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Everything posted by Vergeltungswaffe

  1. Its bugged at the moment. Fix inc, hopefully.
  2. You can't transfer squad to squad, but you can have a squad board another IFV other than their own that still has missiles and acquire those.
  3. ND, its a common post in a thread that is going to be locked. And snakeboy, you gonna have to get your pathfinding and self-preservation routines fixed for my mom, or sister, if I had one.
  4. We never said it was butter, we just said we couldn't believe it wasn't.
  5. Not exactly the case. If you hold down left click and move the mouse, you can fly all over the map. Keep your left hand on Q and E to pivot at any time. I am actually starting to get used to the new camera. Can't say that I love it yet, but who knows, later on.
  6. We sure appreciate whatever you do. Hope the work will be minimal.
  7. Sorry, Dale, I don't have anything left from SFB or Orion Pirates. Been too long.
  8. Maybe people would be happy if they could have the option at the end of the real turn to click Show Replay or No Replay.
  9. From something he posted fairly recently, SFB.
  10. True statements, but still can't get over the irony of someone involved in coding Star Fleet Battles being irritated about bugs and problems..
  11. Yes, even on extreme, you still get a little too much info, too fast, imo.
  12. Agreed. It works well with the exception you stated. I don't want to know its an HQ unless I've had quite a while, at a reasonable range, to keep it under observation to see the extra radio antennas, etc, that give it away.
  13. And, if you time it right, you can order your dismounts to go to the vehicle and embark, while giving the IFV a pause command, then a movement order and the infantry will board, then the vehicle will drive off.
  14. Therein lies the problem. Figuring a point cost that won't be endlessly debated. Is a double post from a cesspooler worth several from the rest of us, or only a fraction? Martin says no way are they going to take that monkey on their backs, so I guess we'll just have to live with SF double posts as is.
  15. Last night, in a town, they drove through each other and all over the damn place. Plenty of donuts, too.
  16. FWIW, Bradleys and Abrams do it just as much as Strykers in what I've seen so far.
  17. Awww. Props to you for making them, Jag. I don't want to run any of them until BFC does some patching, which they do pretty quickly, historically, but I bet they rock.
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