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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Wargame players are known to be smarter than yer average person.
  2. I could see playing RT more if there was the opportunity to pause and replay - so that one could see action all over the map. It is also intriguing to have the ability to select turn length. So, if one was in a tricky situation (eg MOUT) where one may have to react faster, a WEGO turn could be (say) ten seconds). Since most play vs the AI that would work. Again something to consider for CM3. PS: Another feature that would be wonderful to have in CM3: A command allowing AT and sniper teams the ability to displace to another waypoint immediately AFTER they fire and give away their position.
  3. Is that the CM2 Imperial STARWARS Trooper mod?
  4. Movement tends to become FAST whether you order MOVE or QUICK (unless suppressed). Perhaps the question should be what would YOU do in the circumstances? That is generally what I ask myself to attempt to make things as realistic as I can. (Not what YOU would do, but what I would do. Maybe I should also consider what YOU would do. But, I don't know you very well. Hmmm... something to think about...)
  5. Probably cos I learned originally on CM1 which was able to feature maps up to 8Km x4Km I have always preferred huge maps/scenarios. The additional advantage is that mobility can become a vital aspect of the game. (ie; Halftrack and trucks can be used the way they should be - not sent close to the front lines etc.) On a huge map there also becomes a genuine reason for vehicular recon. On a small map you may as well not have any recon or light vehicles, or dismount em all.
  6. You mean they used the bazookas as hammers? Maybe water pipes?
  7. "I also rendered the "realistic" explosion (render 2) at 1024 pixels. Looks pretty good." So we should use this higher res version rather than the one you prepped for d/l yesterday?
  8. +1 In addition to scalable UI, have also longed for a revamped ACQUIRE routine that allows units to swap weapons and ammo with adjacent units (with limitations of course); the ability of being able to order the AI to move a main weapons a few inches so it can attain LOS and shoot at what the 3rd loader can see and shoot at; one mouse click ability to set 180 degree arcs (as in CM1) etc etc. It's the UI that really needs TLC so that players can waste less time on figuring out how to do certain things using the game interface (eg making multiple mouse clicks when one could do), and spend that time on the more fun decisions re tactics & strategy.
  9. Is that something that could be envisaged for CM3? That plus a bunch of other features like a new ACQUIRE system; scalable UI; the ability for the AI to be ordered to move a main weapon a few inches so that it can attain LOS and shoot at what the "3rd loader" can see and shoot at etc. would be a very worthy aim.
  10. "Imagine the game picking randomly from several explosion animations.. A b c d etc." That would also be great if there was randomness. There are several other good explosion mods. You sure about that?
  11. I like em both as well. You can't beat the spectacular... Presumably they will work in any game including CMSF(?).
  12. I understand what you are saying. My concern is that (I find) that most scenarios start to feel very similar across all the game families (esp WW2). Of course, the terrain changes a bit, there are new or different units etc. But the gameplay experience is virtually identical. The current state of the game is good. The graphics are perfectly fine for this genre of game. The UI is the biggest problem that dates the game... and that won't change apparently until there is a significantly updated engine.
  13. Hehe... I think 90% of the rows on this board are due to one person talking about the game, and another talking about RL. It should be SOP when posting to first indicate whether one is talking about RL effects or game effects.
  14. The PIAT is triggered by a blank cartridge. If am correct it's not completely silent and smokeless. http://modernfirearms.net/en/grenade-launchers/united-kingdom-grenade-launchers/piat-eng/ "...the launching charge (made in the form of a special blank cartridge) is loaded into the closed front of the tail tube at the factory." Also interesting: "After first shot, spigot is recocked automatically due to the recoil blast." So, no standing up to load it in middle of battle as sometimes thought.
  15. "...they are not as prone to losing crew to small arms fire as ordinary SPW are." Ah.... You mean in the game. (I couldn't see why they would have any more defensive capability than a regular halftrack in RL.)
  16. I love your graphical images. I was only going by comments I read on this board some time ago that normal arty HE explosions do not have the red/yellow flash which is associated with fuel or Hwd- type explosions. I really do not know enuff about that. So, am perfectly happy to take your word on this.
  17. "...position what we've picked for our sniper team is perfect." The problem is that when one checks LOS from a position, you can never be sure which soldier has the good LOS. Similar issue with MG or gun teams. The 3rd loader may have wonderful LOS, but the main weapon won't fire cos the gunner does not have LOS - and unfortunately, the CM2 engine doesn't automatically shift the main weapon to get good LOS. Actually, the AI's ability to automatically move the main weapons to get good LOS to a desired target would be a good item to add to the wish list for CM3.
  18. "...don't like the fact that two or three men will stay outside of the building their squad has been ordered to move into." To play well, one really should break squads down to teams - that mitigates the problem.
  19. If you have a small monitor, 1024x768 is ok. It becomes an irritation when one upgrades to larger monitors. While many of us are impatient to see the early years of WW2 depicted, with the pace of development as it is, am beginning to think that going to CM3 asap may be a good idea (as opposed to waiting another 5+(?) years for early WW2 by which time CM2 may have become as outdated as CM1).
  20. The 75mm gun tracks are as vulnerable as any halftrack. My SOP is the same - use em at the max range I can get and preferably very keyholed. The most fun imo is figuring a role for the 75mm inf gun that has to be towed into position and deployed.
  21. Is that a different graphic from regular HE explosions? I was thinking that "regular" HE blast is just a black cloud. AT explosions are obviously different.
  22. ************ SPOILERS ************* First couple of turns (WEGO - ELITE) As somewhat expected the Taliban assault starts with an arty barrage - killing a couple WMIK's and some inf that were on roofs. A couple FO's are the worst loss. Brits attempt to use Javelins to fire back at observed Taliban on roofs. But giving the Jav teams 45 sec pauses doesn't seem to be enuff time to fire, and they run down to the next floor to join the cowering inf. At the police roadblock, a recoilless opens up at the end of the road and KO's a WMIK and then a 2nd one. I didn't realize the 2nd one could only move very slow as its wheels were severely damaged. Would have been best to have the crew bail out with the vehicle's weapon. The Taliban are in nearby buildings and also shot a few cops and Brits. The surviving vehicles get out of LOS of the recoilless and are retreating towards the main base while firing at the Taliban. At present, it is unclear if the Brits and cops should attempt to withdraw to the main base or tough it out. The returning recon patrol are unharmed by an ambush a couple hundred meters down their road. They are massing fire on the ambush trench. Hopefully an FO at the main base can get LOS and call down an airstrike, or HE - depending on which is faster.
  23. Hi George. Could you provide a list of your scenarios and campaigns. I worry that I get your work confused with other designers - (like Dragonwynn).
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