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Everything posted by Lanzfeld

  1. In WEGO you can have a tank fire at an area for 20 seconds (pause and fire order) then give them a very short quick move order (1 meter or so) and have them shoot at a different area for 20 seconds then a short/quick move to a third area and shoot for 20 seconds. Or for the third order just give them a facing to scan the area for anything that wiggled. Works well but a bit of work. Isnt that what us WEGOers love though?
  2. No pause needed. The tank will stop firing automatically when the hole is made.
  3. You guys want better results???? Move your 60mm mortar teams to the hedgerow on the left and DONT USE SPOTTERS. They can direct fire themselves with no delay and live forever. Try it. I have won this battle with 2 wounded. You can as well.
  4. Everyone here talks about the man portable flamethrowers and how they are no big deal to the game and they can wait. I, for one, CANT WAIT for the flame spewing crocs and German flammer halftracks. I am reading "Company Commander" again and when the author is in the pillbox for 9 days and nights he is in constant fear of a flammer halftrack that was stalking the company that was there before him. <shudder> Like I have said, it is not JUST the weapons but also the buildings that burn and collapse and also the dry fields that burn and spread. That is what I am looking forward to!
  5. Since the very short time the T55 was on the on the screen maybe the game didnt have time to "log" it? If this is true then it is a bug. Try to move you view around and look at the spot from a farther away view. Try to offset the area and not make the spot the center of your screen. Sometimes for my system I remember icons would be visible from some distances and then vanish at other distances. Not sure if it is a Nvidia bug or not.
  6. I, for one, am not very concerned with looks. You may be and that is cool too. Just so they do it in the future is good enough for me. Fields and houses that burn. I await!
  7. This was also in CMBO, CMBB, and CMAK. Turret was one way shooting a target and bow mg would shoot at another target. I have seen this first hand.
  8. I just ordered a Sandy Bridge as well (i5 2500k overclocked) with a GX580. This is going to be KILLER when I get it. Hopefully next week. Looking forward to Arma2 as I just dicovered that game.
  9. Well what can I say? Absolutely fierce close range firefights through hedgerows. Nervous Allied tankers trying to flank through lanes of hedgerows with not enough infantry support. Fantastically beautiful 60mm motars arcing over the entire battlefield. Not like CMx1, where you see them shoot up and vanish then reappear landing on target. This time you can zoom out and see the entire flight. A whole train of them when they fire for effect. I could not stop watching! You NEVER know what is going to happen in bocage fighting. At one point, on a quiet side of the map, the Allies tried to run three tanks down a lane that I just happened to have a squad with some panzerfaust 30's, a schreck team, and their 3 man HQ unit in hiding. Two of the three tanks were no more in a flash bang firefight that made us all watching jump! The third fought his way past (while hurting me a bit) and made his way around a corner where I was trying to "quick" another squad to join the battle. He caught my squad in the open lane and hammered them HARD! With such limited LOS in this type of country the fighting is just nasty. Dont think for a second that shermans are easy kills either because that HE they carry plus driver and coax MG's add up to devistating firepower. We had one dramatic hotseat turn end with a the same sherman behind my lines pointing its 75mm at my panther. I had a covered arc on my panther pointing away from the sherman. So, in a nutshell, I had my forward quarter armour facing the sherman yet my gun was point about 90 degrees away. What will happen?!?!?!?!?!? I set a direct target order with a reverse. Here is a good example of chaos in combat. <click play>. The shermans gun bounces off my panther <whew!> as my panther starts to swing his gun and reverse, a schreck team further up the road gets LOS at sherman and fires. The schreck shot hits the ground right next to sherman (maybe the tracks too) and creates a big dustcloud at impact. My panther losses sight of sherman! 10 or 15 seconds pass as the dust settles and my schreck is reloading. Then BOOM!!! My panther gets LOS and ends it all right there. Crazy! This is the game we have been waiting for. Warn your wives and children that they will not see too much of you when it comes out. A million thanks to John (Elvis) for hosting and to BFC for creating. John provided beer and killer BLT's at the event. There was even a simulation of the french resistance in the form of Johns son telling my opponent where I was hiding! LOL!
  10. I completely agree. They let him take control of the situation and look what happened. Back to training for all of them.
  11. Okay, I just had a total victory. Fun map though. 75% of my casulties (10 KIA 18 WIA) were from mines. Cheap trick. I do hope there are several AI plans.
  12. Does anyone know if there is more than one starting location and/or battle plan for the AI in the Pooh mission? Believe it or not I am just getting around to playing this battle for the first time and I want to know if it will always be the same? Thanks.
  13. Yeah SNAFU there is that one tank in the first mission (near the gate to the fortress) that is not visible until you are walking up on to it. It is hidden in a small depression of the earth. How to avoid this is to hunt your troops with covered arcs so when they do see it they will stop and go to ground. When you are using quick or fast over ground the tank will probably see your guys and fire. If you hunt then your guys are moving slower and they will see the beast before he sees them (maybe).
  14. Wow... 24 hours after the preview and my wife is catching me staring into space and asking me whats the matter? I just cant get over how great the game is. See my thoughts in post #69 above. NOW the waiting is going to be hard. Drug dealers....BFC is nothing more than drug dealers! Ahh well.....off to work!
  15. Well what can I say? Absolutely fierce close range firefights through hedgerows. Nervous Allied tankers trying to flank through lanes of hedgerows with not enough infantry support. Fantastically beautiful 60mm motars arcing over the entire battlefield. Not like CMx1, where you see them shoot up and vanish then reappear landing on target. This time you can zoom out and see the entire flight. A whole train of them when they fire for effect. I could not stop watching! You NEVER know what is going to happen in bocage fighting. At one point, on a quiet side of the map, the Allies tried to run three tanks down a lane that I just happened to have a squad with some panzerfaust 30's, a schreck team, and their 3 man HQ unit in hiding. Two of the three tanks were no more in a flash bang firefight that made us all watching jump! The third fought his way past (while hurting me a bit) and made his way around a corner where I was trying to "quick" another squad to join the battle. He caught my squad in the open lane and hammered them HARD! With such limited LOS in this type of country the fighting is just nasty. Dont think for a second that shermans are easy kills either because that HE they carry plus driver and coax MG's add up to devistating firepower. We had one dramatic hotseat turn end with a the same sherman behind my lines pointing its 75mm at my panther. I had a covered arc on my panther pointing away from the sherman. So, in a nutshell, I had my forward quarter armour facing the sherman yet my gun was point about 90 degrees away. What will happen?!?!?!?!?!? I set a direct target order with a reverse. Here is a good example of chaos in combat. <click play>. The shermans gun bounces off my panther <whew!> as my panther starts to swing his gun and reverse, a schreck team further up the road gets LOS at sherman and fires. The schreck shot hits the ground right next to sherman (maybe the tracks too) and creates a big dustcloud at impact. My panther losses sight of sherman! 10 or 15 seconds pass as the dust settles and my schreck is reloading. Then BOOM!!! My panther gets LOS and ends it all right there. Crazy! This is the game we have been waiting for. Warn your wives and children that they will not see too much of you when it comes out. A million thanks to John (Elvis) for hosting and to BFC for creating. John provided beer and killer BLT's at the event. There was even a simulation of the french resistance in the form of Johns son telling my opponent where I was hiding! LOL!
  16. I like to read this stuff. Please give your thoughts on the airport mission.
  17. Elvis, Did you make scenarios or are you using Runes?
  18. I am SURE we could fit it in somewhere. I mean there is quite a bit of dead space in the UI of CMSF and I am sure that there will be some in CM:BN.
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