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Vanir Ausf B

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Everything posted by Vanir Ausf B

  1. How many and of what type of drones did he have? What were the weather conditions?
  2. Would be interesting to know how they are opened and closed on various tanks. For example, on the T-72B3 the blast shield over the gunner's thermal sight is held in place by 4 screws that must be removed manually.
  3. The Thread at the Blitz says December Scenario of the Month. When will the games begin?
  4. Bil Hardenberger posted a grid mod for CMFB a while back. A search should find it.
  5. Apache M789 HEDP 30mm x 113mm projectile weight: 236g muzzle velocity: 805 m/s burst charge: 21.5 grams Stryker Mk 238 HEI-T 30mm x 173mm projectile weight: 362g muzzle velocity: 1080 m/s burst charge: 56 grams
  6. IIRC, the DENIED message specifically means you are trying to use an HQ unit to call in an artillery or air asset that requires an FO. Artillery assets that require an FO are label "FO required" in the purchase menu.
  7. Contact markers are irrelevant to line of sight. A unit can go straight from unspotted to spotted without a contact marker first. But they do give a bonus to spotting checks.
  8. That is true but the opposite is not true. If LOS can be traced from center to center of the action spot you are not guaranteed LOS to the entire spot. The game keeps a map in memory of what action spots are allowed LOS checks to each other. For units occupying spots for which LOS checks are allowed, fine-grained LOS calculations are made based on the exact positioning of each pair of eyeballs within the action spot. That is when you get LOS to some parts of an action spot but not the whole square.
  9. So foxholes don't block LOS because they are "buildings" but walls do because they are also "buildings? Hmph, you mortals...
  10. Could you post a link to those "debunkings"? Odd that I have yet to see one.
  11. Should've went with TheFISTER. We don't need to understand, we just need to be entertained.
  12. Action spots are 64 metersĀ². Would you want LOS all or nothing within that area?
  13. As noted, the Priest is there except in June, which is probably a mistake that I will report. IIRC the M8 HMC is presently not to be found anywhere in the QB unit editor but that will change in the near future. It will be in the Light Tank Battalion but not in the Cavalry Squadrons.
  14. The Panther's tactical mobility was in most respects superior to the T-34's.
  15. Yes. In the vehicle UI look for a stat called Off-Road, That is a rough measure of how prone to bogging it is.
  16. One number I came up with is that there have been 5 US military aviation crashes in the last 6 months. Meaning that any attempt to extrapolate broad conclusions about maintenance or training from one incident is probably a waste of time. OTOH, Indian air force planes crash with such alarming frequency it's a wonder they have any left.
  17. FWIW, according the Russian air force average annual flight hours for tactical aviation rose from 25 in 2006 to 80 in 2010, the last year I could find a number for.
  18. I have done some limited testing that strongly suggests Elite troops are no more bullet resistant than Regulars in CM.
  19. In your cowboy scenario, yes, but I suspect not in typical gameplay. Just my opinion.
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