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Vanir Ausf B

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Everything posted by Vanir Ausf B

  1. I would have to go back and look at my old tests, but IIRC the performance increases are linear not exponential.
  2. Actually, I take that back. It's been a few years but I have in fact chosen a mostly Green force in several QBs (PBEM). I did it because I was on the defense and needed more troops to cover the ground.
  3. I do. Not the whole force, just a few units here and there. Why? Because they are cheap
  4. Well, yeah. If a typical CM scenario were just two soldiers. Snipers are one of the few units I make Veteran
  5. The performance difference is about 10 percent in the tasks in which experience makes a difference, not 20. And there are only certain tasks it mades a difference with. You also have to weigh having fewer men to lose and less ammunition to burn so the QB prices seem about right to me.
  6. I mostly buy Regulars in my QBs. They all bleed the same.
  7. I only know of one flat roof building in CMBN. It's a 3-story structure in the Other buildings section of the editor. Mortars can deploy on it just fine in a fresh test scenario I made. That means one of two things 1) There is at least one other flat roof building I don't know of, or 2) The was a bug that got fixed but it was "baked" into scenarios that had already been made.
  8. If you can't it's something specific to that building or maybe even that scenario. I have deployed and fired 60mm mortars from flat roofs in Final Blitzkrieg.
  9. Make sure your game says v1.04 on the title screen and ask your PBEM partner to do the same. The patch had an issue where if it was installed to a location other than the default it would appear to have installed properly but actually didn't. https://www.dropbox.com/s/6xgajfm8d9k8wfs/Oplot commander blues.btt?dl=0 That is the test scenario I created to test this bug. I cannot get the Oplot commander stuck rotating since the patch. Play around with it and if you can tell me how.
  10. I would not give up hope, but this is the sort of change what would more likely be made for a module release. The QB price of TRPs was increased in the 1.04 patch alongside mines because their price had been copied over from the WW2 games while the total QB points available was much higher in Black Sea than in the WW2 games, making them relatively much cheaper.
  11. I am not in the inner circle, but I am in a circle that surrounds the inner circle, which i suppose makes us a halo of sorts. In any event, the missing TOW team is a bug. I will raise the issue with the actual inner circle. I don't have the game in front of me at the moment but the other issue you raised sounds like working as intended.
  12. That behavior was supposed to have been toned down a bit in the 1.04 patch but I have not tested it to see. If I had my druthers it would be eliminated completely but I don't have my druthers.
  13. Anything that triggers the LWR is worthless IMO so I favor the AT-13.
  14. A typically Russian battle plan: flatten the city with artillery. I like it. The downside is you don't have enough infantry, IMO.
  15. On dry or very dry ground conditions dust kicked up by cannon fire will temporarily block LOS.
  16. Also, line of sight for heavy weapons teams is checked from the perspective of the gunner.
  17. Like this: Like I said, it's not a bad idea, although if implemented I suspect players would mostly use turns shorter than 1 minute instead of longer. I like that idea, although I suspect that any time you completely disallow area fire you are going to run into issues and people are going to hate it. Alternatively, area fire onto a position where no friendly unit has spotted an enemy unit or has an ? enemy marker is allowed same as it presently, but if any friendly unit does have a ? enemy marker on that position then friendly units without that marker that area fire on that position may randomly target an adjacent action spot instead of unerringly targeting the correct action spot. Something like that.
  18. Variable turn length is a good idea, although I feel that turns longer than 1 minute would require an SOP system rather than just a new command or two. I personally am sympathetic to some sort of restriction or nerfing of area fire since lot of CM tactics revolve around abusing it, but this suggestion has been made many times and it is not popular so I doubt it will happen. The problem is that it eliminates recon by fire.
  19. I don't know much about the subject, but apparently the use of western-made devices does not necessarily mean they are not using GLONASS. You probably have a device in your pocket right now that uses GLONASS.
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