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Everything posted by sburke

  1. dang man. Not even close. My congrats to her for what must be an awesome life story.
  2. Friday afternoon and finally off video conference calls. Gawd I both love Zoom and hate it. There are lots of reasons for delay and for those of us who have been around a while it is a constant joke on Steve's ability to wildly overestimate when a product will be out. We love ya steve but I always double or triple your estimates. Covid has impacted all of us and I really appreciate Combatintman's concerns. My wife and I both have aging mother's that are very vulnerable. In my case I can't visit her because of the risk, my wife is unable to even assume risk, she is simply prohibited. Despite all the fluff from the orange man, a vaccine is a ways off and even then we are looking at manufacturing and distribution - and a possible mutation. From a work perspective my job has gotten extremely time consuming and difficult and I barely even have time to play CM much less beta test it. For Steve etal sure they had requirements for their other contracts as well as trying to patch all the titles for various issues continue work on modules and deal with their personal lives. Right now if anything we should all be giving each other leeway to deal with a difficult time. Freakin sky is at least not yellow here today with smoke forcing everyone indoors. I have a bottle of wine, some sashimi grade seafood was just delivered, my wife is healthy and it is the weekend. I'll take it.
  3. My first trip to London I made a point of taking a train out to see her. Beautiful ship.
  4. Just got this email announcement notification. Pretty cool. Doubly happy that CMSF was brought up to spec. All that hard work paid off for my favorite CM game - Thanks BF! https://www.matrixgames.com/news/combat-mission-shock-force-2-out-on-august-25th
  5. sorry I am not really into White men feeling victimized. Hell my mother couldn't get a credit card when I was young because they didn't give them to women. The neighborhood I lived in when I was 4 had a massive riot just because 1 black family moved there (google Baker Incident in Phila) and your own Boston history is rife with this kind of stuff. Black people are still having their voting rights undermined 55 years after the civil rights act. I think white males tend to be the real snowflakes. We don't like not being able to take for granted being at the front of the line all the time. You might want to do your own research. Kwanza isn't a religion. It is a cultural celebration. It's about Black Americans getting tired of always being negatively portrayed and looking for self affirmative celebrations. Many Kwanza advocates celebrate Christmas and Kwanza. Maybe they are just sick of Jesus being a white guy in a Semitic world. I am pretty disappointed to hear you espousing this s**t that I thought you were above. Victim shaming as an excuse for the white nationalism becoming more mainstream because of our dog whistling President.
  6. The south facing bridge in Delores seems to have an abrupt drop off. Have you had any pathing issues there?
  7. I prefer Steve Martin's in My Blue Heaven. What is the difference between a light bulb and a pregnant woman? I think Germany has some more important issue to worry about at the moment. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/03/world/europe/germany-military-neo-nazis-ksk.html?searchResultPosition=4
  8. Barring that I think you'd try on your own as a secondary choice
  9. It might also have something to do with the newer AI behavior with units heading to the corner. I don't have any firm evidence of that but have seen occasional weird behavior like units moving to the wrong side of a wall where it intersects with a building. I also as Erwin noted split my squads most of the time which may limit the overall effect. I haven't been getting much CM time lately so don't have much to go on right now regarding behavior.
  10. Send me as well. It could be the QB OOB is allowing you to select from the module. I can pull the force selection and have it looked at.
  11. oh you have gone and done it now. I think Mord almost had an aneurysm with CMFI
  12. Enjoyed? Enjoyed?! As in past tense?!! Soldier you march your a** back in there, there is no way you completed all that content.
  13. How come I keep hearing the song from Oliver….
  14. Local humor from a particular political bent which they did understand. You get the same reaction from the non right wing about the comments on the "People's republic of California". They weren't looking for an explanation, they were just pointing out it is stupid.
  15. wait a minute.. a cruise ship? maybe they better stay in Germany for now.
  16. Ocean City MD? Actually there is I think some talk of Poland and that would be really interesting considering this https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/russia-sends-more-troops-west-challenging-us-nato-presence-near-borders/ar-BB156dgJ
  17. meh Let's see what happens in November. Could be this will all just be a bad dream. Maybe they are planning on moving those troops to Lafayette Square
  18. I use fraps and then crop in Picassa.
  19. I don't think You'll ever see BF do this, it would have to be a community generated scenario. Mods are never part of BF official scenarios. Interesting ideas though nevertheless.
  20. for the blast if it selects quick, go ahead and place the order then click on the line again and change to blast. You'll see the color change denoting the change in order.
  21. Do you talk like this in real life to real people not on a forum? Interesting interaction behavior... and kind of repetitive.
  22. Or not. Part of the alt right narrative that falls flat so often is linking things that aren't linked, assuming intent where none exists and inflating beliefs to facts. oooh the rapier wit, I am mortally afflicted!! Aaarrrgh -Does it say anything else?-No!Just "Aaargh."Aaargh.Do you suppose he meant the Camargue?-Where's that?-ln France, I think.-lsn't there a St. Aaargh's in Cornwall?-No, that's St. Ives.St. Ives.No, "Aaargh." At the back of the throat.No, in surprise and alarm!-You mean a sort of a "Ah!"-Yes, that's right.My God!It's the Legendary Black Beast of Aaargh!That's it! Run away!
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