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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. Just reopening this thread due to some information that's come to hand regarding overpressure when firing a recoilless weapon inside a structure. Refer here... http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/ground/recoilless.htm A snippet from the link We see the article clearly states that even weapons such as the Dragon, which is by order of magnitudes a much more powerful wepaon than a Panzerfaust 60, can be fired from within a building with the main problem being potential damage to eardrums. To me, it seems the old CMx1 way of simulating these weapons was not so far off the mark (but excluding bazooka's and panzerschreks this time). However, if fired from within a building there's a chance that the firer will be supressed with that chance being much more likely depending on the experience level of the unit doing the firing. Regards KR
  2. Considering MonwarH's post in this thread was almost 2 years ago I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you! Regards KR
  3. What... all the kerfuffle to fly the tape to NZ in their state of the art 1950's RNZAF jet just so that the 3 people in Kiwiland who had televisions at the time could view the moon landing? Amazing! Regards KR
  4. Hmmm... Yamato sounds very interesting. Thanks for the tip John. Regards KR
  5. Brilliant post BD6. The crux of the matter, as you said, is that all people have rights and deciding that a certain group conveniently termed illegal combatants don't have the same human rights as others is a blight against the so called bastion of democracy known as the USA. Regards KR
  6. Die Brucke.. an absolute classic anti war film with a tangible sense of realism to it. Interesting that this 1950's German made film showed a Panzerfaust being fired from within a building, albeit with detrimental effects to the civilian standing behind it! However, the firer was unharmed and seemingly unaffected by the blast within a confined space. Regards KR
  7. Hi Ted. I'm afraid that's just the way it is and you'd need to discuss the rationale behind that decision with the likes of Steve, Moon or Charles at BFC. If you want a rough and ready estimate of scoring for an operation, at the We Band of Brothers website we use the following to determine the level of victory. Draw- 50/50 Minor Victory- 60/40 Tactical Victory- 70/30 Major Victory- 80/20 Total Victory- 90/10 Hope it helps. Regards KR
  8. According to the Wikipaedia article that JonS linked to, this was what they had to say on Jagdpanthers in Normandy. Regards KR
  9. Which can't be used in an AA role by all accounts. Regards KR
  10. They can also navigate their way through black holes at the speed of light (Red Dwarf fans know what I mean). Mind you... they really prefer to simply make bready products toasty! Regards KR
  11. Ahhh... those were the days. Charging around in Cromwell CS tanks with their 95mm howitzers ripping into Panthers and the like with their big assed heat rounds. Fun times. Fun times indeed! Regards KR
  12. I just realised that the spelling to the title of this thread must be wrong. It should be "Nucular". If it's good enough for George Dubya it must be good enough for the rest of the population. Regards KR
  13. Add a "t" in front of that descriptive word and I reckon you're on the right track. Regards KR
  14. Very interesting diagrams. I'm wondering however why the vertical round hatch area on the upper hull of the PzIV is not considered a vulnerable spot like similar areas on the Sherman? Regards KR
  15. The Empire Air Training Scheme was the very scheme that my old man learnt to fly under in 1941 when based in WA to start out flying basic trainers then up to Wirraways or perhaps Brewster Buffalo's (I've forgotten which one). He then wound up in an RAAF night fighter squadron (456) and ended up flying the superb Mosquito's. As an interesting aside, the kangaroo styled roundel design currently used by all RAAF aircraft nowadays was originally designed by a pilot in this squadron during the war. I'm not sure whether they ever flew with the design on their planes during WWII but it certainly took off after that. Regards KR
  16. Helmet grog! What next? Boot gaiter grog? Regards KR
  17. I've just purchased a Win7 machine myself and I've noticed that when playing either CMBB or CMAK that you get 2 or 3 smallish rectangles appear at just above the skyline level (at view level 3) with, what appears to be a condensed version of the entire map jammed in there. Is this the AMD bug people have been experiencing? If so, is there no other way to fix it other then having to install the DRM protected v1.04 patch? I simply hate DRM's, especially when I have a game that doesn't need it at all with an earlier operating system. Regards KR
  18. So, how long will it be do you think for the game to evovle to the point where the action spots and grid will be on a 5 metre square basis? Perhaps by the time your Eastern Front version of CMx2 is ready? Regards KR
  19. OK, I've done the research now and see what you mean. Interesting. Regards KR
  20. Looks like he's been working out as well judging by the size of his shoulders and biceps! Regards KR
  21. Great news! BFC appear to be ticking off the CMx1 comparison boxes slowly but surely. Regards KR
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