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Everything posted by Vergeltungswaffe

  1. I may be completely wrong, but from a quick glance, I don't think it works that way. Also, a lot of 44/45 stuff is missing on their unit list.
  2. Isn't that the UAV-50? "Sorry Fritz, got some naked animals in here we don't want you to see..."
  3. Keep the fins. Paint that beast black and give it Batmobile trim.
  4. Yeah, was scrutinizing the skin and got a real laugh out of the bling. I'll bet he is one wild and crazy guy...(for those old enough to remember that)
  5. The immersion factor just went up by an order of magnitude. MikeyD, will your wonders never cease? Hopefully not...
  6. All we need is for GAJ to update McMMM to include SF. Problem solved.
  7. The main difference is dust, from vehicles and explosions, which is an amazing immersion factor that I wish BB had. There are a few other tweaks, but if you like BB and have any interest in all the theaters that AK can simulate, then you should certainly get it. It will be quite some time before CMx2 revisits WWII.
  8. Well then, we're already good to go for Russians 41-43. "I'm hit" "Stay on target" "But I..." "Stay on target" "Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!" Future upgrades will take care of everyone else.
  9. After you click Scenario Editor to design a battle, click the Parameters button and complete all of that, then click OK. In the upper right hand portion of that second screen, you will see the number of Large and/or Small flags you would like to have available to place. Hope that does it for you.
  10. Eye pop's because a weapon that will likely be in service in the 2020's is replacing the standard 5" deck gun and is roughly the same size, thus not impossible to imagine something along those lines being vehicle-mounted. Not talking about battleship sized weapons. German tankers getting hit by the 7.5MJ's of a 122mm round, as you referenced earlier, were often killed or incapacitated even without projectile penetration. So....getting hit by 32MJ's or more, even in the near future's most heavily armored vehicles would suck for the occupants. [ February 01, 2008, 12:08 PM: Message edited by: Vergeltungswaffe ]
  11. Agreed, and you make my point about armor better than I did. Metallurgy is not going to be able to decellerate something with that kind of energy (the US Navy is currently working on emrg's with 32MJ's and 64MJ's :eek: ). If something like shield technology becomes available, you'd want to mount it on the smallest, lightest, fastest vehicle you could mount effective weaponry on, to maximize mobility and ease of concealment, etc. [ February 01, 2008, 12:07 PM: Message edited by: Vergeltungswaffe ]
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