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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. +100... to the suggestion that Mixed should be brough back to aid in somewhat sensible, computer picked QB's. Regards KR
  2. I would recommend that shots from Monty Python & The Holy Grail when the knights faced the killer bunny would be appropriate for depicting the various soldier states, commencing with calmness through to sheer terror! Regards KR
  3. O.K., I understand BFC's general reasons regarding US rocket artillery now that you've explained them. Question...Why doesn't the same argument apply to German Nebelwerfer rocket artillery? They are costed within the game at what seems 'normal' prices. The discrepancy doesn't make any sense. Regards KR
  4. Fair enough about not having the time for seperate animations. Wouldn't an easier solution however be, to have the particular model transport depicted with a steering wheel that is on a longer steering column so that it pretty much reaches the hands of the driver in his usual seated position? O.K., it may not truly reflect how long the steering column was on this model but who would know that, compared with looking at a driver grabbing thin air, which is something very obvious. Regards KR
  5. Did anybody else notice on screenshot no. 29 that the driver's hands for the new German tranport models are grabbing thin air and a fair way away from the steering wheel as depicted? Just looks pretty dumb, that's all. Regards KR
  6. Is that the Spanish que or the English cue? Regards KR
  7. Speaking of statistics and the Vietnam War, the one statistic that has always blown me away with regard to that war was when I read somewhere that in one year of the Vietnam War when the saturation bombing campaign was at its peak, more tonnage of bombs were dropped on that relatively tiny portion of land known as North Vietnam than was dropped by the USAF during the entire Second World War. Simply mind blowing. Regards KR
  8. What happened to Zimmer Frame? Does that term not get a run these days? Regards KR
  9. I tell you what... that guy in the photo wearing the tropical hat really needs to get out in the sun more! Regards KR
  10. Nice screen shots. Hopefully BFC will be able to ensure the German helmet is fixed before release to depict the lip of the helmet correctly, as they did with the initial release of CMBN. There is one tank that the Fiat tankette looks positively ferocious when lined up against it (and probably the only one)... the Bob Semple! Regards KR
  11. Hi John. I beg to differ. This is a quote from the Wikipedia webpage on the Breda 30 LMG. Although distinctive in appearance, the Breda 30 was widely viewed as a poorly designed weapon. It had a slow rate of fire (although this increased accuracy), low magazine capacity, used the underpowered and unreliable 6.5×52mm cartridge and was highly prone to jamming. The vital oiling system quickly picked up dust and debris, making the weapon unreliable in combat conditions. You can get to the page by clicking on your Wikipedia reference and then clicking on the linked page from that article on the Fiat-Revelli HMG. It appears that the common problem with the Italian MG design was the requirement for oiled cartridges, plus their closed bolt design that didn't allow the barrel to cool enough under prolonged firing. Basically, if you could possibly make all the wrong moves in an MG design it appears the Italians (before WWII) managed to achieve this undesireable goal with the above 2 model MG's. Regards KR
  12. Speaking of MG's, I'd like to see the engine allow for them to jam with different jam rates depending on the model. e.g. Breda MG's with a relatively high rate and Vickers MG's with a comparably low rate and the MG42 somewhere in between. Regards KR
  13. I look forward to seeing the Breda MG's as well, hopefully with an enhanced game engine that actually allows for MG's to jam as happened in real life... especially the Italian ones! Regards KR
  14. I would respectfully suggest that the Australian designed Owen gun beats then all in terms of practicality in all conditions. With its top feed magazine allowing gravity to assist the spring and ensure the rounds enter the magazine efficiently rather than relying solely on a spring that can lose its tension, it was exceptionally reliable, rugged and able to be fired from the prone postion. The story goes that the weapon was tested for its ruggedness by burying it in the ground for 3 months, subsequently dug out and the trigger pulled whereupon it fired the full 30 round magazine without a hitch. The Australian troops who used them swore by them and they were still being used in the Vietnam War in the close confines of the jungle where they were very much in their element. Regards KR
  15. Australians are generally far more intelligent! Regards KR
  16. Jeez those Germans were devilishly clever weren't they? To even think to place armour on their parachutes so the men can't easily be shot down while descending. Amazing! Regards KR
  17. Yeah... not bad. Mind you, I reckon in Michael Emry's eyes this guy is a veritable whippersnapper seeing as he has recollections going back to the Boer War from what I'm told. Regards KR
  18. Pretty much. It was more a case of when the spotting round didn't fall at all in the first place then the artillery fire was guaranteed to be off target. I suppose it could be argued that the spotting round wasn't seen to fall due to it landing somewhere off the battlefield that one had access to but that couldn't be the case in CMx1 as the ammo. count never reduced from the rounds available to the spotter, in the case of no spotting round seen to fall anywhere on the battlefield. Regards KR
  19. Nope... the context of Moon's statement about some new development being announced (or released) was that it specifically didn't relate to CM:Touch but DID relate to the CMx2 series. Regards KR
  20. I would if I could. Unfortunately the time when I could post such an edit has long since passed. Regards KR
  21. It's been over 2 and a half months since the initial announcement from Moon to expect something exciting over the CM franchise that doesn't involve CM:Touch. Are we supposed to enjoy being treated like mushrooms? Even the next patch would be better than nothing and also appears to be well overdue. Regards KR
  22. Yep and former Australian cricket captain 'Punter' Ponting probably fits all 3 descriptions! Regards KR
  23. Look on the bright side. At least stun grenades didn't first come through the windows followed closely by the men in balaclavas. Regards KR
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