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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. Well, you're not the only one confused. According to akd's very descriptive post with the clear cut diagram, the PIAT bomb has a thick green band (where the '808' is written) with a much thinner yellow band above and below it. What the hell does that signify? Regards KR
  2. Make sure you wear your Down with Putin T-Shirt as you enetr the St Petersburg airport. That always goes down well with the local authorities. Regards KR
  3. For me it was the old Jedko classic (latter re-released under the Avalon Hill banner) of The Russian Campaign. Quite innovative at the time with its second impulse movement for mototrised and Panzer units. Also, although not your classic board wargame it is still a brilliant design of tactical warfare, Avalon Hill's Up Front! Currently, I very much enjoy the Combat Commander series as well which, I'm pretty sure, borrowed some ideas from Up Front!. It's also hard to go past the WWI strategic game of Paths of Glory with its use of cards to inject a lot of unpredictability into the game. Regards KR
  4. I don't suppose there is anything like an Aris terrain mod that includes subdued grid lines, is there? That would be perfect! Regards KR
  5. Nice lateral thinking. The only trouble is, as soon as I see any rubble with intact walls within them I'll blast the area with HE from my tanks to ensure there's no infantry within them. The beauty of allowing Panzerfaust armed infantry the ability to fire from buildings (as I contend should be the case), is that the enemy never knows which building, if any, there might be AT equipped infantry lurking within. Your clevel modelling of modified rubble simply waves the red flag... over here!... over here! It simply shouldn't be necessary. Regards KR
  6. Damn... you beat me to it. So, after all these years... Brian was right!!! Regards KR
  7. Hmmmm, a 205 word sentence. Probably close to the Guiness Book of Records! Regards KR
  8. The trouble is there's a flaw with your concept. If the amushing AFV is not a tank but something like a Stug or Marder then the spot its moving from that is completely out of LOS would more than likely be off to the side of the road. In the process of moving into the ambush position on the road it's exposing its side armour and providing a bigger target plus there's also the problem of the delay in being able to swivel in place in order to bring its gun to bear on the intended target. I really don't like the odds in that situation where the target is very likely to spot its stalker first and we all know the likely outcome when a unit gets the first shot off in that situation. Regards KR
  9. Yes, I obviously wasn't the only one wondering what he had against 1.20? Regards KR
  10. Sorry can't help you on that specific question. My guess would be that they would still cop the morale hit as it seems logical to me that they would. If you're creating a scenario with split teams, one way to counter the morale hit is to ensure that an HQ with a morale bonus is part of the platoon that has split squads. Regards KR
  11. You had it correct Erwin. If you recombine an unbroken A team with a previously routed or broken B team the previously broken status would disappear. Mind you, the opposite was the case if the A team was the previously broken one so that recominbing with a perfectly good B team would cause the whole squad to be considered shaken from then on. Regards KR
  12. I'm looking at the various craters and to my untrained eye the dispersion appears to be about 50% more tightly grouped for the American mortar vs the German one. That's how I see it anyway. Regards KR
  13. The battle sounded like so much fun too. :/ Regards KR
  14. Truth be known, I too am very interested in why there's such a discrepancy between the apparent accuracy of American 81mm mortar fire compared with German 81mm mortar fire. Just to ensure a potential variable is removed from the 2 posted dispersion patters, was the extent of the wind definitely set to the same level in both examples? Regards KR
  15. Nah... I would have thought more like Argentina in 1949. Regards KR
  16. I have it on good authority that Michael still plays CIVILISATION I on his Commodore 64! Regards KR
  17. Yep, having done some further investigation it does look like it's supposed to be a Marder I judging by the chassis but the supersturcture looks far too massive compared with the chassis size. If you look at pictures of a Marder I at Wiki for example, the superstructure is nowhere near as tall as despicted in the screen shot. Regards KR
  18. As a matter of interest, what is that AFV in the first screenshot of post #54? Is it some kind of bodgied up Marder on a French chassis? Regards KR
  19. Glad I managed to place my preorder last night then! Regards KR
  20. Well, Attenborough would have been 18 in 1944 so it's not outside the realms of possibility! Regards KR
  21. Well, I have to say that the Lynx looks downright sexy! The only screen shot I was surpirsed not to see was one of the Jagdpanther. Please tell me it's definitely going to be in for this release. I would hate to see it go the same way as the Fallschirmjaeger for this module. Regards KR
  22. Back on to the point of the original discussion. Is it just me who thinks that a light mortar of 60mm calibre is able to take out 50 or 57 enemy troops and not think that something might just be wrong with this type of result? That's more than 1 casualty per mortar round fired! Regards KR
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