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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. When your mods are ready this is the best place to upload em to: http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/
  2. Are your reskins on CMMODS? (What date posted?) Can't recall if I have em (but keen to compare with Olek's recently posted uniforms for UKR forces).
  3. I don't think "toys" are the issue. There are design choices re what the player has to accomplish that could be looked at. Taking a small scenario concept and "blowing" it up to 10 times the size with 10 almost identical objectives and 10 times the number of units, doesn't make it 10 times the fun... usually the opposite. And this is just my take. Of course you should look at what other players are saying about this campaign and take all comments "under advisement".
  4. Ok, will give it another shot. I remember that it was a good and fun scenario when I played it.
  5. Firstly, if my AAR's are not useful to other players and/or the designer, I don't need to do em. They are simply personal comments and suggestions re what works in the game and what does not. Hope they are useful is all. No reason to give in to the irresistible need to critique honest player feedback. If the feedback is not wanted, plz let me know and I won't do any more. For what it's worth, Mission 5 is a very good design. I was only sorry that that mission ended prematurely - maybe due to me blowing up too many buildings. (I didn't think I blew up that many, so maybe the victory conditions need to be looked at.)
  6. In that case, did you change the set-up, George? If so, it would be fun to play again.
  7. "The issue I had with the massive Mission 4 was not the large size and masses of Brit and US troops, but the fact that the objectives were repetitive. One has to capture 6 or 7+ small towns. The tactic is exactly the same for each and gets a bit boring. There are few "surprises". I would say that this mission could have been much better had there been a series of different types of objectives, rather than the same one over and over again. This is intended as feedback for the designer and helpful info for anyone interested in actually PLAYING the campaign (as opposed to forum post wanking).
  8. By the way, SS... Are you going to complete your campaign and the standalone CMSF missions, or will you wait for CMSF2 b4 continuing?
  9. When I playtested it was possible to bunch up the armor and move as a mob - the tanks seems to be able to spot enemy quickly and suffer few casualties. IIRC I finished quite early and won easily. I suspect the designer beefed up the defenses.
  10. Mission 6 features the Brits and their fun light vehicles again - along with some light armor (Scimitars etc.) It's a night mission to search/secure a bunch of buildings in the town of Sangin - again, one has to preserve the buildings so will have to be more careful about that.
  11. Am pressing on to complete this campaign as am excited that CMSF2 is on its way. Don't want to have to replay old incomplete campaigns or missions with CMSF2. Mission 5 is a winner. A force of US paras and ANA have to assault a long thin hill village flanked on both sides by hills. ********** SPOILERS *********** The strategy (or is it tactic) is simple. Divide the force into 3. Force 1 goes over the RHS hills to flank the village and take out any defenses located on those hills. Force 2 does the same on the LHS hills. Force 3 waits until the flanking hills are secure and then under cover of smoke assaults straight up the valley and enters the village at the closest end. Once inside the village it's a simple MOUT operation to clear the buildings with the flanking forces on the RHS and LHS hills providing supporting fire, so there is nowhere for the Taliban to hide. One has a lot of arty and air power - too much to use imo, since the biggest challenge is preserving the village buildings. In my game, the flank troops had eliminated the Taliban threats from the hills and the assault force had entered the first buildings under smoke. However, I had used airpower to hit a few buildings that were occupied by the enemy and with 48 minutes to go, the Ai automatically ended the game as a DRAW(!) I thought that I had lost few men, but maybe it was still too many, and/or I had damaged too many buildings. There isn't much else to do with all the arty and airpower and most of the supporting HE was unused at the end. Not sure what one can do with all that support firepower except hit buildings. So, be warned. In this otherwise xnt mission it really does matter that you do not damage or destroy the buildings!
  12. Was getting burned out on Mission 4 so decided to CF and get a small victory so I could move on to Mission 5. The issue I had with the massive Mission 4 was not the large size and masses of Brit and US troops, but the fact that the objectives were repetitive. One has to capture 6 or 7+ small towns. The tactic is exactly the same for each and gets a bit boring. There are few "surprises". I started to amuse myself by going off on non-mission critical adventures like trying to clear out drainage ditches and trenches with my excess troops. That was a big mistake, and I lost more than a platoon just on these non-essential "adventures". A frustration of CMSF which this mission exemplifies is the relative ineffectiveness of artillery in CMSF. I would accurately bombard a trench 3 or 4 times and still there were surviving enemy able and willing to fight. I may go back and complete Mission 4 after the campaign is done, as am a bit anal about completing things. For now, on to Mission 5.
  13. Not to mention the upgraded prostateur i7 5960x oc @4.5ghz with low output.
  14. I recall CM1 had major LOS degradation in "Heavy Fog" - a few meters. So, would probably be the same in "Blizzard" or "Heavy Snowfall" (or whatever the choice was called. Played an Ardennes scenario where one's troops were constantly walking obliviously right into foxholes that were enemy occupied.
  15. here it is: https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&q=BLONDE+MOD&spell=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwif3t7OkpjXAhUhDMAKHe2KCJEQvwUIOSgA&biw=1100&bih=960&dpr=1#imgrc=Bw5xy2n-sYmvsM:&spf=1509359617459
  16. Would have thought that once anything moves it would be spotted fast regardless of camo or lack thereof. The intent is to stay hidden while stationary. PS: What is really good about Olek's inf camo uniform mod(s) is that the troops really do blend in to the BG and are harder to spot in the game (by the human eye I mean).
  17. The Kurds really deserve a break and I hope they get it finally. (With all the Catalonia excitement maybe the time is ripe for some new state-making.) PS: Have noticed that within a year or two of my visits to various countries, they all seem to have big issues. Eg, Bin to Egypt, Turkey, Spain, Jordan and a few others with problems... Am wondering if I can request a fee from countries to NOT visit them.
  18. Excellent. Really excited about this and also that we'll be able to use all the existing CMSF content!
  19. Glad you are ok and back here, Mord. Your mods are some of the best.
  20. Nice effort. Any chance of getting some weathering done so it doesn't look like it's fresh from factory?
  21. Of course the biz model makes sense - for new products. My hope is that since we already have all the CMSF content that we'll have the option of buying the entire CMSF2 bundle in one go at whatever price BF sets ($100+ etc.). If one is already playing or wants to play a CMSF campaign that requires the modules, it would be a pain to have to wait a year or more for all the CMSF2 modules to be released.
  22. "...wonder if they're planning in matching vehicles in each release identically, i.e no US Army trucks until the British Module and no Syrian Truck or Shilka until the NATO module." It would still be worth the $ to buy the modules. However, it would be great to get everything in one bundle and pay one price - $100+ or whatever. It's getting old the way games have been dribbled out bit by bit so one is bored/apathetic by the time the 3rd module is released.
  23. Am curious as well re v4 as I just found the one for v3.
  24. Yes, highly recommend Op BARRAS - esp with the Africa mods. I still need to play the 2nd King Copper Mines scenario with the mods.
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