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Everything posted by JoMac

  1. Yes, at the CM Scale the Reliability\Breakdown would be a factor before a Battle. If a Unit is on the battlefield, then they already made it past this problem. I suppose if you wanted to simulate something like this, then you could have one or two Vehicles per Company on each side have a move rate of 'Slow' instead of 'Fast'. -Or- play a Scenario based around an Immobile Vehicle...Your King-Tiger broke down, and need to defend it until repair crews can arrive. However, it would be nice to have levels of Reliability\Breakdown in an Operation\Campaign.
  2. Ah yes, I remember ROCO, ROSKOPF, and Airfix from the 70's. I remember Dad had all his ROCO Minitanks in the original boxes ( orange boxes that held like 10-20 pieces ). He wasn't to happy, when oneday coming home from work, and found Hull & Turret Pieces scattered on the floor. He then looked at me, and said, "What Have You Done Child" ( altho, I think there was an adjective in that remark ). Luckily, Dad was able to put most of the vehicles back together again. My punishment, altho years later, was to learn the 3-book 'Tractics' Rules & Charts.
  3. Ahh Yes, and the never ending debate that SMG's are to effective continues...Actually, Small Arms in general is to effective, but anyways... It's Ok thou, it gets alittle worse with the 3.0 Upgrade since Small Arms now have varying rates of Fire, and Inf still have the same cover & posture values. If I had it my way, then the game system would have the 'Target Light' as default firing, and a 'Target Heavy' order ( the normal firing thats present now ) be an option under certain curcumstances. It gets to the point that if you don't want your Company to take 50% casualties in less then an hour, then it's best that you don't show up. Oh Sorry, was I being alittle off topic here :-)
  4. On top of that and in general, Friendly or Enemy Weapons are usually picked-up after the Battles end. These weapons are then re-designated and re-distributed back in service.
  5. So C3PO, are you now saying CM should not allow Weapons to be picked-up...If so, I would agree :-) Postfux, I think you've been playing to many 1st Person Shooter Games...Between picking-up weapons, Driving enemy vehicles. Next-up you will be asking why can't we change into enemy uniforms to infiltrate enemy lines :-( Joe
  6. Nah...It wont work in CM, because the average Platoon might be lucky to last a 30 minute Battle, this compared to RL where the Platoon should last through a Campaign. Yeah, I guess you could make scenarios akin to the "COMBAT" series where you would have new Squad members weekly...Err, rather new Squads daily, since this is CM were talking about. Joe
  7. Ahh Yes, the Morphed Multi-guy syndrome...Notice two rifles and two sets of gear. Now, what puzzles me is I can't make out the brand of Cigar they are going to smoke. Joe
  8. Yes, I agree...When selecting the Fireteam then the Squad that it belongs to should have it's Icon Border Outlined in same Orange Color ( and maybe having that Outline pulse alittle ) would be a good representation. As Seen on TV... Joe
  9. 2.21 or 2.20.1...Who knows anymore, and it might not even change on the new download.
  10. It's all Good, and Jerome is indeed among Friends :-)
  11. Alright, Jerome, will let you slide on that most obvious question due to your low post count under 100...but after that :-/ Joe
  12. Don't worry Frodo, it will be out soon enough. Joe
  13. Aww, Now that just wrong...Give that guy a break or three.
  14. Hey Martyr, Yes, It's the updated 3.0 update and not a seperate download...Basically, just re-download and install the 3.0 again ( since it's a newer one ) from your Battlefront Account, and all should be good. It's apparent that the Hotfix ( shader\shadow fixes, etc ) also includes a small bonus patch, if you will ( airpower reverting back & building entering issues ), instead of waiting months later to include in a full patch. Joe
  15. ColSaid, I will match you with my Lancers...Ops, nevermind, I only have CMBN :-( Joe
  16. No, the 'Bundle Installer' is only for new customers purchasing one of the 'Big Bundle' packages...this way, they don't have to go through all those 14 different things. So, it's unfortunate for other people like us who have purchased units seperately...it's, however, no big deal to me. Joe
  17. Actually, no one owns any game that requires an activation...You are essentially leasing the game on a permanent basis. Believe me, I'm old school, and was hesitant at first to purchase any of the CMx2 titles due to these new activations keys that most Software company's use today...I even purchase CD versions vs downloading just because I want a physical copy...Yeah, I'm still keeping some of my old school habits :-(
  18. Lets get to the Croix of the matter ( pun intended ), shall we. Ok, You will most likely have to use a new activation if you change out your MB, OS, or HD, but probably not for changing a Video Card or Ram...I have changed my Vid Card & Ram in the past with no adverse affects to activation. Joe
  19. Same here, small Scenario's that are up to Reinforced Company in size...sifting through the Repository myself. Joe
  20. Exactly, and which is why I still think WEGO ( let alone RT ) needs to have some sort of delays for units to impliment new orders...Similar to that of CMx1. I know when playing against the Computer AI, I generally wait till my Troops have reached their last waypoint, then wait there for a full turn before new waypoints are issued. Also, if units are Fatigured or worse, I won't issue new waypoints until atleast Tiring status.
  21. Yes, with CMx1 and bigger maps the Air-Support had a better chance of hitting more of the enemy then friendly. this is especially true since Air-Support usually did a fly-by for air-recognition before making an attack.
  22. Yeah, actually a problem for both Arty & Air in general in CM... Since ground units can move and react around the battlefield rather quickly, it usually means outpacing the more realistic arrival times of Arty & Air. Joe
  23. Wow, PP...You have as many Computer Games as I have had GHQ Micro-Minis & 15mm Figs. I have only owned about a dozen Computer Games over the yrs, and same amount in paper games before that. Joe
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