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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. Interesting use of the phrase- "Jedburgh teams". Is this in reference to Edge of Darkness? (the British TV series- not the crappy Yank remake into a film). Regards KR
  2. Packito, I was wondering if you could give us a brief precise of the format of the upcoming tournament? For CMBB will it be Quickbattles where you purchase your own forces, a map where you purchase forces to suit the environment, or pre-made scenario's? Also, how many rounds and battles would there be in order to determine a winner? Regards KR
  3. What.... in a voice similar to that hot blonde chick? Regards KR
  4. I didn't realise the Picts managed to get as far as Nomandy! Regards KR
  5. I believe referral is to the common Soviet 76.2mm round fired by the ubiquitous 'crash booms' that proliferated the battlefield on the Russian front. I gathered from the post that the Germans tested the skirts against these 2 types of rounds seeing as they were the most common projectiles encountered on that front. It seemed clear to me that the skirts were originally designed to counter these types of weapons with absolutely no consideration given at the time of their effectiveness against shaped charge weapons. Regards KR
  6. I like the look of that mocked up Stug. I'm assuming a M113 chassis was used to achieve this look as the bogie wheels look a little large compared with the real thing. Regards KR
  7. This is fantastic news. Now for the inclusion of in-game stats on the units by hitting the <Return> key akin to CMx1 and I'm a very happy camper. Regards Jim R.
  8. An interesting point was raised in that old CMBO thread way back when. Will the German use of flashless powder be factored in when it comes to how effective and accurate follow on shots are? Not to mention as well the difficulty of spotting the German armour compared with the the easier spotted Allied armour with its 'here I am' older style and very visible powder flashes every time they fire? Such a historical point of difference between the German & Allied tanks could perhaps explain why Pz IV's were still darn effective against the Shermans even by mid to late 1944. I certainly have not encountered any material where German tankers are complaining about how uber the Sherman is against their allegedly comparitively wimpier PzIV's. Regards KR
  9. The 3 shots depicting the death sequence of the German soldier was immpressive if a little macabre. There were 2 GI's in the background looking like they were casually leaning against a wall and viewing the whole scene with a dispassionate interest at best. Regards KR
  10. Just wanted to add that Come and See is probably one of the best anti-war movies you'll ever see. Truly shattering. Regards KR
  11. I loved the quote... When cocaine needs a high it snorts 2 lines of Charlie Sheen! Regards KR
  12. I'm amazed no one has mentioned Bridge over the River Kwai yet. Also, not to forget The Young Lions as well. Finally, with an Australian bent... The Odd Angry Shot anyone? Regards KR
  13. Hang on. You forgot... Until BF releases this game then thread stealing and topic snatching shall continue. Let chaos rain down upon them until our demands are met!!! Regards KR
  14. If you had read the linked article I put in my post numbered 109 in this thread you would have read of horrendous tales of abuse for prisoners in Guantanamo. Here's just a sample from the link... Note:- IRF means "Immediate Reaction Force". If this is an example of how the "enemy" in Guantanamo are treated better than civilian prisoners then I very much fear for the longevity of any civilian prisoners in that case. Note, you mention the Guantanamo prisoners as being "enemy" yet no meaningful trials have taken place to prove this allegation. It's been over 9 years in many cases and still no trials. In the meantime this "enemy" is subject to the sort of treatment we read about in the sorts of articles dieseltaylor and subsequently myself, linked to. So, if you're some poor schmoe who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time & had some Northern Alliance "freedom fighter" finger you as an "enemy" because of the substantial rewards given out for such information, you're right royally screwed. Yep, right there is another fine example of an enlightened Western democracy at work. Regards KR
  15. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the above post is direct evidence that Michael Emrys was indeed.... incorrect! Gasp! Regards KR
  16. @ dieseltaylor. Thanks for all those links dt. I found this one... Guantanamo's Immediate Reaction Force still terrorizing detainees particularly disturbing. If true, it's hard to see how the treatment of the prisoners at Guantanamo is any less despicable than the treatment of prisoners by the Gestapo in WWII or the Stasi after the war. I always thought that the bastion of democracy held itself to far loftier standards? Regards KR
  17. I suspect the parting of ways may have been a little discordant judging by the complete lack of any announcement by Battlefront. Regards KR
  18. Reference to your post numbered 54 in this thread provides the evidence that this is exactly the view you were trying to impart when you posted this exact sentence..."Well, they're informants so, if they get killed, they've got it coming to them. They deserve it." Note the quotation marks in your sentence which I have highlighted. Use of quotation marks shows that you were deliberatly trying to present this statement as if Julian Assagne had said those exact words and that there was no denying it. And before you try and argue that you meant the quatation marks to mean that it was simply quoted from the linked article I think it's clear to any fair minded person what you were really trying to achieve. Character assasination by presenting a sentence as if it was directly from the targeted persons mouth. Regards KR
  19. I agree. I believe the fact that there's a rather large statue in London of Bomber Harris lauding him as a war hero rather gets up the nose of a number of people with German ancestry. Imagine if Germany did something similar and erected one in Berlin of Hermann Goering! Although not quite a fair comparison I guess due to Hermanns involvement in Nazi policies including the genocide of Jews etc but the principal is the same. Regards KR
  20. Where's Brian when you need him? Regards KR
  21. I'm guessing the same would apply to 'Bomber' Harris. Understandably so I might add. Regards KR
  22. This could be generally referred to as trying to prove a negative. Good argument. The difference here is that I have made no such claims, as opposed to your post where it was clear you regarded it as fact that Assange has basically stated that he didn't give a stuff about the fate of the people whose names were mentioned in the WikiLeaks release. When the book is released and if I get the chance to read it I will do so with the view that it's his side of the story but not the final word on the subjects he deals with as he is too close to the recent events to be totally objective. What won't be happening is me claiming that his views in the book represents the proven facts of the matter. Regards KR
  23. Lemme see... this so called quote by Assange is contained within a book that's recently been published no doubt with a view to maximise sales, which we all know, is helped by sensationalism. The actual text either side of this alleged quote from the book, reads as follows from your link... So, lets look at this article with a critical eye. Firstly there were supposedly a bunch of international reporters present when Assange made this alleged statement yet I haven't managed to find one of them who has independantly published a story honing in on this highly inflammatory statement. Something I would have thought any jounalist worth their salt would do seeing as it's such a sensational allegation. Secondly, the article makes mention of these being "allegations" yet somehow it's now being interpreted by yourself as being a cold hard FACT. Thirdly... there's mention of the good 'ol Guardian yet again who published the book. They seem to really have a hard on for good ol' Julian don't they. It appears to me that critical thinking skills have all but disappeared from certain posters on this board. Regards KR
  24. From memory, the engagement range of that Wikileaks example was around the 1.5 km mark with the camera footage highly zoomed in. I can't see too many RPG's flying upwards in the air for 1.5 km's to destroy a helicopter, especially considering they're designed to engage ground targets at relatively short range. Oh... no homing device on RPG's either. Using Blackhawk Down film as the reference point is pretty dishonest considering the helicopters in that engagement were hovering some 10 to 20 metres above the ground amongst multi level buildings in order to drop off troops on ropes. That's an example of danger close use of helicopters as opposed to a gunship loitering in the sky over a kilometre away from the hotspot. Regards KR
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