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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. I loved the reader comment: "Does anyone give a ****? I've never even heard of this series." [[ Censor profanity. -- DB ]]... Posted by: CaptainGoober on September 12, 2007 It speaks volumes. As to the review: It spoke to the issues of the game fairly accurately. I wouldn't expect general gaming reviewers to delve into the accuracy and fidelity to detail needs that wargamers do. I read Jim Cobb's excellent review of CM:SF. I Read IGN's Mediocre review of CM:SF...I "GET" both.
  2. Mishga likes the small maps...I like the BIG maps It looks like a plan for QBG is shaping up here.
  3. Meach: You have it EXACTLY right. Mishga and I wore a self imposed straight jacket in producing these Generic maps. The need was there, certainly, but the many post of how great a CMx1 QB generated map is...wellllll.... I suppose they really meant convenient. So now there are enough maps to have that reasonably functional. For my part I want to look at the larger map size...Most of the generic stuff I did was around 1000 x 500...To me that seems like medium. I'd like to see what map size my average PC can play on...So I'll start at 1200x1200 and go up or down from there. Peter Wenmann did and absolutely stunning 1200 x 900 map: A small City in a surrounding rural setting. At a bus stop Kiosk is a picture of Pres. Assad of Syria...Fantastic. But frame rate difficulty made it hard to view in the editor...and so that is bottomline issue for maps. BFC appears to be hard at work trying to increase frame rate. To the degree that they are successful will relate to just how large or detailed a map can be.
  4. Cougar_DK: We've come along way since Nov '99...Sure hope you enjoy them...a real labor of love for us.
  5. QB Group is pleased to announce 21 NEW QB maps are ready for download at CMMODS http://www.cmmods.com The first 20 when combined with the original game files covered all the possible QB variations. Vol 2, when combined with Vol 1 ONLY, does the same. We have done our best to balance the maps for a good QB gaming experience no matter if playing the AI or Human opponent. These maps should NOT overwrite the original game maps or any other player maps. Thanks!
  6. QB Group is pleased to announce 21 NEW QB maps are ready for download at CMMODS http://www.cmmods.com The first 20 when combined with the original game files covered all the possible QB variations. Vol 2, when combined with Vol 1 ONLY, does the same. We have done our best to balance the maps for a good QB gaming experience no matter if playing the AI or Human opponent. These maps should NOT overwrite the original game maps or any other player maps. Thanks!
  7. They do not overwrite the existing QB maps. All QBG maps have there own distinctive name.
  8. Oh yeah...sure but what does HE know? About the Author Jim Cobb has been playing board wargames since 1961 and computer wargames since 1982. He has been writing incessantly since 1993 to keep his mind off the drivel he deals with as a bureaucrat. He has published in Wargamers Monthly, Computer Gaming World, Computer Games Magazine, Computer Games Online, CombatSim, Armchair General, Subsim, Strategyzone Online and Gaming Chronicle.
  9. Mishga continues to produce most of the maps. But we view it as a group effort. We have a couple more guys on board and they are hard at work on Vol 3... I can announce that Vol 2 has meet it's 20 map metric and is in final testing prior to upload to CMMODS. Vol 2 concentrates on Meeting Engagement Maps of all terrain types. They all have multiple Advance routes for both sides and are generally well balanced maps for PBEM, TCP, and Hot seat play as well. Something I'm particularly happy about.
  10. The Vol 2 Batch is coming along fine. Mishga and I are learning alot about the AI and I think you will notice the QBG's will be more replayable. All have at least two Blue/Red plans. Many have three. To date we have 8 approved and ready. That leaves 12 to go to meet our weekend deadline. Any of you who would like to help just send Mishga or I your files. We will check them, rename them with your intials for credit, and get them in the next vol. Thanks to all for your kind words.
  11. NOTICE: I have found a small graphical error in file "QB Attack City ez01". One of the main road tiles was the wrong size. It's bad enough to need a correction. I have placed a fix on CMMODS.
  12. First find the center of your target area, now draw back from the center point staying with in your line of sight. In other words straight back towards your FO. You will be targeted every time
  13. The Grand title boils down to Mishga and myself. We are putting together batches of 20 QB battles and uploading to CMMODS. We need your help in producing these maps. Here's what our goal for a QB map is: 1. Mid size maps with Basic Generic map set ups 2. Few whistles and bells (easy on the frame rate is the goal) 3. Multiple AI plans for both sides. If you would care to contribute please email Mishga or myself. Our emails are in our profiles. No fame or glory for anyone here...just doing a really needed service to the CM:SF community.
  14. QB Group is Not Official QB Group has no opinion on any other maps made or used. QB Group plans Vol 2 (20 more QB's) for this weekend. Thanks
  15. ...Do you ever ask yourself, "Would I want to share a foxhole with that guy?" Stay cool, Huntarr and thanks for the sneak preview.
  16. QB Group Update: I just did a check of the games organic QB maps and QB Groups vol 1....There is a map for everything BUT (damn it) Town/Meet. We will be working on that pronto along with others that have only one map: Village/Meet, Hill/Meet & Rough/Meet....Nobody wants to meet and more, do they!?
  17. I just did a check of the games organic QB maps and QB Groups vol 1....There is a map for everything BUT (damn it) Town/Meet. We will be working on that pronto along with others that have only one map: Village/Meet, Hill/Meet & Rough/Meet....Nobody wants to meet and more, do they!?
  18. Thank you. Last night I tried a QB on Random settings. Hill map I was defender Syria Repub Guard T72V tank Co. So I set up and start. First turn Nada...oh no...Second turn..Here come the blues...5 M1's and 3 bradley's smoking in the first 3 turns...and me not a scratch...just nailing them as they turn into the valley to deploy...And then I'm wiped out to a man in the next 30 minutes. I've got the Company commander and his wounded crewman left...When I surrender to the AI....How VERY Coooool. The QB Group will be hard at work producing another 20 maps for release next weekend. We are going to pay particular attention to what type of scen mix is lacking and provide more maps accordingly. There are plenty of you out there who are making your own maps. We need your help. The type of map we look for is generic, mid size, and low end user friendly. In other words a Good, simple, yet interesting map with a few whistles and bells. You can post them individually at CMMODS, naturally. But we hope you will send them to Mishga or myself so we can standardize their naming and batch them for easy use by the CM community.
  19. Compliments of the QB Group. You can get them here: http://www.cmmods.com
  20. Welcome home AdamL....Benny was far worse far too often,and for far too long...
  21. Hi Elmar: Mishga sent me a batch of QB maps...I have gone through, re-named and will post as a batch file on CMMODS... I've got 15 ready but want 20. Hurting for some larger maps and city maps...You know where a guy can get more? Email please [ September 08, 2007, 10:30 AM: Message edited by: MarkEzra ]
  22. You guys stay safe...and may God speed you all home to your loved ones.
  23. Last nite it was "circle jerk" and tonite is "airport reach around"...can't you guys keep the schedule straight!?
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