not subject to a Destroy objective they can already do exactly what you describe.....You just need to rearrange your VP structure. PS - This is my standard option for getting rid of trucks that were pretending to deliver infantry in CM:A.
  14. That's easy enough if we are talking about single structures, but the way points are allocated when multiple structures are covered by one Preserve/Destroy objective can complicate matters.....This is one of the issues I ran into when creating 'Ashsh al-Dababir'.
  15. To summarise, unload the passengers, split off and/or select the element you wish to act as Commander and have them remount.....Simples.
  16. The markings on the left in this image: Are very similar to those used in Berlin in 1945:
  17. Just as Erwin says. It can be set up either way.
  18. Randomly tapping the camera movement keys fixes the spinning for me every time.
  19. Cloud Cuckoo Land. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/germany/11420627/German-army-used-broomsticks-instead-of-guns-during-training.html
  20. Clearly some sort of peculiar break out operation.....Escape to safety with the cache of Panzerschreks maybe?
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