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Vanir Ausf B

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Everything posted by Vanir Ausf B

  1. You did more than just remove the river. You gave it a sex change
  2. The rate of fire for most vehicle-mounted machine guns was boosted in 4.0.
  3. Graviteam has 3 times the number of programmers BFC does. Just sayin' I actually think CM has fairly good graphics for it's genre, good enough I still put the camera down to level 1 to watch my PBEM turns like a movie. Vein's effects mod helps a lot It's performance does not scale with computing power, which is the source of much criticism. The flip side of that coin is that it runs reasonably well on very old hardware.
  4. I have not tested it, but from casual observation I believe it does affect how much a vehicle's speed is reduced when off-road compared to it's on-road speed.
  5. Load times might be shortened significantly but framerate improvemen's would be marginal.
  6. In the CM1 games it's the other way around and people complained about that too. I think CM2 gets it right, although as always the value of armor is relative to what's shooting at it and I suspect that Sherman 75s and T-34/76s are much less common in QBs than they were in reality.
  7. Oops. I forgot the tall walls functionality didn't make it in.
  8. There is a 3rd party utility available at CMODS that will unpack campaigns into individual scenarios. I'm on my phone right now and don't remember the name of it but I have used it and works great
  9. US squads got their breach kits back. Laser designators used by US FOs now have thermal optics. That's all I can think of.
  10. Just a guess, but looks like your Dropbox folder needs to be here: Instead of here:
  11. Interesting that most people seem OK with arty strikes on the attacker's setup zone, just as long as it's not on the first turn. I usually disallow it for the first 30 minutes, probably because I typically play large or huge scenarios and QBs in which the attacker could have a couple of battalions stuffed into that zone. They're not all leaving in the first 5 minutes.
  12. I'm not near my computer to check but the BS manual details types of AA the various drones are vulnerable to
  13. The Zala is the smallest and least capable. It has no laser designator for PGMs and no thermal camera. The other two Russian UAVs have both. It also has a smaller observation area. EDIT: Did some testing and didn't see much difference in spotting at night so maybe the Zala does have a thermal camera.
  14. I did some testing on this. M8 armored cars against spotted MG42 team in independent commercial building at ~80 meters. I did not give the M8s any targeting orders, just let them do their own thing. n=50 The M8 chose canister first on 3 out of 50 iterations. On most of the other 47 it favored HE but occasionally would even use the coax machine gun first. The canister was much less effective than HE but did cause a couple of KIA. This seems to be in-line with the expected random variation in munition usage typically seen from the AI in CM games.
  15. In Red Thunder split Soviet squads suffer an extra moral penalty. Despite that I usually spit them anyways.
  16. The Zala is the only Russian drone the US can't touch in-game, so that's the only one I ban in my QBs. Stingers can hit the other two. The MQ-1C Grey Eagle is also invulnerable so long as it remains in observe mode.
  17. I don't know, but my assumption is that there is no difference. BTW, someone did a test years ago and according to him Hiding made no difference in CMx1 either.
  18. In Black Sea direct artillery hits on vehicles are probably most often PGMs. The Russian Krasnopol is more precise than US Excalibur (as of patch v1.04).
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