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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. What is puzzling is why the Kurds believe anything we've told them or promised them... Next time they may as well throw in their lot with the next ISIS-type insurgency. They certainly got nothing from the west/allies.
  2. I think all Veins' mods can be found at CMMODSiii http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/
  3. It still seems to be in development - I couldn't d/l it. More of a cardboard wargame quality rather the than 3D CM offers. But looks very interesting as I really miss not having a N Africa CM2 game family. My theory is that is partly why CMSF has such a following. It's great to have wide open spaces, and lots of sun.
  4. One has to keep em at max distance. At least 300m, preferably 500m+. Move SLOW (ie crawl) the last few meters to the vantage point you want them to spot from. Many have asked that CM2 eventually feature an "Ambush" feature for snipers and AT teams in which they would wait, spot, shoot and after shooting immediately displace to another location/waypoint chosen by the player.
  5. Looking forward to trying this. Thank you...
  6. A great feature in CM1 was enabling a campaign designer to specify Battalion, Regimental and Divisional Reserves. If the player was doing poorly, levels of reserve reinforcements would be (IIRC) automatically released. When a loss might cause the campaign to end and force the player the replay the mission, this reinforcement feature enabled the player the complete the mission but at a cost of Victory Points. There is nothing worse that having to replay a mission since the surprise elements are often no longer there. Wondered if there is any chance this feature might reappear in future CM2 iterations. Perhaps give the player the option of calling for reinforcements at the cost of points (or a reduced level of victory at the end of the campaign)..
  7. Re the relative lack of content for the newer games, am happy that we are starting to be able to buy from BF professionally/well-made made scenarios and especially campaigns which are clearly a HUGE amount of work to develop.
  8. Just a quick thank you to Vein for all the amazing mods you've done. My games seem packed with them.
  9. Very useful series of videos esp for newbies. Comments: 1) Shoulda given the first 3 man team a facing order to the right (away from the street) - IIRC that would prevent the one guy going out into the street and getting KIA. 2) Smoke grenades do not land at the "end of the line" - as was later proved in the video. You can throw in a direction - altho' even that can be vague. Also, inf smoke takes effect within a minute, not several minutes, so ya gotta be ready to move. 3) You can put your own unit waypoints inside any building in order to see what an inf unit sees from that building (and any desired floor). It is not obvious. In the above example it is quite possible that the view from the (possibly enemy occupied) side building is actually obstructed.
  10. "You know what would be cool? Voice commands! " This is no joke. I deliberately have avoided getting a smartphone until I can just tell it what I want it to do and the phone's AI is good enuff to read between the lines and understand what I want. Then I will marry it. Seriously tho' my wife is a senior executive with a smartphone, and she barely knows how to use it. She discourages anyone calling her on it (including me). It must be an age thing. You have to have been born with the dam thing in your cradle or have a 14 year old kid teach you how to use the new tech. Subtext: Still hate Win 10. Barely use my very expensive Win 10 game machine. Don't understand why we have to spend weeks/months learning a new OS when Win 7 does everything I want. All you 14 year olds here (and there seem to be plenty) please let us know your reasoning.
  11. Am gobsmacked by that. What is the point of the mine-clearing tanks if they don't create a safe path? U sure about that??
  12. That would be similar to having medics and an evacuation routine. It would certainly be a whole new experience. Would it be playable? The game is already complex.
  13. "Let's think about the issue this way: Think about the set of RL tactics, and separately about the set of moves that are possible in the game. I'm saying we should look at the intersection of these two sets, i.e. RL tactics that are workable moves in game and vice versa. It speaks to the high RL fidelity of the game that players can 'discover' moves in it that are RL tactics." I agree with you. My point is that the AI has some capabilities that give it a "gamey" advantage. So, it shouldn't put people off using tactics that could be described as "gamey" eg: examining the LOS from every waypoint so you can determine ahead of time and more accurately than in RL where to have your unit(s) end up for best LOS. We have been given certain capabilities in the game. Voluntary hobbling of oneself is on a continuum eg do you play IRON or ELITE etc.
  14. One of issues that slow down the play of an already complex game like CM2 is that some actions require a lot of clicks and mouse movement. eg: The arduous ACQUIRE process if you are trying to resupply a company plus of inf, and the number of clicks it takes if you want to alter the COVERED ARCS of a company or more of turreted vehicles every time they move thru several waypoints and you want each turret to face a different direction. Imo, the game itself is great (or at least good enuff). Hopefully, future enhancements will address making actions more efficient and speeding up the process.
  15. We've talked about this B4. I miss the 8Km x 4Km maps of CM1. Those maps were frequently featured in the scenarios and campaigns that many of us enjoyed esp the last Band Of Brothers "Birthday Bash" Tournaments which ran for maybe ten years. Plus that size could be handled by average computers. One really had to worry about mobility on those maps, and transport and vehicular recon were important (plus a Regiment + on each side!). While CM2 can feature 4Km x 4Km how many scenarios are available on that size map? How many of us have super-computers that can RUN that scenario with (say) a mere Battalion on each side? I am not trying to beat a dead horse here. I simply responding to the issue of how to use Recon vehicles and why they (and transports) are generally not that useful in CM2 and are usually brought way too close to the front line in CM2 than would be the normal case in RL.
  16. "What about the proper way to use recce vehicles? I try to issue a "search then break contact once enemy sighted" routine by using Hunt + Reverse, but the poor thing just stops and lets itself get blown to bits!" Yes, this has always been a puzzle in CM2. In CM1 one could play on much larger maps where mobility recon and transport were very important. In the vast majority of CM2 battles the maps are smaller and it's arguable that there is little role for vehicular recon or transport vehicles - except in an "unexpected" meeting engagement or being ambushed. In many cases the best use of a recon vehicle is to dismount the crew and use em on foot recon. In the game there is overwhelming temptation to use recon vehicles as support weapons alongside regular troops - and that is probably what the designer intends. But, is that what would happen regularly in RL? Far better to use programming resources to address the "inf shoot and scoot" idea as mentioned by Xorg for snipers, AT and ambush teams.
  17. OT: Eric: I just realized I bin to Groningen. Pleasant University town and xnt Italian restaurant in town.
  18. I like this style of AAR as it explains the thinking behind what you are trying to do. It's informative/educational as your audience can gauge if they agree with your decisions. Thanks...
  19. "...doesn't give licence to advocate gamey moves." agreed. But to play a game well one has to how how to fight the game system as nothing is 100% realistic. eg: As humans we do not have the capability to spot a one pixel wide LOS thru trees to kill an enemy... However, we need to be aware that the computer AI can do that. Another eg: What we humans see as a very clear LOS to a target may not enable us to actually fire at the target in the game - happens a lot in urban settings.
  20. 'The ultimate use-case would be to have a tank hunter team discharge their weapon, then get the hell away from the target's LOS." +1 Would be very useful as it is v hard to gauge infantry timing with PAUSE. Also would be good in an inf ambush (vs inf or vehicles): eg: HIDE, AMBUSH and x seconds after TARGET FIRE move FAST away to waypoint.
  21. Have always wondered about the best use for MG's esp HMG's. Unless one has the appropriate long range (1000m+) they can usually be suppressed and/or killed quickly. I read somewhere on these forums that a good tactic (at least in the game) is to push them forward (rather than keeping em in the rear for support) and use them to cut an enemy's line of retreat. And yes, re the armor example above and others, one needs to make clear whether we are talking about tactics that effective in the game, as opposed to in RL. Game tactics is what these forums are primarily about (or should be imo).
  22. Thrilling news - esp to us CMSF fans. Very happy that the xnt CMSF scenarios and campaigns will still work (hope I read that correctly). Any idea if the CMSF1 mods will still work?
  23. Oh dear... Someone needs their nappy changed. PS: You really need to know what you are talking about b4 you start labeling people who voice opinions you don't like: https://www.dailyworth.com/posts/3462-signs-you-re-being-passive-aggressive
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