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Vanir Ausf B

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Everything posted by Vanir Ausf B

  1. Any differences in dispersion are likely random variation. Gunners in CM shift their point of aim slightly between shots but the shifts are random, not directed at any particular area.
  2. The Mac versions of the CM2 games are 64-bit. Maximum map size is 16 square kilometers, IIRC you can make it 4x4 or 1x16 or whatever you want as long as it has 4 sides. I would not recommend attempting to play on a map that large unless it's a featureless desert.
  3. Sounds like fun, but I would be leary of attempting a game of that scale unless both players are on Macs. CM is much better at memory management than it used to be, but the PC version is still a 32 bit executable. On my rather low end laptop I can get up to around 3 to 4 battalions total on a roughly 10 Sq km map with mostly rural terrain.
  4. Let's say the EU invades the UK under the pretext of protecting the repressed Scots. Steve, under what conditions do you think Russia would NOT intervene?
  5. My own opinion is that there is no scenario in which NATO would choose to engage directly with Russia in Ukraine. It's not legally obligated to do so and none of the major NATO powers have national interests at stake that would justify direct conflict with a nuclear armed near-peer adversary.
  6. The return of Kursk or wherever in Russia only has negotiating value if Russia has reason to think they may not otherwise get it back. If Russia calls the bluff what does NATO do with Kursk? Keep it? What to do with the million or so Russians NATO is now legally responsible for? Shoot them? Grant them Ukrainian citizenship? I'm sure the Ukrainians would love that
  7. For pointy-nosed uncapped AP. Ballistic capped, blunt-nosed AP will penetrate the glacis out to at least 1500, and that is the ammo IS-2s are given in Red Thunder (in reality there was a lot of uncapped AP still in use during the Bagration time frame but the CM2 engine does not allow different AP types within the same vehicle model so the Soviets catch a break).
  8. If pixeltruppen were more spread out they would presumably un-nerf HE so the net effect might be a wash.
  9. According to the author that was because the publisher limited his page count, and would not let him change the title.
  10. Yes, I did actually report it. No, I do not know why it was not fixed nor if there is any intention of fixing it in a future patch. Only a uniformed BFC employee could answer those questions.
  11. No, the incoming fire does not have to be from the 12 o'clock position because the trees are thicker than paper and the men, while fairly close, are not occupying the exact same space, so simple geometry says the tree will provide cover across an arc roughly centered on the 12 o'clock position. Yes, the arc is of finite proportions but it's still better than laying out in the open.
  12. I don't think it does, assuming the tree is between your men and whatever is shooting at them. In fact, I will purposely try to get my men to bunch up behind trees by giving them Face or Covered Arc commands in the direction of hostile contacts.
  13. Yes, the bunching up in those pics is to maximize the tree cover. I don't have a problem with that. That does bring up another factor: map design. The editor gives the option of placing one, two or three trees in an action spot, but in practice most map designers only use single trees in order to minimize framerate issues. Unfortunately, this need to balance tree density with computer performance means less cover.
  14. Higher causalities in CM are mostly because CM tends to under-model the ability of infantry to find cover when under fire and spotting infantry is too easy compared to reality. The first problem is being worked on, the second is hard to fix because the AI is presently incapable of area fire and will never be great at it. In my opinion infantry spacing in CM is not wildly unrealistic. It is true that there is no collision detection on the models so they can occasionally merge together, but I doubt this has a very significant impact on results. In reality, spacing is mostly a function of terrain and lines of sight as well as the need to maintain communication.
  15. The color conventions change from game to game for some reason (in CMFB it's light green/dark green), but different colors actually denote ammo that is acquirable or not acquirable.
  16. As noted earlier, from the perspective of the host nations this is all about the percieved security commitment that a physical US presence represents. The missiles themselves are worthless. They are incapable of intercepting ICBMs and are too far away from any launch point to be ideally positioned to intercept SRBMs. Even in controlled tests their success rate has been spotty.
  17. I have Soviet test data on the M18 rates of fire with and without targeting adjustments (I'm on my phone at the moment so no numbers), and the differences are substantial, so at least in theory Shifts position is on solid ground. I'm not as certain about it's applicability to actual combat. For example, in the famous Panther vs Pershing video the time between shots for the Pershing is over 10 seconds, this despite the situation conforming to the parameters discussed in this thread. Of course that is also a sample size of one, but it does show the difficulty of accurately quantifying something as relatively simple as rate of fire.
  18. I really don't. Trenches convey a small concealment bonus on AT guns while foxholes do not, but that may be because the gun itself does not fit in a foxhole and have nothing to do with the positioning of individual crew members.
  19. I went back and re-ran my old tests and confirmed that trenches do confer some type of concealment bonus. I tested Pak 40 at 800m (hiding). Without trenches they can be spotted, although it can take a long time in some cases so this is probably near their max spot distance. In trenches I have yet to see any spotted.
  20. I can't reproduce that. I just tested Flak 38s in trenches at 1060m. The gun and the trench were spotted at the same moment in 20 out of 20 instances.
  21. I did some AT gun spotting tests a couple years ago and if memory serves trenches conferred a small but noticable concealment bonus on AT guns. I do not recall the trenches being spotted before the gun. Foxholes appeared to have no effect.
  22. Strict Rarity setting T-90AM with Arena rarity cost with Regular experience: 1806 pts T-90AM with Arena rarity cost with Elite experience: 2343 pts Keep in mind, however, that if a unit's rarity rating is "standard" it will never cost any rarity points.
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