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Kanonier Reichmann

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Everything posted by Kanonier Reichmann

  1. Sounds 'do-able'. I recommend the script writers and crew behind the film U571 be involved in the making of this all time war classic. Don't forget casting David Lee Roth in the lead role! Regards KR
  2. The only poster in this thread who has anything in their sigline related to religion is Stalins Organist where it states..."Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction." Where is the insult to religion? It's merely stating a fact that goes as far back as Roman times, all through the Middle Ages and more modern times with 'recent' examples including the wholesale slaughter of Americans (note- this term includes South Americans) by the Spanish & Portugese in the name of religion up to and including current jihads. Note also that the quote makes no reference to SO's religious beliefs, if any, whatsoever. Regards KR
  3. Ahhhh... I see. Guilty by association. That may be a viable way to accuse people of wrongdoings in your country but last I checked it's not a valid modus operandi here. Regards KR
  4. Assange denies having made any such claim about a 'Jewish Conspiracy' and to be misreported by the Guardian journalist. To quote from the article...Mr. Assange said that “in particular” the Private Eye report that he believed in a “ ‘Jewish conspiracy’ is false, in spirit and in word. It is serious and upsetting. Rather than correct a smear, Mr. Hislop has tried to justify one smear with another.” “That he has a reputation for this, and is famed to have received more libel suits in the U.K. than any other journalist as a result, does not mean that it is right,” Mr. Assange’s statement said. So, it appears you believe the journalist is as pure as the driven snow with his article while Assange should be incarcerated for being mentally ill despite his denials and the alleged history the journalist has for attracting libel suits. Hmmmm..... Regards KR
  5. Let's not forget their other infamous intervention against a democratically elected government. Anyone remember Allende and Chile? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1973_Chilean_coup_d'%C3%A9tat The U.S. intervened and ensured that the wonderful humanitarian by the name of Pinochet was installed as dictator in a bloody coup in the early 70's. That turned out terrifically well for the Chilean population. Regards KR
  6. I just love how the linked article in abno3siera's initial post tries to strongly imply that if you're a believer in global warming or climate change then you're associated with this now dead nutbag Nazi and therefore, probably a closet Nazi. BTW, great link Jon to that website debunking all the sceptics arguments using scientific arguments, graphs and statistics.... GASP! How dare they use such an underhanded way to win people over. Regards KR
  7. Excuse my ignorance, but what's with the small metal disc embedded into the rifle butt? What purpose does it serve? Regards KR
  8. The images of the German soldiers' faces looks disturbingly like my brother! Still, I guess I can always gain even greater enjoyment should I be able to engineer a massacre to the German side when this game is put through its paces. Regards KR
  9. Would that be mixing bowls or fruit bowls? Maybe even lawn bowls? Regards KR
  10. Why does the title of this thread remind me of that TV series... Curb your Enthusiasm? Regards KR
  11. In answer to your CMAK question, 30 metres or less. Regards KR
  12. Slightly silly... Note: Must have good memory for a certain Monty Python sketch. Regards KR
  13. Surely you knocked that up yourself using your leet computer skills and posted it here. I have it on good authority that such things didn't exist and weren't issued to the troops during the war. Regards KR
  14. But note that Ford vehicles do still have wheels and a horn, usually in either a more convenient and/or improved state. However, it's encouraging to see that the intent is to improve the information available to the player in the future. My question is whether this includes the CM:BN family of games time frame or only the sequels to the CM:BN family. Regards KR
  15. Good point Jon. But it wasn't in the form of some massive Excel spreadsheet, it was broken down into digestible and easily understood bits. Click on this unit... you get the stats on that unit alone. Click on another and you get its stats. Not some overwhelming spreadsheet which would certainly be far too imposing for a new player with its information on every single unit that could possibly be in the game. As I said, I would have thought this sort of presentation of basic unit data specific to the unit chosen wouldn't be too much to ask, especially as it was available in a game some 10 years older designed by the same people. Regards KR
  16. The stuff highlighted in bold is, yet again, your classic strawman argument in it's purest form. Nobody has asked that something as comprehensive as Jeff Heidmans extensive Excel spreadsheet be incorporated into the new game. That would be ridiculous. All we're suggesting is that something like the basic information that was available in CMx1 by hitting the Enter key be also available in CM:BN. I can't recall anyone from the entire time I've been reading about the Combat Mission series of games (10 years or so?) ever complaining that the basic data available within CMx1 was too technical and over their heads, unless they were not even of teenager age. Regards KR
  17. You've just shot yourself in the foot using that quote from the manual. You'll note the bit about the chances and probabilities being available to the gamer with the wonderful 'new' game. That was in CMx1 but is not in CMx2. Now, I'm not saying that probabilities for a hit and then the chance of a kill has to be in CM:BN but at least the inclusion of some basic penetration tables combined with basic knowledge of how good various units armour is from the front, side & rear in general terms like colour coded bars is not asking too much is it? I understand that the CMx2 engine is significantly more complicated than what was in CMx1 so I'm not too fussed about the dropping of chance to hit & chance to kill information being available due to all the variables that now exist when drawing a los to a potential target. However, losing both this information plus some basic backround info on the various AFV's simply leaves the uninitiated pretty much clueless. The excuse that one simply has to learn the system from continual play sounds like a cop out to me compared with what has been available in the past. Regards KR
  18. Here's an interesting little link to a story on the UN World Meteorological Organisation study on global temperatures. http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/breaking-news/warmest-ever-year-says-un-weather-agency/story-e6frea73-1225992220950 It's going to be tough for the usual array of 'denyers' to argue with this quote from the linked article (my bolding added)... So, do we still think that there's no such thing as global warming and if we just bury our heads in the sand and keep saying it's not happenning it will simply go away? Regards KR
  19. Not much of a secret now is it! Very intense DAR Jon. Keep up the good work. Regards KR
  20. Clearly no-one thought it might be a good idea to put a few bullets or even a shell or 2 through that bloody great open hatch the commander of the beast was casually gaping out of. Regards KR
  21. Except the tube looks nothing like a sonic screwdriver... Regards KR
  22. Yeah and I wouldn't like to be the guy behind it when it's going fwoosh or fwhap or shoooof! Regards KR
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