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Everything posted by Lanzfeld

  1. Why do people do this and who has the TIME to do this kind of post anyway????
  2. It seems that BFC doesnt "chime in" anymore.
  3. Some things from my list of "wants". 1. When the spotting HQ is close to mortars (close visual) there should be a 30 second delay for spotting and only 1 minute for FFE. 2. Instant 180 degree covered arc. Also, covered arc color change and toggle on/off. 3. Shorter time between bursts from HMG. Much longer burst from a water cooled HMG. 4. Fire. Flammers. Burning/spreading houses and fields.
  4. What you found is a bug. Everyone knows you only need ONE garand shot to kill the wounded.
  5. Yes they can. If a solid wall takes some rifle fire it DOES create small holes that the infantry can shoot out of in the game. Now the graphics will not show these holes but they are there. Try it yourself.
  6. +10 to this. You guys are a wonderful part of this community! Very skilled.
  7. I just ran some tests and I have to say weapon/ammo scavanging is a little....ODD. I set up a bunch of 2-man BAR teams against snipers. I used snipers as I wanted there to be min damage to equipment. Very strange and odd results. BAR team starts with 568 rounds of ammo. When the BAR gunner is hit the assist is left with 488 rounds and can buddy aid to pick up the BAR. When the assist is hit the BAR gunner has the BAR and only 80 rounds. When he buddy aids to get more ammo he gets NONE! It cant be a weight problem because the assist has 488 rounds AND picks up the BAR when the BAR guy is hit. Strange. Same with panzerschreck guys. I have had the assist carry the panzerschreck and 4 rounds no problem. But if the assist gets hit first the schreck guy will never get more than a round. Funny thing is, before buddy aid, it shows more rounds available to the schreck guy. Not sure if he would use them though. I will post this in beta testing as well. Also....has anyone ever seen grenades get scavanged??? I have not.
  8. Known bug and being addressed in the patch.
  9. I have almost the same rig. The biggest hit comes from shadows. Try turning them off and tell me what your results are.
  10. Cool! I saw it since beta testing but never actually seen it work.
  11. Is the opening that you created a "double-wide" opening? A single blast will usually make a hole only big enough for infantry. Try blasting it twice for a tank size opening.
  12. Best results are to have the scout cars disembark their crews becuase they have binocs. Slow them around with very small covered arcs and they will get most of the job done. Then get the hell out of there!
  13. Case: ON MAP, pre-planned, LINEAR, mortar fire. The first 5 to 10 rounds are off target. All pre-planned fire should be on target. Status: ???
  14. I have never found a use for them. I dont even notice them anymore. WEGO here.
  15. The only arty I think is too slow is when a spotter is 10 meters away from the mortar team they are spotting for (close visual) and it takes 4 to 5 minutes. A beta tester here had a family member who was a 60mm mortarman in that era and said it should be about 30 seconds for the first spotting round and 1 minute for FFE. The mortar is already deployed so all we need is a bearing and range from the spotter 10 meters away in the example above.
  16. After the manual was written there was some code changes to visibility that makes the "support position" in that scenario not that great. Try taking your MG team across your side of the map (down the road that runs along your side of the map and behind the house) to the low wall on the other side that looks up on the hill you have to assault. Deploy them there and give them a covered arc on the trenches and they will fire every turn. Great spot as the low wall protects you very well. Just be careful dashing out from behind the house across the open road!
  17. Three things. 1. We NEED instant 180 degree arcs. Too clunky the way it is now. (how about instant 120 degrees?). 2. If you cant change the color of the arcs PLEASE make them toggle on and off via keypress. 3. Arcs make a unit shoot at targets farther away than they would without arcs. For example, a MG team will take more shots at a target 800 meters away if the target is in their arc. A MG team without an arc will not shoot as much at a target 800 meters away, if it shoots at all. I wish this was in the manual.
  18. I do wish we could choose a more specific time for a preplanned barrage instead of the 5 minute interval. I cannot imagine why it was programmed this way.
  19. Time delays are not available for on map mortars.
  20. am sure you could get them to "POP" smoke but not sure about fire smoke.
  21. Also, if you use the sherman, be careful of friendly troops nearby. The frag pattern is deadly.
  22. Another tweek. I really hope BFC is listening.
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