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Everything posted by Lanzfeld

  1. Yeah....I have to say even though I love the FOW of foxholes and trenches I dont like the way they are now.
  2. Here we go again! 1. Order tank to area fire a spot with 20 second pause. 2. Order tank a very short length quick move. 3. From the new move "bubble" order the tank to area fire a new spot with 20 second pause. 4. Order tank to do a very short length quick move. 5. From new move "bubble" order tank to area fire for rest of turn (20 seconds). Three areas shot at in one turn. Work? Yes. But we love WEGO don't we?
  3. No no no! This is one of the GREAT features of CMBN. Your troops dont shoot surrendered enemy but sometimes those that are surrendering are getting caught in the crossfire and take hits. Top notch realism.
  4. Just wanted to bring up an excellent idea from the CMSF forum. After the more violent battles it is often very sobering to look over the battlefield at the carnage. One thing that is missing, though, is all the bodies. Now I understand that the bodies of the wounded will be gone after buddy aid (that makes perfect sense) but I request that the bodies of the dead stay put after buddy aid. Maybe just a different colored "base" to show that the body has been looted of all available weapons/ammo after buddy aid? Also.... I would LOVE to see the kill stats of the arty!
  5. I have sent several save files in the 3rd wave forum. I really hope they get to the bottom of this as I see it alot. I wonder if it has anything to do with me using the demo scenario in the release version?? That is where my testing is happening anyway.
  6. Nope. Been that way since CMSF. Just split your squads to assault.
  7. A very important liability with respect to the assault command. If the assault team gets shot at and supressed or pinned then the WHOLE SQUAD IS EFFECTED. Even the guys giving the covering fire. This is why it is always better to split the squads and do it manually. Then the supression is seperate.
  8. I just played as the Germans in "Busting The Bocage" and I requested my 81mm to fire on a TRP. The mortars landed over 300 meters off target. This was at a TRP! There is most definitely a bug with the mortars.
  9. Because the assault command is for un unsplit squad. When you split it yourself you have better control of the assault team. Quick them forward while your BAR guy give cover.
  10. No, not exactly at all. You must do a MOVE of some sort after the pause and then from the new move "Ball" you issue the new facing/fire command. Keep in mind the move command can be to the very action spot you currently occupy.
  11. Easy... 1. Give them area fire order and a 20 second pause. 2. Give them a quick or fast move to THE SAME ACTION SPOT THEY ALREADY OCCUPY. 3. From the new fast or quick "ball" order a face command (this will stop the shooting). 4. Enjoy.
  12. Now try it wothout the tanks. Leave them in the woods or on the road. Great fighting.
  13. Try "Busting The Bocage" as the US but pretend none of your tanks have the "Rhino" attachment. You must use your breaching teams to make a double blast if you want a tank to enter a closed field. More like how the early 29er's did it and darn hard. To occupy time until release.
  14. We talked about this in testing and I agree it is way too long. In fact there is a guy here that had a family member who was a 60mm mortar guy back from that era and HE said with direct voice comms (no radio) the spotting rounds would be out in less than 30 seconds with FFE in 1 minute. He said any longer and there was no point in having the mortar up that close. Makes sense to me.
  15. He is talking about opening barrages which should ALWAYS be on target. There is some general "quirkyness" with the direction of mortars right now in general. The more you test them you will see. I believe this is a problem and I think Battlefront is looking into it right now.
  16. Steve said that the berm of the bocage gives the same protection as a foxhole so no real need to put them together. I dont like the way foxholes and trenches are now. I am very glad they are FOW but they are so restricted right now as to where they go I just dont bother.
  17. Target light will slow the fire rate of mortars.
  18. Yes it does open up quite a bit of possibilities for us WEGOers. Check out this thread from the CMSF forum. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=82927 I love doing a complex move and watch it unfold during the turn.
  19. Page 27 and 28 in the manual under advanced commands.
  20. Try clicking on the ballons/circles at the end of each movement and order a pause/fire from that point. Works good/lasts long time
  21. I think grenades and demo packs are still like this. The counter does not reset when rewatching the turn.
  22. Also know that when a shell "bounces" off of armor that many tiny chunks fly off in many directions. We are talking millions of fragments here on a small scale. These fragments have a nasty habit of getting everywhere like in joints and crevasses and, yes, doing damage to that radio antenna in the back. See here: Check out at 1:10 when they hit armor. Very cool.
  23. Do the Germans have TRP's in this battle? I am not at home so I cannot check.
  24. ^^^THIS^^^ I would love to see more "reaction time" in the spotting of targets not in front of the tank and then for the tank commander to communicate this info to the crew. Even 2 or 3 seconds would be better. Right now it feels robotic.
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