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Everything posted by Vergeltungswaffe

  1. With humps..with humps...with lovely lady lumps One more "hell yeah" on big maps, too.
  2. Hot damn, I didn't think we'd get 'em this quick. You are the man.
  3. Its just amazing that the people posting almost daily on the CMC beta forum, can't post one single thing here.
  4. Clearly, indeed. Unless, of course, its not. Regardless, no matter where you go, there you are.
  5. Damn, on one of your scenarios? Must have been a complete idiot.
  6. Sharpshooter's are hard to spot even in the open. Shooting from 220m in scattered trees, they'll never even get a sniff of him.
  7. The 60mm thickness is correct, but it is highly sloped (neighborhood of 60 degrees) plus the rounded gun mantlet, as well.
  8. Wow. She makes awesome maps and apparently emails hot pics of herself, as well. What a woman! :cool:
  9. FWIW, big is beautiful, Mark. Hope the 1200x1200+ will work out.
  10. Nonetheless, it is worth repeating that it is the opinion of many of us that have been playing around with QBG Pack 1 that you should delete the QB maps that came with the game and play the hell out of these 41 that work beautifully. Awesome work Ma'am and Sir. Feel free to take a week or so to produce another 41 really large maps.
  11. Very much appreciated, gentlemen. The CM community adds so much to these games.
  12. The hardest thing to understand is that the beta forum has almost daily activity, so CMC is being discussed. It would certainly be nice to hear anything, say, once a month, even if it's "nothing new to report".
  13. I suspect it would be difficult to limit any particular troops to certain experience levels. It is up to the scenario designer to purchase them as Conscript or Green, at less than full strength, and weakened or unfit, depending on the circumstances, thus simulating historical performance expectations.
  14. Correct. You can delete units to make smaller platoons that the defaults, but you can't add to platoons.
  15. I think near division sized would take a basement full of Crays to run.
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