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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. Well that limits the alternatives to: don't go to the Minneapolis airport until at least patch 1.04
  2. Junior high, more like. But what you say is true and has been since the earliest days of CMBO. I expect there are Blood feuds going back to the last century for pity's sake! But I can assure you that you and the many other new members to the forum are the life's blood to CM Gaming.
  3. Any CM:SF map can be used as a QB map All you need to do is dump the scen file into the QB file The QB map "selector", if you will, chooses the map based on your request...Hills town, village, battle type, ect. Obviously the more maps you put in the more Random maps you have to choose from. Not so far off from a Random map generator. Naturally all user made maps can be used as well. CMMODS is building their inventory. I believe that player made maps are generally MUCH better than a computer generated maps. As proof I site any generated map from any CMx1 game.... I say that with all the affection of one who loves a QB
  4. Really?! My experience was exactly opposite...LOL BFC's gonna have fun with this
  5. Perhaps an REPORT YOUR BUG HERE ONLY post and request that all NEW bug report post be closed by the moderator with linkage to it.
  6. Mounmentally? I don't know about that...The unwise part...Yep, TOTALLY agree
  7. There may be a file corruption issue when dl to inbound save. Your immediate solution is to overwrite to your inbound save and try again. It has happened to me several times but not to my opponents. Normally once is enough. Last night third time is a charm. Each time I have had that problem I was able to get it to work. If BFC is not aware of this then certainly they'll see your post.
  8. There are two things here: 1. Improve situational awareness of Hunting troops...That's on BFC...And we all know they are busy addressing this issue. If history is any judge this will go through several tweaks before most players are satisfied, 2. The other point is on the player: if I run 'em around a corner without so much as a pause before turning...well that's on me. Quick movement lowers situational awareness and must be used accordingly. Your pixel squad would have been better served to quick move close to the corner, hunt move (with the corresponding pause between change in way points) around the corner, That would have improved spotting and situational awareness. Poor tactics generate poor results.
  9. Could be the handle....Open your Fraps Folder and look for the "Bench mark" folder. If there is nothing there than you need to go to the main screen and click on the stats you want to save and check the run for 60 sec box...easist to use.
  10. Hi Skelly: I've sent you an email with a graphic "how to" for diagnoal road construction
  11. You're sure taking a beating there, Knaust. I read through your tech post. You seem to have your mind made up that it's the full game that's a problem and not your settings. Let me try to persuade you to: 1. check your monitor settings and refresh rate 2. Check your memory allocation files. You may want to increase the minimum memory usage to the max. 3. This is a great link to understanding your PC http://www.tweakguides.com/Graphics_2.html
  12. In the scen you describe: Get the sniper in action, move the Stryker closest to the sniper (assume they are in shouting distance) out of LOS and keep the trailing Stryker in overwatch position without influence to TacAI. So I guess I role play...
  13. Yes: Plays "Factory Outlet" and "Allah's Fist" with out trouble. 3 year old Emachine AMD 64 3200+ 1.99 GHz 2.75 GB RAM Nvidia Geforce 7300 GS w/latest driver 7/2007 1024X768 Monitor 85 Hz (7 year old ViewSonic) 32 bit color Ver Sync Off 3D model Best 3D Texture Best A A Off High Pri Off
  14. I'd like to "modify" my YES answer to: Yes: I played this game ONLY over the long weekend...both PBEM and AI. It was great...never a dull moment...But then I didn't spend ANY time searching for bugs. If a bug does come my way and I can repeat it rest assured I'll report it...
  15. Elite, Veteran, Green....Oh Good Now I can Finally rant about something. It is FOW settings...NOT how great my eye/hand coordination, click festing level of pixel killing is. What a pandering batch of phrases. Just because 12 year olds can buy the game doesn't mean we have to use nomenclature to suit ten year olds....! Thanks, I needed to get that off my chest. I play Elite normally but Veteran pops up in my PBEM. The FOW issues like "Not Knowing" vs not "Not Seeing" friendly vehicles/units next to you is just plain Goofy. The abstraction of using no line of site should relate to sound and more slowly, unit spot reports as well. What I mean be this is unit "A": 1. moves out of LOS but not Sound is still recognized 2. Out of sight and Sound: Last known location. 3. Units reaching a way point or having been spotted by enemy forces/taking fire/or other actions and who have the ability to contact HQ should be located by HQ only. Time delays for that activity would naturally apply. The entire FOW mechanism can better reflect Command and Control issues for both Blue and Red forces/doctrine. [ September 04, 2007, 06:18 AM: Message edited by: MarkEzra ]
  16. What's up with this? I play PBEM and have a Company of strykers loading and un-loading just fine...Your report is troubling. The Unload freeze thing made me stop PBEM in V1.02. Have you duplicated it? Any other info?
  17. The game modeling seems fine. Hits and Misses, kills and close calls....Joe Hadji steps up to the plate or falls on his face...Seen 'em both often enough
  18. Hi Jomni: I bought from BFC site and use BFC patches.
  19. The Greek Chorus of Doom has been stilled. Now it's more like Alvin and the Chipmonks...
  20. I'm a WEGO'r who loves scen design. To test a scen it was fast and simple to use RT. and I used it ONLY for that....then I thought what the heck, try it for, you know..FUN...and now I wake up with shaky hands and a cold, clammy feeling, as my gut screams for more...MORE RT...get some now, fast...They tried to tell me but I just wouldn't listen
  21. WEGO and RT: I'm glad they're both in. I'm back playing PBEM with old friends. V1.03 works without a hitch. But I have played the RT mode and enjoyed ever minute. And so I think to myself RT's fine but I do like to replay the carnage. And I love WEGO but sometimes I wish I could just back up that Hummer instead of screaming at the monitor. Hmmmm an RT with replay, a WEGO with action orders...What if there was only one play mode and it was called: WE/RT/GO...and then I wake up...naw...nobody could do that, could they?
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