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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. The promise is kept in "Godot" as well as In Sienfeld...a show about nothing.
  2. The map is the map. Any QB map that works is predicated on Five things: 1. Type of Action...Attack or Meeting Engagement 2. Type of Map ...City, Hills, Rough, ect 3. Size of Map .... 4. Objectives...Where to attack or defend 5. Plans...How to attack or defend The Issue you raise is not covered by any of these but is covered by the AI selection of Parameter points...the casualties and damage ratios to either side. So Bug it may well be
  3. Some of us are of the opinion that it shouldn't take a week's work by a team of other people to give us what CMx1 gave us in 5 minutes. No amount of bug fixes and Blue on Blue is going to change that. -dale </font>
  4. QBG is hard at work creating large QB maps with good setup positions and cover to maneuver. It's one side of the equation we can do something about... Look for these in another week
  5. I Think I'll stock up on Folgers Coffee and Start refreshing in earnest...
  6. Just thought I'd bring you up to date: The CMMODS Reviews of QB Groups Vol 1 and Vol 2 have been a pleasant surprise for Mishga and myself. We appreciate the support and the large number of DL tells us we're on the right path. We are now back hard at work on Vol 3. We've got 12 maps done or in review with a goal of 20. These maps concentrate both on Tiny or VERY Large Maps. In the first two Vol's we stayed very Generic in map style. Vol 3 is going to be a real departure from that. These will not only play well, they'll look great. Thanks again for your support
  7. Sorry to hurt your feelings Metal and Wood. Guilty as charged. Been thinking about posting some PBEM sending tricks and used your post to do so.
  8. I know Two Things: 1. Mishga is a Dish! 2. Her Husband is Like Madmatt on Steroids! I kid you NOT
  9. JonP: The Yellow setups are usually found in the AI editor as a Plan setup. Why you are seeing it may be due to a designer error. Was the map in question a QB Group map?
  10. I play a lot of PBEM. All the transfer trouble I've had is of my own doing. Sending the wrong file. I sent the Inbound email to my partner...forgot to change from the inbound to out bound folder. Check the number of the files you send. Depending on who started the game it's either odd or even (I know, I know) What was the number of the file you sent? And by the way: if you replay your turn the number will change...need to delete any suspect file before replay a turn. Corrupted files solution: start zipping your files is often helpful. But here's the thing that REALLY worked for me: I stopped using the handy email download button and click directly on the file, instead. Since I started doing that, zipped or unzipped no more corrupted files. And ANY of my partners will attest to my bitching and request for re-sends! PBEM still has known issues regarding QB/PBEM. But my experience sending many turns is the games method is not an issue My use of the method, well THAT was the issue.
  11. That's right while some poor aging PC boob get's a camera tied to his head. Any good will I had toward Mac...went right out the window with those ads...
  12. The original maps DO NOT NEED TO BE DELETED to be able to use the new maps. All 42 maps are new. None are remakes or fixes of exisiting CM:SF maps nor anybody Else's maps...Tell your friends!
  13. Oh, Lord why did I ever post that NASCAR bit!? "What the Hell WAS I Thinking!?"
  14. Mishga says she has seen it. Thankfully I have not. I do know that PBEM QB are not functioning well. It's a two side on one side set up issue. Something bad happens to the map when the file changes from .btt to .ema. Thankfully Many (not all) QB maps have had forces added to them by Mishga...(and I thought she was crazy and wasting time, too!!)By placing them in the Scen folder you can have a PBEM with a Fresh Map and units. Not the best, I know, but a way to keep PBEM's going in the near term.
  15. In regards to the QB Map Pull: There are only Two types of maps: Attack/Defend or Meeting engagement. It is same as cmx1. Size is a very large verable. There is a definit overlap of what Tiny is to what small is and What is medium and what is Large or Huge. This is what BFC said regarding Map size: Map size is a factor. Here's how it is figured out: Take the "average dimension" to be: dimension = squareRoot (mapWidth x mapHeight) So an 800m x 1200m map would have a "dimension" of 980m. (It's nearly the simple average of the two but not quite) Here is how "dimension" is then used to match with stated map sizes. Tiny: <= 500m Small: <= 800m Medium: >= 500m and <= 1400m Large: >= 800m and <= 2500m Huge: >= 1000m Don't know a thing about your crash to the desk top.
  16. Mikey: I hate NASCAR, too. I'll come with you and tag team every post...Like Mikey sez...NASCAR sucks and all you NASCAR "FanBoys" just "don't get it"
  17. Meach has it exactly right: We use the setup "Attack" when designing the maps. We could have used probe or assault but felt the simplest description was Attack. When a player sets up a QB he can choose any of the modes. The game will choose force selection balance (just as it did in cmx1) which has no effect on the maps.
  18. Over 200 downloads since posting. It is very gratifying. Mishga and I thank you all. QBG is growing as other forum members begin to add there excellent work to the QBG Vol 3. We will target for 20. But we no longer will go with the "generic map" style of Vol 1 and 2. Mishga will be working on small and Tiny maps that have much more detail and visual interest. I'll be concentrating on the Larger maps. Gonzo Gonzales, who's beautiful large rural farm map is in Vol 2 has several ideas for new QB's. Others have promised to pitch and lend their considerable talents to QBG as well. Again, thanks for your continued support.
  19. QBG Vol 2 zip has been edited to INCLUDE the missing Attack Open file. If you have not yet Dl Vol 2 then you are fine. If you were among the first 117 either Dl the single attk file or Re- dl vol. 2...Sorry for the trouble and thanks again to pcelt for catching my error.
  20. The missing Attack Open File is now on CMMODS http://www.cmmods.com
  21. No you haven't but I have...Will get that fixed and posted at CMMODS ASAP. Thank you for pointing it out...
  22. Nonetheless, it is worth repeating that it is the opinion of many of us that have been playing around with QBG Pack 1 that you should delete the QB maps that came with the game and play the hell out of these 41 that work beautifully. Awesome work Ma'am and Sir. Feel free to take a week or so to produce another 41 really large maps. </font>
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