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Everything posted by LukeFF

  1. Wiggum has a history here of not listening to reason, hence the replies he received on page 1.
  2. It's at the Museum of Military History in Vienna: http://www.hgm.at/en/ It's a great place to visit if you're ever in the area.
  3. Just to add some perspective on how big (or small) some of these tanks are - this is me standing in front of a T-34-85. For reference, I am 5'8":
  4. Wait a second - you posted this in your opening message: Will there be any new graphic effects and features, improvements or optimizations ? So, what is it - do graphics matter to you, or do they not? Geez, make up your mind already.
  5. Is this group of "we all" those "many" people who have PM'd you?
  6. I recently had to do a reinstall of CM Helper, and I've run into an issue with it seeing CM Black Sea. It's looking for my incoming and outgoing email folders in the game's installation folder, instead of my Documents folder (like in all the other CM games). Is there a way I can tell CM Helper to look in the correct place where my incoming and outgoing email folders are located?
  7. ROFL! I am wondering if that is a reflection of your own mindset if you cannot understand that people are going to disagree with you.
  8. It seems to be people like you and Wiggum who have a hard time understanding & accepting that CMFB is not going to have any new major features and that this was announced long ago.
  9. You mind not spamming every other thread here with your CMRT mod? Sorry Baneman, but the off-topic noise gets a bit irritating sometimes.
  10. Next time, just keep comments like that to yourself.
  11. Sure, why not? It was an incredibly simple weapon to use.
  12. No formations have ever had any restrictions on their skill level.
  13. ...says the guy who never uploads any of his own scenarios.
  14. Sorry, but that's bad website design. You're confusing the user with two different presentations for the same item the player is looking for (i.e., scenarios). Stick with one of the styles but not both.
  15. If that's the case, it's not working properly here. I see 10 scenarios for download if I click on the Red Thunder jump list option and only 8 if I navigate to this page. Don't mean to be harsh; I'm just providing my feedback on how the site's working for me at the moment.
  16. Personally, I like the idea behind these two new sites, but the ability to easily find what I am looking for needs some more work. Case in point: on SDIII, if I want to see the full listing of Red Thunder scenarios available for download, I have to select the CM Red Thunder link from the jump list; clicking on the CM Red Thunder [Scenarios] link below it will only bring up a partial list of scenarios.
  17. He's going to burn he's going to burn his hands holding that machine gun like that.
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