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Everything posted by LukeFF

  1. You are the one who made an incorrect statement, so I corrected it.
  2. You can always skip over such discussions if they bother you.
  3. Like I said, both names are entirely valid. "MP44" is just as official as is "StG 44":
  4. "MP44" was very much a valid name for the weapon and easily verifiable.
  5. Geez, I wonder why - perhaps because things are modeled in more fidelity now?
  6. You mind not spamming the same message all over the forum in the process?
  7. There are stock scenarios with them.
  8. Meh, no thanks. The T-80 would be far more plausible, in large part because those T-80s just refurbished are being sent into combat. Ukraine's supply of capable tanks is the least of its worries.
  9. One could say something similar about the BM Oplot but yet, here we have it.
  10. http://community.battlefront.com/topic/120100-german-arms-collector-arrested-police-found-a-v1-a-panther-tank-and-a-torpedo/
  11. Correct, buddy aid was and still is taught as a single-person skill. As a former combat medic myself, I am happy with the way BF has chosen to model this.
  12. You aren't understanding the answers people have given you.
  13. It does matter, seeing how arrogant you are coming across towards anyone who dares disagree with you. I speak a small bit of German as well, but I'm not gonna be one to puff up my chest and tell others how wrong they are and how right I am.
  14. What, you mean like the KG Engel campaign, that was updated just this week? Yeah, so much for them not being updated.
  15. http://www.military.com/video/guns/mortars/gran-120mm-guided-mortar-rounds/2898332961001/
  16. So, I just finished my first playthrough of this. I cease-fired with about 29 minutes to go, as I had got a little sloppy in my orders and lost a few guys due to inadvertent movement orders. Even still, I managed a minor victory, probably due mostly to me taking out a whole bunch of the enemy's armor (having my Panthers concentrated really helped with that). I'll definitely play this one again. This map really forces the player to use their recon assets properly (one of the few scenarios I've seen where recon units are actually useful) and yeah, to screen their flanks before moving forward. Additionally, with the size of the map, IMO it really forces the player to choose an attack route and just stick with it. I wasted too much time scouting possible routes, had my guys too far spread out, and by the time I had a coherent plan I was already up against the clock. If I had just concentrated my forces more on one particular route, I probably would have saved myself quite a few casualties. Put another way, there is no way the player is going to occupy and touch all of the objectives (unless they are very) efficient, so one just needs to prioritize which objectives are the most important to winning the mission. He who attacks everything attacks nothing. But yeah, great job on this one (as always, George!)
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