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Everything posted by LukeFF

  1. Probably nothing new to you, but still a good read nonetheless: http://www.meforum.org/441/why-arabs-lose-wars
  2. The loader would be doing exactly what you see in the last pic - making sure the belt does not become twisted as the ammo is fired. You can't expect the gunner to fire the gun and hold the belt at the same time.
  3. How about we keep the lame jokes out of a thread meant for screenshots?
  4. You can always just skip over threads like that if they bother you that much. I mean come on...Is this how you spend your spare time?
  5. Seeing how they performed in battle, I would certainly call them marginal. In the end, they were little more than a speed bump for the Red Army.
  6. I'm plenty simmered down, and yet I still think your idea that BFC needs to somehow rehabilitate themselves is patently ridiculous.
  7. Steve said long ago they have no desire to model such marginal forces again.
  8. Umm...just a wild guess here, but they'll end up modeling North Africa if they think it's financially viable and not because of some ridiculous notion of "corporate honor."
  9. And I never said that was the only thing he was asking for.
  10. How about we keep this thread about CMFB and not Total War?
  11. Three weeks is about what it was, yes. Lonnnnng post I wrote about this a while ago: http://community.battlefront.com/topic/112726-was-lend-lease-essential-in-securing-a-soviet-victory/?do=findComment&comment=1585481
  12. Of all things to add to the game, you want more...trucks? Ooooooookay....
  13. No, not quite: Green: draftees with little training and some combat experience or reservists with some training and no combat experience. Green can also represent professional soldiers whose training is substandard in comparison to another force.
  14. The rarely-seen three-headed Ukrainian soldier:
  15. (Sigh) You just don't really get it, do you?
  16. Sorry, but that's a long-ago debunked myth.
  17. For sure. The 90s were a time when many tried to make their name in the flight sim business, and most ended up failing. Then along comes this guy (Oleg) from Russia showing that not only were realistic flight sims still viable but also that people would buy into a game set on the Eastern Front. I remember those days well. It's just a shame he bit off more than he could chew with Cliffs of Dover (hoo boy, aint that one big drama...).
  18. Both games were supported after launch, yes, but the end result is both games ended up with fractured communities due to the bickering over which mods had the most correct flight models. IL2 was shipped in very good condition. In fact, it was praised at the time by the community as a game that wasn't a bug-ridden mess and didn't crash all the time. But yes, once the source code was opened up, it became a very big chaotic mess of competing mods. That's about the time I lost interest in it.
  19. Red Baron, European Air War There, I gave you double what you asked for.
  20. Eh, no offense, but the forum here works just fine for communicating with other players, not to mention the other fan-made sites that organize CM tournaments. Teamspeak is for games that involve multiple people playing together in one match, and CM is plainly not that.
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