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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Is there a hidden 'Add Random Flavour Objects' command that chucks, rocks, logs & tree stumps etc. over a wide area? Because I think I accidentally found it and made a mess on my map (in CM:A).....If there is such a thing, could you enlighten me as to what it is, so I don't accidentally press it again! PS - It does telegraph poles too.....A neat line of the bloody things straight over a mountain and through a pine forest.....FFS! PPS - It puts them inside buildings too.....What a total pain in the arse!
  2. From what I've seen in my experiments in design, the AI plan is chosen when you click the Big Red Button, so a preliminary setup save is cool.....But once the Big Red has been clicked, your path is chosen.
  3. I haven't had chance to play this yet (although I do have a 'Concord - Setup' save).....If there's an updated version I'd rather play that and give you feedback on the update. 10/10 for your approach to this fella.....Reckon I might be coming to you for advice on Triggers before too long.
  4. Can you merge threads Ian? Looks like it's a developing issue: Might be worth getting everyone on the same page so to speak.
  5. Cheers George, you've saved me some experimentation there.
  6. Every time I read things like that I think about CM:A's calendar options.....& giggle!
  7. This I suspect is the root of the issue.....If they choose something from one of the modules that your install doesn't recognise things will probably not go well.
  8. Pretty sure they only get Panzerfausts, but these are more than enough to reduce a BTR to smoking ruination at up to a couple of hundred yards. Once the hilltop is cleared try to spot enemy teams/vehicles using minimal forces, then concentrate as many units as you can on the identified target until it is eliminated. Rinse & repeat. For the attacks themselves, I don't normally use Target, instead I use Target Briefly 30secs (if your unit takes return fire after that point, they will still shoot back independently). I also don't give direct Target orders to every unit in the attacking force, rather I leave a couple of units uncommitted, allowing them the opportunity to engage any secondary targets that pop up, if none do they will soon join in with the primary massacre because pixeltruppen are like that!
  9. Yup, my first save for each new battle is always 'Battle Name - Setup'.....But you knew that already.
  10. Was the ATGM inside a building at all? IIRC not all ATGMs can be fired from inside closed structures. PS - You've gone and done it.....I'm going to have to play it again now!
  11. Not rank, experience.....Seriously, you are getting advice from the best. BfC certainly seem to think so. Writing scenarios can be hard work and is always immensely time consuming, therefore having a coherent plan before you start is pretty damned important.
  12. I wouldn't count on that being 100% doable TBH, I'd imagine there would be some issues with buildings and maybe flavour objects too.....There are quite a few of both sadly.
  13. Stand down dude.....You are new here and don't realise whose face you are getting in, but you are probably running out of slack real fast IMHO. @Combatintman is providing @Ridaz the best advice possible.....His style may be abrupt, but his knowledge is second to none. When you come right down to it, if a designer can't answer each and every one of those questions, in some detail, they don't have a campaign. End of story. Ask me how I know.
  14. I really want to get it finished as it's the second Master Map for 'Abdul Gul's War' (decided I can live with my modified Herat city map, I could modify it more, but it's not too bad as it stands and you don't see it all at once anyway). Abdul Gul's country retreat (right foreground): It's a bit of a fortress as you can see, it's also the hardest compound to get to on the map, you have to go through 'Jihad Central' down there in the valley to the left to get to it by road. It also controls access to the mines further along the ridge, so it will undoubtedly become the focus of the Communists attentions before too long.
  15. I don't think I've ever done better than a draw playing as the Ukrainians.....Must give it another go, try something a bit different.
  16. If I'm thinking of the correct scenario (it's been a long time), the Syrians shouldn't have BMPs (tracked IFV with a 73mm gun or 30mm autocannon + ATGMs), they should have BTR-60s (big ugly eight wheel APC with a 14.5mm HMG and tinfoil armour). I usually steam up the hill on the right, debus my infantry with their Panzerfausts and set 'em up short of the crest, out of sight of the village objective, but with LOS across the top of the hill. Butcher any units that come up the hill, then launch a flanking attack on the units in the other objective.....Simples.
  17. Doesn't seem that improbable at all TBH, firstly, as you say, it's LA.....Secondly the three-wheeler strikes me as a particularly philosophical sort of automobile.
  18. It's probably in the Mall. The map is essentially done, all the buildings are configured, I'm just adding Flavour Objects for the fun of it.....Hopefully a few of the things I've done around the map should trigger a laugh or two, they're not always obvious, you will have to look around. Here's an overview of the map showing all the named locations: There are also a few hidden locations that the player can discover including, 'Uncle Enzo's Pizzeria Cosa Nostra'** (Just cos' the posters are cool! ) PS - There are actually three maps in the series, Trumpton, Chigley & Camberwick Green, all based on stock CM:BS maps, each mutilated to a greater or lesser extent in order to satisfy my perverse desires (my sincere apologies to the original creators). ** 'The Family Pizza Company'.....Hidden Preserve Objective for both sides, 1000pts (Don't mess with the Mob! )
  19. Funnily enough.....Yup I'm serious! The Kebab House (& its Iranian owners) are one of two targets for the fury of the Reds in the first Blue single player scenario idea (the other is the Lil'Rocket-Man Korean Grill at the other end of town). The player will have to rush his Strykers through the streets of Trumpton to prevent bloodshed (Well, civilian bloodshed at any rate! ).....Let's hope those 'Confederate' loons didn't steal any Javelins from the stores before they all went AWOL!
  20. Yep, they're heavily loaded.....If you read through accounts of the fighting in Mosul during November & December 2016 (the period covered in my scenarios to date), you'll note that mass ISIS surrenders are rather thin on the ground. VBIED attacks, booby-trapped buildings, civilian human-shields etc. etc. on the other hand.....
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