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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. Crapping his pants at the same time no doubt! Regards KR
  2. Pity that. Especially now that we have the notoriously unreliable Breda30 lmg to fight with. Regards KR
  3. Not that I know of but apparently he was quite the vampire hunter if you want to throw that in to the category of sport. There's a fascinating documentary on this very subject doing the rounds at the cinema currently. Regards KR
  4. Fantastic news Jon, thanks for the link. The old man flew the night fighter version of the Mosquito in WWII for the RAAF's 456 squadron. He always said it was an absolute joy to fly with the only downside being the long term loss of hearing from having 2 thumping great Merlins engines either side of you roaring away. I wish I could see it myself but it's good to see that at least one Mossie will be taking to the skys again sometime soon. What I wouldn't give to be able to see it in person roaring overhead! Regards KR
  5. I can see how that could be part of the problem. So how about tweaking the AI so that when it's troops are being bombarded it attempts to disperse its troops by crawling them in at least 3 different directions but generally away from the direction it was attempting to head. Once the men have recoverd then attempt to resume the mission. Regards KR
  6. Interesting. I'm sorry but that's just ridiculous! This sort of result tells me that the effectiveness of light mortars is still way too high and that further tweaking is needed to tone them down. Wiping out over 90 troops with a single light mortar is absurd. Regards KR
  7. Yep... and while we're at it, I forgot to mention the light AA guns as well. That's a classic case of an extremely common and effective (in the anti-personnel role) weapon that's sorely missing from the OOB. Their inclusion would go some way towards countering the proliferation of 50cal. halftracks that the Allies enjoy. Regards KR
  8. Hence why I stated in my first sentence...(Excluding CMBO). Regards KR
  9. I believe Furinkazen's point is that the old CMx1 games (excluding CMBO) better simulated the effectiveness of HMG's when firing at their targets. Under the older game system, the ability to advance over open ground against an emplaced HMG with even a platoon of infantry was no easy task whereas in CMBN... not so much. In fact, just a squad can overcome an HMG in similar terrain without too much trouble. Therefore the obvious question that arises from the discussion is, which system better portrays the reality of such a situation. If historically it wasn't that easy to advance against a properly emplaced HMG position with just a squad of men across open ground then perhaps CMBN needs some tweaking? Regards KR
  10. I'm just hoping and praying that the 'something special' includes fire as well as new terrain. By that time of the year Wasps were most certainly available and not all that uncommon while Crocodiles were around from the get go. Not to mention the German flamethrower halftracks and portable flamethrower back packs as well. Regards KR
  11. Comparing CMx1 to CMx2 with respect to MG's is valid in my view as by far the majority of the players who played CMBB & CMAK felt the representation of HMGs compared with LMGs & SMGs was pretty well spot on. Gone were the days where you could charge an emplaced HMG team with just a squad and overrun the position, as you could easily do in CMBO. The other thing that's missing in terms of reality is the lack of jams for automatic weapons. Considering that the upcoming Sicily title will definitely see the use of the woeful Italian Breda LMG, it would be surprising if this thing isn't modelled to jam pretty frequently, especially if operated by an inexperienced crew. The Breda LMG needed to have oiled cartridges for it to operate effectively so in the dusty conditions that existed in Sicily it would be quite unrealistic for this weapon to fire uninterrupted considering its poor reputation in such an environment. Regards KR
  12. Excellent post Furinkazen with a well reasoned explanation of why it seems that HMG's appear nerfed compared with other automatic weapons. Regards KR
  13. Ummm, where exactly have I asked anyone to design buildings for me. I believe your last sentence is what's generally referred to as pure speculation with no facts backing them up. The fact remains it's quite problematic to use real world tactics when it comes to city fights, whether it be the use of early model (low powered) panzerfausts within buildings or having to defend outside a building to optimise the results when defending such a structure. Regards KR
  14. O.K. Do you consider regular use of that tactic accurately reflects what often occured in the ETO during WWII when defending a town, for instance? Do AAR's from the period reflect this practice? If not, could there perhaps be a problem with the modelling within the game? Regards KR
  15. Yes, but how does one position the troops against the back wall when the only command available to you when within the building is face? If you have your troops face in the direction of the known enemy presence they proceed to rearrange themselves against the front wall. Regards KR
  16. Simple rule- the more stars, the more it's worth. Regards KR
  17. I understand that BFC will not go back and patch CMBB after so many years have passed since the fortifications bug was known about. I just see it as an opportunity missed to have created a buttload of goodwill with the community. As for the announced improvements with version 2.0, I am certainly looking forward to them. I also think that a cost of $10 is reasonable for the upgrade to version 2.0 in CMBN. Just to clear up one thing as well, I have never complained about the fact that it cost me $5 to pay for the CMBB Vista patch, just so we're on the same page here. I believe what certain people may have incorrectly attributed to be my beef on costs of patches and upgrades should actually be applied to another poster here at the BFC forums. Cost has never been my problem, just the lack of what I considered to be an important final patch to rectify software that was still only 1 generation old at the time the opportunity to do so was there. Regards KR
  18. Something to do with there being 8 flavour object options in the manual compared with the in-games 6 perhaps? Regards KR
  19. I don't know, but that wasn't the question. The original poster wondered how many wargame grogs it takes to screw in a lightbuild. I assume he was referring to the next verion of CMBN with the version 2 upgrade but I could be wrong on that assumption. Regards KR
  20. You want an example? I'll give you an example. When CMAK was released it had the fix to the fortifications bug that existed (and still exists) with CMBB. Despite having the fix in the next version of the game (i.e. CMAK), a patch was never released to remedy the well documented problem in CMBB... despite it being a product that was only 1 version old at the time. If you refer to recent statements by BFC they have made it clear that they will always upgrade/fix software that is only 1 version old. Regards KR
  21. ....And your point is? I'm simply expressing an opinion as to what I would have been prepared to pay in order for my copy of CMBB to be patched with fixes to the fortification bug and some missing, correctly depicted models to be included such as the Soviet IS III & German 75mm gun halftrack. I understand it's never going to happen but it's still my opinion. Regards KR
  22. Seeing as you purchased it on April Fools day, it couldn't hurt! Regards KR
  23. I demand the mild steel training tank version of the Cromwell be included in the OOB so I can choose an MBT that travels at 55mph and is able to leap over canals in a single bound! Regards KR
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