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Everything posted by Lanzfeld

  1. Your Thompson barrel is too long (rifle). You need to get the 10 inch barrel. Nice collection though. Do I get ANYTHING as I was the one who jestingly called Elvis "Lt. Dyke"?
  2. Yes we have seen the foxholes in the screenshots and I, for one, am more than happy with them. They look slightly odd but it is very much worth it to have them FOW. I would rather BFC spend time on flammers and fire than trying to improve foxholes. I want burning fields and buildings.
  3. I, for one, love the fact that there is a chance that a tank can be taken out by a grenade. Small chance that it is. There is a better chance in a WW2 setting and it did happen but again, small chance.
  4. From all the typos in Runes post it looks as if the host got wasted!
  5. At the start of that scenario just "Fast" your vehicles behind some trees for some cover. You can get through it without losing a Brad but you have to assume that you KNOW that there are ATGMs out there before the battle begins.
  6. Dont get too upset as I am pretty sure it in NOT in there yet but lets hope it gets pushed up the "to-do" list as it was such a time saver and it should be (relatively) simply to add because it doesnt involve the AI at all (the 180 arc, not the armour arc).
  7. That little "belt buckle" throught the stock is how you attach a sling to that rifle, I think. Probably just a little artwork there and not an actual sling.
  8. They are holding those MG42's like they are BARS but I understand the reason behind it and it is not a game breaker.
  9. Lets hope they bring back the "instant 180 degree arc" as it made setting arcs soooo much better.
  10. As far as splitting squads... I have started a new thread on this as I find that when you split a squad, one half seems always to be OUT of C2 even if they are right next to (visual close or earshot) the half of the squad IN C2 (command squad). I am not sure if BFC wanted it this way but it makes no sense to me. Go ahead and test for yourself and let me know what you think. Here: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=94930
  11. The ending of Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid! Thanks for the test.
  12. I doubt it was programmed that way. At least I hope that it wasnt. I do fear that it may be a bug, however, and I think you should forward to Steve. My big fear, no doubt, is that if it is a bug, then it is in CM:BN and give one side a big advantage in spotting.
  13. Wow! How did you do that with such low casulties??? Any video for us to study?
  14. Well I would call it a bug. A huge bug and I very much do mind it being there. The problem, like somebody said, is proving it. I think our best bet would be the guy who has tested enough to notice it. Maybe send all your thoughts directly to Steve?
  15. If this is true then it....well......SUCKS. I have not heard anything firm on this.
  16. Thanks for the response but I am not asking when/if I should split squads. How can it not be a small bug if the squad is split and very close but the split part is not in C2? I just want to know if this is the way BFC meant it to be? I have had split squads not report sightings to their squad even though they are very close.
  17. LLF, With respect to longer lasting smoke.... I have asked for this FOREVER and BFC will just not do it. They dont even have a good reason not to. Would be so much more realistic. Anyway....keep up the fantastic work.
  18. For more detail in placing teams (definately for Marines) I tend to split them nowadays. I have noticed that when you split them you are left with a "section" or two of the split squad with no radios or RPDA. I notice that even if they are right next to the squad leader section (who is IN C2) they dont show the "eyeball" or "close visual" C2 marker and the dots in the C2 chain show that this part of the split squad is OUT of C2. This makes no sense as they are right next to the squad leader. When you split a squad does the split sections have an unrealistic "out of C2" penalty? Bug???
  19. Rugby.......ahhhh yes. That game you play when your not wearing skirts?
  20. Read the info on the patch page. It gives step-by-step instructions on how to install each patch and when.
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