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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. I did confirm that dust is spotted by "Gods Eye". Here is how I confirmed: Meeting at High altitude scen as hot seat. I move one Stryker at fast diagonally at the lowest elevation. as Syrian hot seat at lower elevations cannot see dust however hit keystroke 4 and move around and there she be...In normal play mode you could miss it but it's there and it's a cheat...of course both sides are affected...
  2. Sandy and Hoolaman: You are both correct dust clouds that otherwise are hidden from view are easily seen and tracked at higher camera angles. I'll have to remember that when I'm cheating in PBEM's...LOL. I wonder if Dust Clouds could be coded like a unit is...spotted through LOS? Anyway...good point Sandy!
  3. All the great graphics you guys are mentioning...an absolute thrill...But I really want to give a tip of the hat to the floating unit icons. They grow on them as you use them. But the single most OMG thing is the programmable AI in the editor...That IS the Brave New World
  4. Louch: Well I guess I see your point with Syrian NonCom...That is a problem
  5. I don't know, Sandy, but where I live we can see people coming for miles when they drive too fast on the dirt roads. But of course I live in the high desert of California. a good test would be "Meeting at High Altitude" scen. I don't believe you can see dust clouds from behind the large hill that hides the set up areas. But you do see them when the view is not obstructed. Whether it's perfect or not..ya got me...But I sure know when somebody's in a hurry to visit me.
  6. Scrolling: There is no need for a scroll button. An entire Battalion collapses to one line. Purchase a Battalion note the plus sign. Click on it and the battalion brakes out into companies...Now it's a minus sign click on it and you are back to one line again... Saving and overwrite: While I wouldn't mind an idiot reminder before I exit the editor, I don't see the need for a read only file. When I want to work on an existing file that I otherwise want to keep in tact I just re-name the file.
  7. So you ORDERED them to run into a house filled with enemy? Last time I did that the remnants of the squad fragged me and my mouse!
  8. I noticed that too, I've got it really close to my face so I can read it and ... hey man ... have you ever, like ... really LOOKED at your hand man, I mean, like ... wow! Joe </font>
  9. Thanks all for the vote of confidence. The idea does SOUND good but can it WORK?
  10. I know that BFC is working on these PBEM bugs. And I have full confidence that they'll get the job done right. But RuhrRiver brings up an interesting point: How did the testers miss such a glaring issue? I hope that when the dust settles that a calm, business-like review of the testing process be done.
  11. This thread is nothing if not affirmation of BFC's decision to provide a dual system. I find it ludacris that WEGO'rs and RTist feel both righteous and threatened. The idea that one gaming type is superior to the other is laughable. It is clear that each offers an excellent gaming experience....With that said: I like WEGO in most gaming situations but have played and enjoyed CM:SF in RT mode as well.
  12. Thanks for responding. However I am asking about an IDEA not the relative merits of WEGO/RT...For the record I play WEGO. Does the idea have any merit? Should I put down the hookah and stop thinking so much?
  13. I have NO expertise in programing what-so-ever. The following idea has been stuck in my head since reading RT players wishing for a replay mode like WEGO. So here it goes: A continuous Loop Playback program that runs for a total of 2 minutes only. Then starts overwriting the first minute. A player could pause anywhere in the second minute to review the first. The program could be set to pause every 60 second ala WEGO or run until paused as in RT. You would only have the last full minute for replay. There shouldn't be any more storage hit or memory drain (whatever). So all you programmers out there PLEASE: if this is nuts, just tell me so...It's taking way too much space in my brain.
  14. Over the weekend I had to shut down another PBEM (Wadi Scouts)due to troops not Unloading when ordered. My partner and I agreed that we would have to just wait for the patch. I started to look into the editor today. Pulled up Wadi Scouts and low and behold but what do I find: The scen defaults to "No Dismount" Not a bug but an order. Ain't that Just Like the Army...LOL It will pay dividends as we all look to squash bugs to check the scen we are finding issues with. The editor just may answer the question why something isn't happening. AI aggressiveness can be reviewed in the editor as well. I think we will find that EVEN in QB there needs to be large points given at the Mission sites. Why would the AI move to take a position with little or no reason? I hope others will look into the editor as a review of game problems and bugs.
  15. CMBO factoid: It's very different from CMBB/CMAK from a MOD stand point. What Vehicles not in CMBB/CMAK would need to be created. In fact I can't think of anything you could actually use from CMBO. The engine of choice is CMAK.
  16. Hi Sivodsi: That info is in the manual under Combat Commands/ Acquire... The manual seems clear there. My view is: The manual is fine. It is not good explaining the PBEM mode, true. And I suppose we could all find some fault here or there. Overall it's a good manual and compared to most games...It's jam packed with info. Think about the manual of the last game you bought. What size was it How many pages? My last three purchases: BiA, MoH Pacific, Silent Hunter III all had postage stamp manuals. And, oh, by the way...NONE of them worked on my machine.
  17. Hi Max, No Max..I agree Max the manual info sucks. Written like it was an after thought. 100's more like it, old friend. What happened to your old Handle...Lost in the big crash way back when? And are you gonna post some funny pics w/captions?
  18. The file will be loaded as a "Saved Game" It goes like this: 1. You pick a Game and are prompted to create a password. This creates Game file 01 which is stored as an Outgoing file. You will find this file in CM:sf/Games File...You send this to your partner 2. Your Partner gets the 01 file and saves it in his Incoming File Folder. 3. He starts game and finds file 01 the Saved Game portion of the Opening menu. 4. Partner puts in password and a new file 02 will be generated to be sent to you.
  19. AMD 64 3200+ 1.99 GHz 2.75 GB RAM (upgraded was 1.5 w/no game play change +/- Nvidia Geforce 7300 GS 1024X768 32 bit color Ver Sync Off 3D model Best 3D Texture Best A A Off High Pri On I have suffered no game lags. Whatever my FRPs are they must be pretty good. I should note that I have had much trouble with other games recently. They include: Silent Hunter 3..Would not play...BIA...So choppy I had to quit...MOH Pacific Assault...Extremely choppy and freezes. All of them in the last year and a half. Since I buy an average of 2 games a year (maybe less) That was a real string of bad luck
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