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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. My post: "Maybe useful only for long range (1000m+) fire support assuming no enemy AFV's or AT assets." So, you recommend using Strykers for short range (under 300m) support and/or vs armor at any range?
  2. Just curious: In RL, is there actual red fireball in the first milliseconds as depicted in your animation? I actually do love the look, but wondered if it is a bit "Hollywood" where every explosion has a fireball element?
  3. Am a veteran playing CM since 1999 and I find your suggestions a useful reminder of good tactics. Thanks... Yes, Strykers seem to be the equivalent of WW2 halftracks. Use em for transport and as a mobile ammo dump. Maybe useful only for long range (1000m+) fire support assuming no enemy AFV's or AT assets.
  4. Along with news that the CMSF mods should swap out to CMSF2 as well, this is xnt news. Modders and scenario designers had over 5 years to perfect their craft with CMSF b4 the WW2 CM2 titles were released. So, many of the scenarios and especially the many campaigns that were produced for CMSF are outstanding.
  5. Man, you are on fire with these CMBS mods. Plz don't forget to do a dirty version of your mods as well. The vehicle one you did is factory clean. It's nice to see dirt and wear and tear. Your camo UKR forces one is terrific cos it looks so faded and worn.
  6. Interesting. Kinda like simulating the Decision Loop thingy re different nationalities' efficiencies?
  7. Wow... CM1 allowed for different load-outs, so I just assumed... Am surprised that feature was removed in CM2. It makes no sense to go into this sort of mission with 90% AT ammo.
  8. Advice from an admitted mod slut... Players need to be wary that some mods do become obsolete as CM2 versions evolve. The mods either do not show up (and simply clog up your HD) or they create undesirable errors. When one accumulates 6+GB of mods in one's Z folder per title, it can become a huge problem trying to determine which mods are obsolete. If you have become a mod slut, it may be better to occasionally do a complete reinstall, and add in the most recent mods first (and then older mods) until you get the desired result in the game.
  9. The real question is whether in RL a tank CO would continue to fire into a smokescreen without seeing any target. Don't know the answer. Just asking.
  10. If the desired uniform exists but only for a different formation, you could try renaming the uniform you want to appear to the name of the uniform you want to replace (and remove the non-desired uniform mod). Save all the originals first of course.
  11. This is another promising-looking mission. I love the big maps that DW uses: about 2000m x 1000m. The Brits occupy a base in force plus support. A Brit detachment is helping the local police man a checkpoint a few hundred meters away. And on the other side of the map over a Km away, a recon squadron of Jackals is making its way back to the base. However, a large force of Taliban has infiltrated surrounding buildings and what appears to be a massive Taliban attack is about to take place. It must be massive cos the Brits have two companies plus a lot of their assorted Automatic Grenade Throwers plus 12.5mm and 7.62mm MG's all mounted on the ubiquitous WMIK's. The Javelins make an appearance here with no less than 6 full teams (that can be divided into 12x2-man teams)! There are also many dismounted vehicles packed with ammo (including more Javelins) parked all over the base. If that wasn't enuff, their are fixed wing and rotor aircraft on call, plus 2 batteries of 105mm and two of 81mm + lots of FO's and air controllers. Am not a big fan of defensive missions as the AI is usually weak on the attack. However, have seen some designers have managed to make decent AI attacks work without resorting to mass medieval/early east front Soviet style assaults. So, either the Taliban get massacred or this could be a "Custer's Last Stand" situation... As it is presumably a surprise attack, I will not make any adjustments to the designer set-up (even tho' it is possible). One can immediately see that one big challenge will be figuring out how to resupply the Brit units from the numerous vehicles. Most do not have drivers. So, will have to either run small teams to the vehicles to drive em where needed, or combat teams will have to run to the vehicles to ACQUIRE. We will see if Taliban arty appears and if that either destroys vehicles, or makes it lethal for troops to reach them. It will also be interesting to see if it's possible to hold the police checkpoint or if it's necessary/possible to withdraw to the main base. The recon squadron is yet another aspect that may be fun. Am assuming they will get ambushed along the way back to base. Need to catch up on some R&R now before the big attack...
  12. *************** SPOILERS ******************** This game ended abruptly with 1 hour 30 minutes left on the clock, after only one hour of play time. The Taliban surrendered but I still only got a DRAW(!). Don't understand the result as all was going well. Maybe the player is expected to be even more careful and lose zero Brits??? (Either that or the Victory Conditions need to be adjusted.) I had cleared all but two of the walled villages and found it easy to clear the buildings. The Brit night vision seemed to give them the jump every time, and it was rare that any Taliban got a shot off. I did lose about 8 men clearing the buildings however. I did not encounter any of the threatened IED's. I guess the triggermen got shot too quickly. I lost a total of 11 KIA and WIA, the worst loss being one of the recon Jackals and its 3-man crew that got too close and got tagged by an RPG. Just impatience and carelessness on my part. The Taliban lost about 100 - they only had about 40 left alive vs approx. 340 Brits plus all their vehicles. While it is always fun to have the Brit Scimitars, the Jackals and the various "Landrover" variants - some with Grenade Throwers and some with MG's etc - these vehicles were not that useful. The Brit inf was very effective at spotting and killing the Taliban by themselves. I used the vehicles to seal off the blocks at the road junctions per block clearing SOP. But there never was any enemy counter-attack or attempt at movement. While the vehicles did kill a few Taliban on roofs, they had no real mission. The Taliban employed a simple static defense that required a simple SOP to overcome. At least a DRAW gets one to the next Mission 7...
  13. There are a large number of uniform mods available. You'll need to search the BG Repository or CMMODS: http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/
  14. "...the option to use your whole force (at risk of your whole unit being spotted) or peel off a small portion to eliminate the enemy thus ensuring the enemy does not have full intel of your main body." That's brilliant. I did not recall that victory condition playing your campaign(s). But then I forget what I was doing this am. I wish other designers would use some of these innovative features available in CM2. I love the sneaking around doing recon concept as the usual "kill everything/take the objectives" can get a bit repetitive.
  15. "BTW snipers are excellent spotters - you don't have to get within firing range - the fact they have scopes and binos is their key strength I think." Yes, I forgot to mention that. "if the enemy spot a marked unit they get points..." Thanks for mentioning that. After playing CM2 since it first came out, I did not know that the game features this!! Amazing. (However, am not aware of any scenarios or campaign missions where the object is merely to observe and spot as opposed to kill.)
  16. One has to click on that "Get Out!" pic to get a decent size. But, looks great.
  17. I agree with that sentiment in certain circumstances - usually re people. But, otherwise I like the somewhat more inspirational "Shoot for the stars and you may hit the Moon". I like to think it's inspirational. (As opposed to a deep space starship slamming accidentally into the moon.)
  18. That is completely understandable. All us fans here do is throw out comments and suggestions with the full knowledge that most may not be implementable for the reasons stated. However, the hope is that with CM3...
  19. All very good points. Re: "I tend to play armoured based missions more..." Me too. I much prefer that or combined arms to infantry-centric missions. I agree with George if you have to cross 500 meters or more of open land. But, while that is more common in CMSF, the European titles rarely provide LOS over that distance unless the map is very large - which is rare in CM2. if one is faced with more terrain to traverse than can be traveled by an inf unit in the time allowed, Ideally, one wants to use recon vehicles/transports to "as safely as possible using any available cover" to FAST transit an open area to reach the next (hopefully protected) cover. At that point the best thing (usually) is to dismount the recon unit and have them recon on foot. Unbuttoned and turret down may be good. However, are we certain that turret down/unbuttoned gives better LOS than a standing or kneeling inf unit(?) The main point is that needlessly exposing a vehicle just to see what is out there is usually wasteful. (I hate losing a vehicle merely to draw AT fire.)
  20. Generally in all CM2 titles, whether WW2 or modern, it seems a good idea to send out several 2-man teams along your potential avenues of advance. The question I puzzle over is whether to divide off all one's scouts from one platoon. (ie: Every squad in that platoon is now down two men, while all other platoons remain at full strength.) Or, divide off one scout team from each of the company's platoons (assuming you have a company +). The next puzzle is whether to send the remainder of each "scout-divided" squad about 50m-100m behind its two man scout team in order to support it (and also maybe to spot what is shooting at the scouts who are usually suppressed quickly). Or whether the two man team is on its own, and good luck to it. It is probably advisable however, to send the scout teams in twos - so if one team is KIA, the "buddy" team may see what killed it. It doesn't work 100% of the time, however, my experience is that the ideal tactic in all CM2 games is to use the inf to spot enemy AT assets, which are then killed by one's arty or airpower. Only then does one commit one's armor.
  21. You think that targeting is easier in open terrain vs built up areas? Or, is there an actual difference in the computer effects calculations between the two games?
  22. It's a rare scenario where it doesn't pay to send inf scouts ahead of one's armor to locate enemy AT assets. It's SOP to locate and kill enemy AT b4 exposing your tanks. Clever designers of course try and make that SOP very hard to carry out.
  23. "I tend to get impatient especially towards the end of a mission and that's when I lose stuff due to carelessness." Yup... that is the biggest problem for me 2. One starts to suffer mental "combat mission fatigue" after a couple of hours.
  24. Yes, an outdated Vin's animated text mod is usually the culprit.
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