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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. Hi Slap: Great...I'll let you in on a secret: The QB Group is hard a work on an Entirely different concept of QB Map Use, We are creating a Large Map Only Vol which will allow The QB Player to play ANY size game on a large map. This will be a Stand alone file to use rather than your current QB Map files. It will require the player to save the original Quick Battle Map (or just change the Name a bit). How did we do it you ask? It was so simple I kicked myself for not "getting it" sooner. Here's the recipe for you cooks at home: 1. Take One large map (My Opinion: 1000 x 600 or Larger) 2. Change the size to "Medium" 3. Change the file name to whatever you like and SAVE. 4. Repeat for "Small" NOTE: You Only need to have Copies of Small, Medium, and Large to access ALL the sizes (Huge/Tiny). QB Group should have that to you in the next Week or so.
  2. No, not a Genius...I didn't know what I was until MikeyD posted this: Asperger's Syndrome: Restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and activities, as manifested by at least one of the following: 1. encompassing preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest that is abnormal either in intensity or focus 2. apparently inflexible adherence to specific, nonfunctional routines or rituals 3. stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms (e.g., hand or finger flapping or twisting, or complex whole-body movements) 4. persistent preoccupation with parts of objects 'Because of their high degree of functionality and their naiveté, those with AS are often viewed as eccentric or odd. Individuals with AS often have deficits in pragmatics and prosody. Vocabularies may be extraordinarily rich and some children sound like "little professors." However, persons with AS can be extremely literal and have difficulty using language in a social context.
  3. I am testing it as we speak. So far the answer is YES...Here's the catch: To get that large map EACH time ALL your Maps need to be of large size and then each map changed in the editor to label Small, Medium and large. Now you have three Identical maps called Small, Medium, and Large. So when you want to play with just a few units just pick Tiny or small. Want more troops take Medium or large. Want to have it all hang out...Huge
  4. OK here's an idea How about a Large map size but able play Tiny, Small, Medium or large numbers of units....Any interest?
  5. RE: Rt Click, Rt Click, Rt Click...ahhh there: this needs some work
  6. Joe: Drag these imbeciles back to the Cesspool...they're scarin' the straights...
  7. I think you may be using the original maps. If that is correct you might want to down load the QBG maps on: CMMODS.com If that is not the case please send me a screen shot of the map and explanation of the battle type/size you had trouble with...my email is above. One final thought. If you just added our QBG maps to your original then please consider removing those originals and just use QBG maps...In the CM:SF Quick Battle Maps file you can ALWAYS tel QBG maps because those are the only ones that have QBG in the name. Hope this helps...
  8. And Thank you all who dl'd. And that's a bunch of you already!! Mishga and I really appreciate your continued support.
  9. For what? For moving a label that never should have been in the middle of the screen in the first place, the effort being a change of one coordinate in the source code? :confused: Best regards, Thomm </font>
  10. "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference" Big Book of AA
  11. Perhaps instead of taking off a very reasonable Pause button add a Clear for Photo Ops hot key... "and then I thought...it's Out side the Nose!"
  12. I love it, I play it daily...That it's gonna even get better...well that's just CM and Battlefront for ya...
  13. No...MikeyD has it right...You can't let these bastards slide...It's just this type of "legislation" and an apathetic public that got us into this present mess...Thanks for posting...I saw this earlier today and called my Senators....California ain't buyin'
  14. The Quick Battle Group is pleased to announce Vol 3-- 20 NEW Tiny/Small and Large/Huge QB Maps. As always you'll find them at CMMODS http://www.cmmods.com These maps include a Full compliment of battle plans for both Blue and Red and have been crafted with much attention to detail. Enjoy!
  15. I found I REALLY enjoy the modern combat in CM:SF. Far more difficult and deadlier results as the good Sgt notes.
  16. Now Max, you know I never pause to consider...Let me have my little fantasy...and then a few days of no file returns and then the Patch and Presto: I've won!
  17. No doubt...And for a change I'm actually winning a couple PBEM's But I'll restart 'em in a hearbeat V1.04
  18. BZZZT! Dodging the question. Despite your best efforts and best intentions, you don't have "SgtGoody Mission: Esquire" on release day - you have "CplGoody Mission: Gardener". What do you do? -dale </font>
  19. Thanks BFC ...And a special thanks to the testers unsung heroes all
  20. Hold on there Bulldog: The CM:SF Testers...A term you use with much "Hesitation"? That is not a fair comment at all. The testers themselves CAN NOT comment but I think all the forum members can agree that testing this baby was a bitch. You kicking them to the curb is an insult. Testers test, pass on information, and wait for the next version, test it, pass on information, and wait for the next version. Where is it in this formula that they FIX what they TEST. I've tested a lot and never once Fixed a game. Sorry, I'm ranting...you just hit a nerve on this one.
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