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Everything posted by Sgt.Squarehead

  1. Result. Just a thought, but play your test as a scenario to be sure the crews don't reappear when the red button gets clicked.....This was the problem that I had in CM:RT & CM:BS that made me believe that crew swapping would be an issue in CM:SF2. PS - Once you've separated the truck & crew in preview mode it may be possible to go back into the editor and delete the two crews, the HQ always required the reinforcement trick for disposal, even in the old game.
  2. Oh FFS.....If you insist JK, if you really insist: https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Michael_Salla Oooops.....@Wicky beat me to it. Either way quoting total nutters does not help your cause even slightly.
  3. It's looking that way. I don't think ammo dumps would have worked as Militant Caches as (IIRC) they are only visible to the controlling player.....IIRC @MOS:96B2P or perhaps @sburke have examined this?
  4. They captured several fully intact in Iraq, but apparently their usage of them was brief & unspectacular (I suspect many ended their days under a JDAM).
  5. Just checked to see if we can go further, bud sadly it still isn't possible to put ISIS into an Abrams (or a T-55)!
  6. Designers can manually dismount vehicles in the editor (deleting crews in the editor & dismounting HQs in preview mode) and use them as ammo dumps.....See the slightly out of place but IMHO valuable discussion in the screenshot thread:
  7. Hey, it's been a busy couple of days, the learning curve is going to be steep!
  8. How did you dismount the supply platoon HQ, that option is greyed out to me when I look at the tab? EDIT - D'oh!....You dismounted him manually in preview didn't you? I didn't actually try that! PS - Yup, that worked! PPS - I just discovered that 'Humvee Wars' are an absolute hoot.....Fill 'em up with infantry and duke it out! So many fun things to mess around with in this game! PPPS - I'd give you a like for your valuable research, but todays excitement has done my whole supply!
  9. You should read my peculiar threads more often.....I can confirm they will tool up with the best weapons they can find from their own side, I wound up with a certain KGB 'Major Putin' running around pseudo-Herat with a RPK-74, his buddy had an AK with a GL and a third spy grabbed a PPSh! Here's one from my first ever CM:A scenario with what looks like a FN Fal: I've actually got a scenario concept based on this very idea (and on a picture from IIRC @LongLeftFlank) in which the player ONLY has spies with which to take revenge on the invader after an army patrol is taken out by an airstrike. Buddy Aid is a cool concept, it could be expanded in some very interesting ways.....Uncons could finish off wounded enemy units and steal their gear, conventional units could take wounded enemies prisoner after providing buddy Aid etc. etc.
  10. Which IMHO, is a very good thing. While it would be nice to get ammo dumps in the future, I wouldn't want them at the expense of the flexibility that the current system offers, if you need ammo that badly you can always climb into the Humvee!
  11. I'd love to see some more vehicles in this game, hell I could even write you a list (with pictures), but I'm too busy foaming at the mouth over CM:SF2! This however could get my attention back.
  12. Fair comment, but as I said, I still think the issue is exaggerated in the game, in TOC we were down to the rims on all six surviving Strykers in about two and a half hours, mostly due to wooden fences.
  13. Suits me, I realised the screenshot thread was probably the wrong place for it, but it was too good to leave once I found it (by opening the Hornets' Nest.....Have you played it yet fella?). The other half of the discussion is in my CM:SF1 Mosul thread, there's a bit more there that may be of interest, I'm still experimenting.
  14. Just discovered Sh1tMod: Huge Kudos to @Pete Wenman.....That's the icing on the cake for me, what a great day! I'm gonna have so much fun with all these new toys!
  15. Ye gods that's enormous! Which reminded me to transfer this to CM:SF2: That's Bishr, looking south-west, it's over 3.5km to the other map edge: It loads faster in the new game than the old and while we'll need to fix the sea ourselves, it's a goer! PS - Anyone know who created this map in the first place, I'd like to give credit?
  16. @MOS:96B2P Dude our cups floweth over.....CM:SF1 Core Unit Files can (apparently, tests are ongoing) be edited in CM:SF2! It should be possible to edit the raw vehicle/crew combination in CM:SF1 (separating those pesky HQs) and then transfer the file to CM:SF2 to make unit attachments (Specialist Teams & Weapons) and load them up on their new transports in the new editor. So much to explore.....Need to see if we can still bounce IEDs around too! PS - To clarify, the Core Units appear in CM:SF2 just as they do in CM:SF1, the dismounted platoon HQs show up as dismounted both in the editor and in preview, even though the editor is apparently incapable of creating such a formation.
  17. Just ran some more tests, it all looks good so far (see CM:SF2 screenshot thread).....Need to have more of a play around in the new editor to see how I might approach things best, I suspect a combination of mobile units imported from CM:SF1 and infantry from the new editor might be an option for my ISIS in Mosul stuff (and there was me considering moving to Raqqah). Christ on a bike this game has so much potential now, I'm genuinely blown away.....The only BfC product likely to get uninstalled from my system is CM:BS, I don't like it much anyway, and now it just seems so pathetically limited in scope compared to it's new sibling, my 'Fragmentistan 2' stuff is going straight into the recycle bin!
  18. Sadly in the process of discovering the above, I discovered that my AV hates CM:SF2, just like it hates every other BfC product and patch! It's been told it can't do anything about them, so it can't delete any files, instead it throws a tantrum and locks my PC up until I hit (and hold) the power! My multi-year conversation with Webroot tech-support resumes.....Sad because they thought they'd found a fix (other than whitelisting). On a brighter note, here's ISIS, in Humvees, in CM:SF2 (they were put there in CM:SF1): The file's here if you want to look at it: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jdaj5m6qclvicud/ISIS Patrol Test.btt?dl=0 It's exactly the same one I created before, imported and apparently functional in CM:SF2.....But you can only create it in the OLD editor. If you try in the new editor you are (apparently based on experiments so far) stuck with the US Supply Platoon HQ in Vehicle 1, he can't be dismounted with the editor toggle and thus cannot be separately set to a non-appearing reinforcement slot, as seen above (Unused US Unit is the Supply Platoon HQ). Like I said elsewhere, it's all a bit odd, but odd's good!
  19. That's so not true dude, you were much kinder to Mosul than I thought possible.....Now @borg on the other hand! PM inbound. It does. I am a very, very happy rabbit!
  20. That is a (AFAIK) fully functional version of Ashsh al-Dababir, in CM:SF2.....Battlefront totally kept their word, if this thing works, anything will! It appears that CM:SF2 will indeed import and (presumably run) any CM:SF1 scenario as is**.....So while I haven't got my head around crew swapping in the new editor yet (It's all a bit odd on that front, have you checked it out yet?), it seems very likely that I can create Core Unit Files in CM:SF1 (bypassing the peculiarities of the new editor), then transfer that file to CM:SF2 so the units can be imported using the device for campaigns in the usual way. Haven't tested it yet, but I will have pretty soon. ** This requires another tip of the hat to Steve (& Co.), when he (they) make a promise, he (they) mean it, all of it.....Battlefront have exceeded my expectations in all regards, this is a truly superb product, at the price I paid for it I almost feel guilty!
  21. Having just discovered that this is possible: I guess I'll be seeing you guys in the new forum in due course. I have work to do.
  22. Ashsh al-Dababir appears to work in CM:SF2: I need to look in the editor and check some stuff out, but I have a feeling I may owe @sburke, @IanL & above all @Battlefront.com a round of drinks! You sure as **** don't get this sort of consideration from Steam! EDIT: OK, so I looked in the editor and I now have more questions than answers.....What's going on with the 'Dismounted' option for vehicles? While Ashsh Al-Dababir does indeed appear to work (down to the smallest detail) for CM:SF2, right now I don't have the first clue how I made it or how I would make more! PS - Actually, yes I do, assuming I'm not missing something here, CM:SF1 may have a new role as a 'Core Unit File' assembly system for CM:SF2.....Put ISIS in their Humvees in the first game, then blow them to tiny pieces in the second!
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