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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. OK...all forgiven. The icon as is shows either an identified unit or question mark. An identified marker might be color coded light to dark for suppression and a line through the icon to indicate a unit identified as under 50% strength. The Key word, though is identified. I'd like it to be possibly wrong as a FOW.
  2. Yes, they pick up weapon and use them No, you aren't the only one who wants to keep count of the casualties in the Unit Box. Instead of completely disappearing I think graying out the affected soldier or a small helmet would do nicely. Just another way to easily keep track of unit strength.
  3. Or perhaps have the casualties "grayed out" so to better understand unit strength
  4. In Real World anti-insurgency combat is the Javelin used or even carried? What about AT4's? If so what situations would they be used? eg: Populated areas?
  5. "I thought you'ld be bigger"...LOL...Except for Matt
  6. Bradley: A piece of friendly advice...something I learned the hard way on this forum in 1999. If somebody has you really pissed...DO NOT reply until you have slept, kissed your wife, hugged the kids, and played with the pets...whatever it is that calms you down and allows you to focus on what REALLY is important. And if you still feel the need send one of your articulate post. "Opinions Vary" is a phrase I like. Stole it from the Movie Road House...If you've seen it You'll know exactly what I mean.
  7. A Fine idea: I hope BFC can put one together
  8. The enemy in a trench might be the culprit. You might want to target the area around the troops rather than troops themselves.
  9. Hi Kajones: If you deployed on a roof top this is indeed a bug that BFC is working on. I just set up two US MG's ordered them to deploy and fire at bldg. in clear line of sight. Both teams deployed and started firing with out a hitch. Sometimes the line of sight will read "reverse slope" So what appears to you or I as in clear view is not. Then again you may have found a bug based on some odd convergence of terrain and target. Have you tested MG's in another scen or QB?
  10. If she was cowering she'd have disappeared. </font>
  11. That's my prediction. When it happens I won't bother to dredge up this post to crow. And if it doesn't...Well I'm sure that somebody out there will...
  12. It's what's missing: Bodacious battlefield babes.
  13. I've got neck pain, shoulders are all tensed and my right hand aches like hell. This is all due to CM:SF. The hours and hours each day I've been playing it have nearly crippled me. Can't wait for the next patch...So yeah...BFC I guess your chickens have come home to roost...
  14. Rangers? sure I like Rangers...But where are the WOMEN? Bodacious Battlefield Broads...When will BFC see the light?
  15. I'm not Steve...but the answer is no. All PBEM players I know had trouble with the versions update and re-started the PBEM w/ v 1.02. I believe BFC had a short thread about that.
  16. Didn't happen to any of the 10 or so units I tested some using just that. One thing I did not do was re-order the unit to dismount. I just let it play out: Vehicle/unit moved (turn 1) Vehicle/unit sat looking stupid..but safe..(turn2) On the third turn...mid to very late it opened up and troops tumbled out. So you can see you may never have had an actual "problem". Also I noted that the troops responded based on experience...I did test with normal troops only...I don't know WHAT happens with the abnormal troops
  17. I have been playing a great deal of QB. I have attepted several QB PBEM...all of which have crashed. So no, Human to human via PBEM is not CURRENTLY a good choice. I have had good success with QB vs AI.
  18. I have been Testing the use of QB's in the PBEM mode. To date the results have been NOT Good. Often the Setup areas have been ignored at the start and no amount of try will allow you to Move (place the unit) in the colored setup area. You can place a way point to the set up area, however. If this occurs you can expect a crash in the next turn or two. If you start in a setup area...you may still have a crash down the line. I have had no sucess in using QB's for PBEM. The best bet seems to be the original Battles included in the game. Crashes have occured with newly created scen from gamers
  19. This is the result of a PBEM Test of Infantry Deployment Issues that have been discussed on various threads...... Good news: Applies to both sides... Dismounted infantry do NOT move the first 60 seconds. In the next turn those units WILL move and follow specific order w/out problem Mounted Infantry WILL dismount after a 60 second delay and follow orders. As an example: an Inf carrier is ordered to location Alpha. Once the vehicle arrives and the order to dismount is given there WILL BE a 60 sec PLUS delay prior to dismount and additional orders. It ain't broke but bound to call some request for instant access, reality of order/action delay, ect. Me, I've no clue. Guess delay is correct
  20. Jomni: was that from attempting a v1.01 to V1.02 load?
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