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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. I am noticing an increase in problems with V 1.02. Loading issues and game crashes have occured several times. I feel like V1.01 was more stable for PBEM. Hope BFC will take a look at this and get us and running again in V 1.03
  2. Perhaps I have. No spinning, little actual trouble with way points. Usually me being sloppy same as CMx1. I'm not happy with self preservation model and agree with you there. I am playing QB against the AI and PBEM using the battles...although I just started a QB PBEM that looks to be promising. You can either take my word for it as someone who has played a ton of CM like you have or not. I am having a hell of a good time with this game..warts and all. I'll certainly not apologize for enjoying it nor give a damn if you don't believe it.
  3. Well Thank God for That: For awhile there I thought I was at a New York Drama Critics Roast for Steve.
  4. If you started w/ v1.01 and have now upgraded to v 1.02 you may well experience a loading freeze. Other than that I have experienced no problems w/PBEM play...except for the butt kicking I'm taking.... One thing I did do was create a new "Gmail" account from google just to handle the games. My provider was awful stingy with file size limits. The gmail thing seem to handle things OK
  5. That's a load of bull. I've been wargaming a hell of a lot longer than computer games have even been around, and I don't see CMSF as a step forward. It has potential, but as a simulation, it isn't up to CMBO par yet </font>
  6. If you are a Wargamer you'll love CM:SF, see it to be a big step forward tactical simulation. If you're a Gamer who likes playing Army you're just not gonna get it.
  7. Hi Becket: Just tried one of Joe's early V1.01 turns. I was able to get it loaded, accept password, and deploy units. It saved without a hitch. Looks OK so far. I'll know more when Joe FINALLY gets out of the Peng Cesspool and send a turn....
  8. The increase in AI "aggressiveness" seems to be working...dead grunts everywhere and the rest are hunting down their dear leader with intent to frag
  9. Any issues in switching to V 1.02 and playing ongoing PBEM's like we had in CMx1 patches of old?
  10. To Steve at BFC: Can We have WEGO with a 60 second limit with option to replay and PBEM compatible, too. But also provide a continuous/pauseable time game type (RT) that I could pick my own time to pause and still allow me to TCP/IP....A kind of best of both worlds option that wouldn't kill my frame rate? Is it asking too much?
  11. This is what Steve Said just the other Day: If we do Modules for foreign militaries we will try to retain commercial rights to at least the basic elements, which would mean more Modules. So at this point it looks like the only chance of an IDF Module is if we do a contract with the IDF itself. I never say never, but I'd not be counting on that happening Steve Obviously more issues at stake then just a burning desire to see Merkava's in action will solve
  12. It's sad that threads like these are all people have to find opponents. It's the 21st century! We need a functional match making chat room! </font>
  13. Way cool...Dragged to a Dead concert as a child... Did you say something about a patch, man?
  14. If you like wargames in general and CM in particular then it is in your best interest to buy the game. You, me, all of us are this niche market. If you don't spend the money you won't keep great companies like BFC going. "No bucks, No Buck Rogers" as the saying goes. And them's the hard, cold facts.... By the way...I've got Silent hunter, too...Game plays poorly on my rig. I have BIA...the game plays poorly on my rig...and on and on.
  15. Thank you BFC. Your commitment to excellence is exceeded only by your creative talents. And while I'm thinking about it: A big thank you to those BFC families who have had to suffer your absence these last months... My wife is only beginning to suffer the same
  16. Hit--Kill: two different things. The power of the M-1 and ATGM against re-active armor. I'm not grog modern but it seems accurate and one hell of a lot of fun to play. Try the demo
  17. *********SPOILER ALERT*********************** **********SPOILER ALERT************************** This is a good way of posting your comments so that others who may wish to play the scen fresh will have that opportunity............... ************END SPOILER ALERT******************
  18. Liked the name...kinda reminded me of something in the dark recess of CMBO memory...well I'm sure it will come to me . Gonna give it a PBEM try
  19. Well that is new... In set up mode I just read the cease fire request pop-up stating the computer will except. I stand corrected. That works much better as an end of game routine against the AI
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