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Vanir Ausf B

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Everything posted by Vanir Ausf B

  1. None of this is in dispute. Not sure what you're sighing about Do note however that about 250 of those roughly 400 tanks i mentioned are in the Polish Army. While it would be possible to deploy some portion of those to the Baltics they are not part of the European rapid reaction forces and at least the bulk of them would be retained to guard Poland's border with Russia. The number of NATO tanks in the Baltics themselves is less than 100, or will be when the British battalion arrives in the spring.
  2. Yep. But the vast majority of those large number of really good tanks are weeks or month away. Geography gives Russia a huge logistical advantage initially but that advantage is time limited to an extent, which is why the outcome from a military standpoint depends in large part on the particular scenario rather than an inventory comparison.
  3. Not that this has much to do with the question of T-90M in Black Sea, but it does bring to mind a couple of thoughts. The first is that 400 is roughly the number of modern NATO tanks in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Poland combined. The second is that if WW2 taught us anything it's that the technical characteristics of tanks are largely irrelevant to the outcome of wars. In fact, it's probably better to have a larger number of technically mediocre tanks than a small number of really good tanks.
  4. Do this when when your opponent has sent you a turn and it is waiting in the Dropbox folder: For the games that are not transferring files try deleting or moving all the game files for those game out of the Incoming Email and Outgoing Email folders, or whatever the Mac equivalents are. Then go to Game → Add Game menu to tell CM Helper where this game is - point it at the game file in the Dropbox folder and tell CM Helper what game type it is. If you have already done this then disregard.
  5. I think the v2 can fire M829A4. What it can't do is utilize the AMP round because it lacks the ammunition data link and updated fire control system.
  6. As pointed out, the Abrams in the game is pretty much a SEPv3. The only functionality a true SEPv3 would add is better spotting (!) and better mine protection.
  7. Perhaps I did not explain clearly. My point isn't that T-72s normally can't explode, but that the T-72s in those test videos are rigged to ensure a catastrophic explosion.
  8. Regarding the TOW and Javelin test videos, keep in mind those tanks are packed with explosives.
  9. US TDs were very successful in their intended role, but the near-destruction of the Panzerwaffe in the summer of '44 left them largely irrelevant at just the time they arrived in large numbers. The evolution of the main battle tank relegated the TD to its present niche.
  10. Not really. They are both anti-tank guns on a mobile platform with an emphasis on mobility and firepower over armor protection. While they were indeed intended for different purposes in actuality US WW2 TDs were rarely used doctrinally and were essentially infantry support weapons much of the time. But if you'd prefer a more doctrinally similar platform you needn't look far. The M1134 Anti-Tank Guided Missile Vehicle (aka TOW Stryker) is a dedicated anti-tank vehicle.
  11. My willingness to look at it has not waned. Go ahead.
  12. These days the Army calls it a "mobile gun system". I liked "tank destroyer" better.
  13. They were not a failure. In fact they were quite successful at what they were designed to do. TDs are still used to this day although they are usually not referred to as tank destroyers anymore.
  14. Keep in mind they are assumed to be doing a little more than taking a peek. They are exposing themselves enough to fire a weapon.
  15. There is a cover bonus but don't expect them to survive a massive fusillade.
  16. That would be pointless and probably counter productive. The TacAI prioritizes heavy weapons which are usually the preferred choice over the guy with a Garand.
  17. Weird looking smoke is normal in games that were started in engine 3. It clears up after a few turns. There is an updated version of Veins mod compatible with engine 4:
  18. In my experience they aren't. Spotting ranges 30 minutes prior to sunrise are several hundred meters. But as Wicky pointed out, those sorts of things very occasionally happen in broad daylight because of spotting cycles. It's not necessarily related to darkness. Also, when you refer to dawn/dusk settings do you mean scenarios or QBs? Priorto the last patch the time of day settings in the QB option screen were messed up in Final Blitzkrieg (e.g. "dusk" games were starting 90 minutes after sunset).
  19. It's not pitch dark in the game either. In fact spotting distances 30 minutes before sunrise in good weather are typically several times full darkness.
  20. There is a common misconception that in CM the distance at which enemy units can be spotted is also the maximum distance anything can be seen. In fact the former is usually a small fraction of the latter. The blue target line shows how far can be seen well enough to area fire. On a clear night this can be hundreds of meters while spotting distance may be a few dozen meters.
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