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Everything posted by Vergeltungswaffe

  1. In this case, mobile would mean that something like an electromagnetic projectile accelerator and its power supply would be able to be mounted on a vehicle. Admittedly, this is probably quite far off, which is why I agree that armor will be useful for the foreseeable future. A weapon of this type, would fire a dirt cheap 20-30mm projectile at velocities of 5000 to 10000 m/sec. There is no armor that will protect against that. Thus, assuming that becomes possible somewhere down the road, it will be the end of seriously armored vehicles.
  2. If hyper velocity kinetic energy weapons ever become mobile, then armor will mean nothing. Tanks will be around until that happens. If it ever does...
  3. As a clarification, CM is a tactical wargame, not a large scale strategic one with tactical battles, like TW. You will command anything from a platoon to a reinforced battalion, but typically nothing larger than that. The scope of what CMBB covers means it will have replayability that will literally entertain you for years. Far longer than any other game I have ever played, and that covers roughly 35 years of gaming.
  4. Badly needed in CMAK. The nicest ones previously didn't match anything else out there. Great job, as always.
  5. There are a number of accounts that early war Soviet tank formations fell completely apart as soon as they came under fire because closed hatches, smoke and confusion made their peacetime, flag-given command structure worthless.
  6. GAJ, Could you take a look here and see if you have any ideas?
  7. You're welcome. If you do have any more complicated questions, make your post @GreenAsJade or put McMMM in the title (McMMM's creator) and he will usually respond fairly quickly. MikeyD, greatest of all modders, always has his mods in a folder inside the zip, as an example. But that may have something to do with the fact that he makes them on a Mac, I don't know.
  8. I hate to be the one to tackle this, but I love McMMM and use it constantly, so I don't want to see someone else have a problem with it. First of all, have you used McMMM with other mods successfully? If so, then it is just a problem with that particular mod (perhaps a corrupt zip, etc). If you haven't used McMMM successfully, then maybe it would be beneficial to review this. One thing to always check is that you aren't dropping a zip file that has file folders inside it into your Mods folder. The mod zip should only have the bmp's inside it (screenshot pics and/or readme's are fine). If you double click the zip file and you are looking at a folder instead of the bmp's, then McMMM won't be able to use it. Drag the bmp's onto the desktop, highlight them, right click and send to a zip file. Then name it whatever you like and use that. Anyway, that's a start.
  9. Can't wait to see those. Always have to play some Bulge action around Christmas.
  10. You might also want to specify any particular year that you are interested in as the KV-1 that dominates in 1941 is toast in 1944.
  11. All the Christmas goodies are quite delicious, David. Thanks for the great surprises.
  12. If you want to play against the AI, make sure its on the defense, and play by Franko's True Combat rules. It will actually be challenging in most scenarios.
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