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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Jeez man, hope she stays well. You must be pretty damn proud of her.
  2. I think Mother Nature stopped worrying about that once she saw the climate change deniers and realized we were gonna royally fook ourselves all on our own. Now she just sits back and sips margaritas and plays candy crush
  3. Short answer no. You can do what ever you want modding them, blanking out walls to make them transparent. Doesn’t matter they will always act as adjacent buildings with weird pathing and LOS between modular sections. So no you will never really make a good barrikady Factory complex unfortunately. It might look good, it won’t play good.
  4. I still don’t have any good data but I have a major project in India that was supposed to launch in April. It was pushed to May. I just heard this morning they are pushing it to June and possibly July. What I infer from that is that stuff is happening that isn’t hitting the news and it isn’t good stuff India is in a particularly difficult situation. The banking industry is very unstable and was in trouble before the Pandemic. The restrictions imposed may be tight in Mumbai but nationally they could not do a full lockdown without the agriculture sector collapsing. This is the period when the villages make all their money to survive the year and when the harvest comes in. In the US we are struggling with this with an economy that had been stable and is still structurally sound. They don’t have that luxury.
  5. Problem on both sides is this is a marathon not a sprint. The current administration wants to forecast a return to normal as fast as possible. Some of that is economic, some political. The medical community is trying to get us to understand that even if you project the number of exposed 10 fold it is still for the US only 10 million or 3% of the population. The 1918 pandemic infected 28% of the populace. For arguments sake let’s say this does the same and the death rate is about 55,000 per 10 million infected and another 80-90 million will be infected. The math of this is harsh. China is already struggling with re-infection. The harsh reality is humanity is going to pay a price both in lives and economically. This isn’t just flu season. What we are seeing in resistance to lockdowns follows pretty much the experience of 1918. We get mentally and emotionally exhausted and we look to an end. The problem is we basically lose the ground we gained at slowing the infection and make no mistake that is ALL we are doing. There isn’t some other miracle strategy. We need to find a vaccine. We try to buy time to allow our healthcare systems to cope. Can we relax the restrictions while we continue to research? The answer is we probably have to. However people need to be clear, relaxing doesn’t mean the danger is past. It is a more an issue how do we manage it and unfortunately we humans don’t do that well. Witness the folks flocking to the beach in southern calif.
  6. Yeah hard part is actually getting data. I doubt their accuracy, but you have to start with something.
  7. It took a pandemic, but Mord finally found the time
  8. I have a couple team members, but they are around Delhi and obviously in a different social strata. Not getting much news either. https://news.yahoo.com/mission-dharavi-virus-battleground-indias-biggest-slum-041650783.html
  9. Brazil is taking a turn for the worse. https://www.yahoo.com/news/brazil-becoming-virus-outbreak-center-232425758.html
  10. I wouldn't get too far ahead on that one. Europe as a whole seems to be getting better, but Africa is just starting to get hit. US is now opening up before we have flattened the curve. Sincerely hoping that people still exercise significant restraint and we can avoid anything too disastrous, but certain indications are that we won't. Asian countries are a real mix but expectations are not good. Even in Japan where it seemed things might not get so bad is now dealing with an increasing rate. Granted it is the NY post and the pic makes it hard to verify. The one item that really makes that flight an interesting one- 2 people wearing full hazmat suits. https://nypost.com/2020/04/23/airline-passenger-describes-flight-with-many-not-wearing-masks/
  11. and we go right back to normal Trumpian mode. Great use of your education there bucko. Feeling pretty proud of your clever retort I'll bet. Go tell all your buddies and show off how witty you are.
  12. well to be honest. I think in that moment he was actually right. The last briefing was frankly the best move for him to make. Get in, get out, don't start ad-libbing, don't argue with the press. It just isn't in his make up though to leave it at that unfortunately. The one surprisingly good thing going on that gets little attention is what Melania is doing and note this is from The Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/melania-trump-a-most-private-first-lady-finds-her-voice-in-a-stay-at-home-pandemic/2020/04/22/a774dec2-83fa-11ea-a3eb-e9fc93160703_story.html
  13. In a few days we will exceed the total American dead in the Vietnam war. We will have reached that total in 3 months. Most of the US has not even started flattening the curve which was the whole point of the lockdown. The figure of 60,000 dead that was mentioned only 17 days ago was the best case scenario based on us adhering to a stringent lockdown. I think we can all pretty much agree that this is no longer a figure on the table and estimates will necessarily be revised higher. Yep this sounds like the right time to change course. Hard to believe this was only 17 days ago. https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/08/health/us-coronavirus-wednesday/index.html
  14. Well apparently we are going to be and it seems the logic is based on fear of an underground movement of speakeasy hair salons. of all things..... there simply are no words. I think I'll go gargle some disinfectant and shove a UV light up my arse. Science is dead.
  15. not much if any. Crashes were a regular cyclical thing back in the late 1800s early 1900s https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_economic_crises This is at root the basis of calls for regulation. Business at heart is generally about balancing risk. Unfortunately the more money at stake and the risks go up. Put some people in control of that risk who have a vested interest in not being transparent and you set the whole house of cards in motion. https://asiatimes.com/2020/04/singapores-oil-traders-at-risk-of-collapse/
  16. Well there actually is significant chance of contamination which is why they are recommending 6 feet for social distance and we knew that not just yesterday but for the past 2 months. It has been hyped all over the news over and over and over. This is where my concern originates. The masks help but only so much. The distance is a critical part of that equation. The timing of the virus and arrival in US is still unknown, getting checked seems sensible. The first death now appears to have been in Santa Clara county (my freakin county) Feb 6th - 3 weeks before the Wash State deaths. This may be the oddest feeling thing I have ever wished anyone but (assuming having had the infection does mean immunity) I hope you had it as well. If both things turn out to be true I may even call you a lucky lucky bastard
  17. Umm.... yeah I know I should just walk away from this one, but I just can't. The doctors and nurses working around people possibly infected with a virus tend to wear N95 masks, not just your standard garden variety mask we wear to the grocery store. In fact there are nurses fighting with hospitals now about being asked to work without proper gear, but somehow a beautician wearing a standard mask and working with multiple people all day long in close contact is okay. Apparently the Gov in Georgia agrees with you about what constitutes an essential service. All I can say is best of luck to those folks and I wish them well.
  18. Have to admit I have this vision of Edward Scissorhands for the barber shop. I have no idea how one manages safe social distancing there.
  19. Honey, I need to go buy a loaf of bread, where is the wheel barrow wallet?
  20. Just a quip, no movie I know of. Was just recalling his shooting his Uncle with an AA gun. Bored no. Just didn't quite get the gist of where you were going. My fault not yours. I am taking a day off work and still hadn't had coffee. Regarding "stimulus" money etc. It is weird here admittedly. The $1200 doesn't go far depending on where you live and of course that is not adjusted by area. In my area that won't cover 2 weeks of rent for a 2 bedroom apt. In my view that is a sop from our political leaders (dem and rep) that is like bread given out in the Roman forum. We do have a program as Kevin noted for unemployment which can help more. Compensation levels vary though and the systems are utterly clogged with the sheer volume of folks applying. In addition depending on your occupation and self employment status you may not even be eligible. And that doesn't even scratch the health care issue where Trump refused to reopen sign up for Affordable Care Act programs. Americans in general suffer from the lack of a safety net and during something like this it becomes even more evident than usual. Many folks in the lower income brackets are still digging out from the 2008 financial crisis. I was reading an article a few days ago on a town in West VA. Lot of different individual stories but one in particular stuck with me. This guy is getting laid off and they are cutting off his healthcare at the end of the month and said if he pays $299 he can extend his healthcare another month. The poor guy doesn't have it. This isn't some 19 year old worker flipping burgers at McDonalds. I have worked all my life gradually acquiring skills, moving both physically around the country and between jobs. When I was 25 I was a bike courier in Wash DC. Even then coming up with $299 was not beyond my reach. Right now I am pretty secure. I can't imagine what that guy is going through and he is just one case among millions. Unfortunately our political craziness intrudes even into this arena where Trump is complaining about supporting the blue states and McConnell is advocating letting states go bankrupt (which isn't even allowed by law). McConnell is now complaining about the debt level when they didn't express the slightest concern about debt when they gave that huge tax break for the wealthy. I am not optimistic about a quick turn around in business. Even if the virus disappeared tomorrow, our economy isn't going to jump start. Folks have acquired debt and are not going to be in a spending mood. Without that consumer spending drive there is no way we are going back to Feb. And that doesn't even touch on the oil market collapse. People are not going to just start traveling at previous levels. My company does an extreme amount of traveling and the discussions we have are about how do we take the lessons of this experience and try to apply them after- in other words how to we continue to do business and not travel so much. That decision has a knock on affect in the airline and hotel industry. Tourism will take time to recover, lord knows if the cruise ship business even will. Fauci and the CDC are both talking about the second wave to come. That isn't hype just a normal aspect of flu season with a deadlier virus with no vaccine yet. We need a long haul plan to lift the economy back. Maybe that can be worked on in an infrastructure program we so badly need. In the meantime we need some kind of financial safety net and we need to secure the healthcare system. I don't think anyone yet has an answer on that. We need a financial package and we need one that makes sense. Right now I feel like they are just throwing buckets of money at the problem without really making sure it is targeted to provide the most relief to those who really need it. How long do you think the UK can sustain your 80% salaries?
  21. err. not sure what that is meant to say. Is there somewhere you think I have advocated against supporting our populace financially? I don't think anyone here has advocated against it, it isn't as far as I know a topic of debate. As to N Korea's superior experts. What? The hermit kingdom has no coronavirus deaths. Anyone even suspected of being infected is shot.
  22. LOL I think I might print and frame this one.
  23. For a guy so in love with his debating abilities, splitting hairs about what you meant by misery when we are discussing a pandemic and pretending you weren't implying death is not only lame but cowardly as well. I gave you a pass the first time when you whined about having a bad day, but it is pretty clear that you weren't, this is your normal self. The only thing that I am embarrassed about is the ridiculousness of this. Go on again with the name calling, it seems to be the level of discourse your leader adores. That and constantly congratulating yourself. At least you figured out it is Alfred and not Edward.
  24. That wasn't one of her better moments for sure. However with Trump it isn't that there are whack jobs that support him - if that were all it was then hey not his problem. It is when he retweets and advocates their positions that it steps onto a different threshold. Now they are no longer the lunatic fringe, but instead a portion of his base he actively encourages and legitimizes.
  25. "Lost the debate" from the guy that says I'd like tens of thousands to die just to unseat a politician. You are so far removed from rationality that you couldn't possibly know what embarrassment means.
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