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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Spot the difference: Or: I reckon Flavour Objects are definitely worth the effort.....But goddam my eyes are a bit wibbly after a whole night of adding them (especially the ones inside the buildings)!
  2. Yup.....What he said. CM is a very quirky game, a lot of very talented people have developed a bunch of techniques over the years to maximise its look, feel & performance.....If you want to try reinventing the wheel, be my guest (FWIW, I did too when I first started out, but then I got some really good advice, from people who had been doing this a lot longer). To take your idea above.....It all sounds perfectly rational until you discover how many Objectives & AI Groups you used, plus all those AI scripts you wrote, in an attempt to save yourself using up one reinforcement slot (only for it not to work because the behaviour of individual units and the AI force as a whole are not directly related in this area, as explained above). If you get started with a scenario and want to bounce ideas, ping me a PM. PS - Typically you will waste one reinforcement slot anyway, dumping surplus units that can't be deleted in the editor (HQs as a rule), so dumping a few more units into the same slot, to beef up morale, has a certain elegance IMHO. PPS - See.....We've already saved you hours of frustrating scripting!
  3. It's a steep learning curve and that's a fact.....You have my total respect for giving it a go, if you think I can help with something just ask. Meanwhile: Block by block, I'm slowly getting there.
  4. They are a mod from @Kieme(ITA), there should be a link on the first page of this thread....Once they're installed the cars can be found in Vehicle Flavour Object slot 2, 3 & 4. He does a few wrecked military vehicles too, these wind up in slot 5, 6 & 7, I've used almost all of them on this map. BTW, if you are going to start adding flavour objects to your CM:BS stuff in a major way you NEED the .pdf file from this thread (final Dropbox link still works): Trying to do it without will drive you gibbling mad!
  5. After posting that image I realised I hadn't done the streetlights in that area, or the traffic lights, or the signposts.....It never ends!
  6. Felt the need for another postcard: I'm down to adding the details now, but I seem to have been adding to them for ever!
  7. 1st tip.....Don't show your Triggers in your preview shots! I've downloaded it and will report back in due course.
  8. Amen to that fella! My ambitions of knocking up campaigns hither & thither have been seriously brought down to earth by the simple reality of how much editor time it takes to achieve anything worthwhile at all.....If I can ever finish ONE I'll be ecstatic TBH!
  9. In my experience @Combatintman's 40% figure is more realistic.....Which simply won't do for these sort of opponents.
  10. I use a mixture of Syrian Militia & Combatants for my Peshmerga.....I use exactly the same for the Turkish backed FSA. Only ISIS & Jabhat Al Nusrah get to use Fighters as they currently appear.....This is why I'd like them to look a bit closer to combatants (& Combatants to look a little more military, & Syrian Milita a little less military).
  11. Known, reported, fixed in CM:SF2.....Presumably in all the others at the next patch. See this thread:
  12. Sadly not the 'shooty-one' that I was hoping for, but nevertheless.....Damn I love this game!
  13. Morgan are just up the road (I'm in Worcester), so we see plenty of them (my former English teacher had a three-wheeler).
  14. I'm gonna bump this for the benefit of any budding scenario CM:BS designers who don't already have this file.....Trying to 'flavour up' your map without this invaluable guide will soon have your melted brain leaking out of your ears (ask me how I know)! Why is a vending machine a haystack.....Or a disc-harrow a kind of pallet? Wibble!
  15. Purely as a matter of personal preference I'd like them to be pretty similar, it would be cool to see a few military uniform items scattered amongst them, plus the odd pair of trainers or Arsenal/Man Utd. shirt etc. etc. Really love the creativity of you modding guys.....Gonna have to pick someone's brains and get my head around using dedicated tags & including tagged mods (with the creator's permission) in my scenarios.....On the subject of which, it's back to Bishr for me (& maybe add just a few more flavour objects to Trumpton City Centre too).
  16. Would one set of skins that comprehensively covers both Fighters & Combatants be possible.....IMHO being able to tell them apart at a glance is kinda missing the point!
  17. We gotta stop doing this agreeing with each others posts thing Miller, it makes life very confusing! But once again it seems we do.
  18. Uncam.....AFAIK it doesn't work for CM:SF2 yet, but in theory you could decompile the CM:SF1 version of a campaign and then transfer the various files to CM:SF2 for recompiling. Lot of work TBH.
  19. You can never have too many terrain types!
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