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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. And there I was thinking that the crop circles were deliberate as an indication of how much research BFC did into German weaponry with proof that they must have had alien assistance in designs such as V2 rockets, giant aircraft able to bomb the USA etc, etc. Regards KR
  2. It would be more than a tad ironic that fire is introduced with the Bulge module considering it is set in the dead of winter when the likelihood of fire spreading is diminished to the greatest extent. Part of the fun of the original CMx1 games was taking the risk of stationing troops in a wheatfield when explosions could set off a fire and cause then to run out. Same situation with buildings on fire which could suddenly flare up and require all troops to evacuate, often into the teeth of an opponents defences. It appears such occurences will be sadly missed in the current Combat Mission game set in the summer & autumn months. Regards KR
  3. Careful Michael. A man of your age with that dodgy ticker needs to keep their pulse under strict control! Regards KR
  4. I was kinda hoping the programming parameters that were set at the design stage of the engine would have allowed for this event seeing as explosions involve fire and can lead to spreading fires while flamethrowers were a reasonably common form of weapon in WWII. Much more common that (say) a Puma. I also reckon I understand the difficulty in modelling fire when using such a literal 'real life physics' game engine. How do you determine what damage fire will cause to a halftrack, a light tank, a medium tank, a heavy tank? There are no penetration tables to refer to or analyses of what effect a sheet of flame would have on various types of armour of varying thicknesses. So what do they do? It's the trouble with designing such a literal game engine when it has to try and deal with something that's hard to measure, whereas design for effect engines can conversely, deal with such a predicament without too much trouble. Regards KR
  5. I can only hope and pray that's the case. Combat Mission without any flamethrowers, Wasps or Crocs is a bit of a crock IMO. Regards KR
  6. Individual soldiers within the squad having different weapons like a 30cal. semi auto vs a Garand? The above items you mention can be changed in the scenario editor but let's face it, many people play this game using Quickbattles a lot of the time and none of these can be fiddled with. You always get your Sherman with exactly the same number of HE, AP & smoke rounds with no exception. Overall, it feels much more regimented when chosing forces for a Quickbattle compared with the surprise one received when choosing forces in a CMx1 Quickbattle and finding out you've been short changed with a Green squad but partly compensated for that when your HMG is a veteran. It's nice to have some variability outside of ones control (i.e. chaos) in a Quickbattle rather than everything exactly the same, as it is at the moment. Regards KR
  7. I think this link is worth repeating... http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/ground/recoilless.htm From the article at the Global Security.org website it makes the following statement in very plain terms... There's also this very specific information on the Panzerfaust30 Klein from the following linked site... http://trizna.ru/galerea/albums/userpics/Panzerfaust_30_klein.pdf Admittedly it not about the most common model Panzerfaust modelled in CMBN but from a common sense point of view it's hard to see how such a weapon could cause such massive damage when fired from within a structure to result in a no exceptions ban from doing so within the game. Regards KR
  8. Exactly, otherwise what's the point of constructing bunkers if pissy little light mortars can take then out more reliably than any other form of artillery? In reality it would have been a complete waste of time constructing them if this was in any way a realistic outcome. Regards KR
  9. ...BUMP... because I believe it deserves some BFC love. Regards KR
  10. Did it survive or were its spines not tough enough to withstand the tank treads? Did the tank experience any track damage as a result? Enquiring minds want to know! Regards KR
  11. It seems pretty clear to me that the evidence suggests that Panzerfausts (and possibly Panzerschrecks) should be able to be fired from inside a decent sized building but with the possibility that the firing unit and any other infantry on the same level in the building becomes supressed or even suffer a casualty. Not dissimilar to how it was done in CMx1. Regards KR
  12. Nice use of different shaped unit icons specific to their role. Can I ask where you found such a mod and what it's called? Regards KR
  13. stikkypixie wrote: Bingo! There's the crux of the argument distilled down right there. Regards KR
  14. Please point out where it has been discussed and confirmed that there's a feature that allows you to know whether moving a squad currently in command by sight or voice to its HQ will still be in command if it moves to another point further away. From my understanding there is no way to know this except by trial and error, where the distance the squad can be away from its HQ depends on the terrain that the units are in at the time and possibly the experience level of the HQ? Regards KR
  15. It's simply staggering that the mindset in the 60's was to build so many atomic weapons that should the balloon go up then the amount of destrction and fallout from the cataclysm would pretty much guarantee the wiping out of the human race (as well as most other living animals). Simply crazy, crazy stuff. I suppose in the minds of generals, the 'winner' would be the side that has the most people live past the initial blast only to realise that they're slowly going to die of radiation poisoning anyway. The scene from Dr Stangelove set in the US War Room comes to mind for a great depiction of the bizarre mindset. Regards KR
  16. I just thought you wanted your list to be all encompassing no matter what the politics. What is the name of the Chinese equivalent? Come to think of it, are the NZ special forces known as the All Bluffs? Regards Jim R.
  17. Map o' Tassie... if you don't mind, in keeping with the original Aussie theme of the wording. Regards KR
  18. I'll get in before anyone else does. Which grass mod are you using? Regards KR
  19. An example from my perspective where a scenario has the scoring all wrong is Barkmann's Corner. I read an AAR at Band of Brothers where the German player managed to knock out 7 or 8 Shermans plus cause some infantry casualties but then had to withdraw the Panther as it suffered a gun hit. At the end of the battle the Panther was still intact albeit without an operating gun yet the Allies won a Total Victory of 100:0. That's where it get's pretty ridiculous in my eyes. The Allies are down 7 to 8 Shermans plus infantry casualties yet these losses are not reflected one iota in the end score. The Germans still have their Panther and Barkmann intact (withdrawn to the rear due to the damage) so it wasn't exactly a total catastrophe for them yet apparently the end result was a complete flogging for the German side. I mean... WTF? Regards KR
  20. I thought it should be Steve's job is dead, in which case the current CEO of Apple will need to change his job title. Regards KR
  21. I'm wondering when Sarah Williams, that Rugby World Cup reporter god, does a piece that reads something like.... And the fact that it wasn’t just the Kiwis and the Irish, but the English, the Samoans, the Italians, the Scots and pretty much every other nation at the tournament celebrating the victory says more about the world’s feelings toward the French rugby team than anything else. Oh wait.... Regards KR
  22. I see you like taking risks with your tips. Regards KR
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