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Everything posted by Vergeltungswaffe

  1. Si32, I emailed you two sets of MG 42 wavs. Maybe one of them will fit the bill for you.
  2. Great job on the recreation PeterLorre86. Agreed, Kip. I'm still glad the modern setting was first to get the kinks ironed out. It'll be quite a while still, but I am salivating at the thought of WWII in the new engine.
  3. All your stuff is highly useful. Without you, winter in Russia would suck. :cool:
  4. Go to CMMODS and search BB using sound as a keyword and several should come up. At least 2 or 3 of those should have an MG 42 sound in them. Been too long, I don't recall which of the MG 42 sound mods I liked best and have used since.
  5. Xavier, I can't find a d/l link on that page. What should I be looking for?
  6. This is what I don't understand, because its not that way in CMx1. If one AFV runs into another, it only "penetrates" the model a bit, then either changes its movement, or if the other vehicle is dead, pushes it out of the way. In CMx2, it all seems to be matador collision detection. Ole' and right through you go.
  7. The nail has been struck firmly on the head PoE. CMSF's launch makes an interesting compare and contrast with CAW, considering the many excellent points you've made over at Matrix.
  8. CMC Beta Forum is still active, so maybe if we make with the positive waves...
  9. Unequivocally, no. You just lie to 'em on the briefing for an ambush to happen. Give them the original goal that the force that got ambushed had, ie, advance to here and secure *random objective*, except something funny happened on the way to the forum.
  10. Road House... "...be nice until it't time to not be nice."
  11. Mainly #2. Being able to fire at optimal range, from concealment on the enemy's flank, makes even the KT quite vulnerable.
  12. Chuck Norris. I'd like to watch him roundkick an entire armored battalion. Plus, as a bonus, he wouldn't give a damn about pathfinding or self-preservation routines. He wouldn't need either.
  13. Thats a nice list for the first patch, especially in such a short time frame.
  14. Had no idea BO outsold BB. Would have imagined that BB would have been number 1 with AK selling more than BO, too.
  15. This is the key, imho. Don't move unless you feel confident you won't be under fire. Try to only move cover to cover withing the turn (WEGO). Even if its just the other half of the squad, doing assault movement, don't go anywhere without as much overwatch as you can muster. Don't reveal your position by firing unless you feel confident you're going to supress or kill the target, or are about to be overrun. Put arty/air support on anything you can. My .02 to minimize casualties.
  16. Welcome back. Your scenarios were always outstanding. Been mostly PBEM for years, but I did play a homegrown campaign similiar to Robert Oleson's Quick Campaign (ROQC) using Franko's True Combat rules so the AI would be a reasonable challenge, and it was the best single player ever in BB. Played a couple of QB's in SF with FTC rules and its been a real hoot.
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