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Everything posted by MarkEzra

  1. Learn to use the editor?? ....LOL Seriously...Happy to be of service
  2. QBG has placed 20 PBEM TCP HotSeat style scenarios on www.Cmmods.com Look for the Title: 2P-QBG. All Credit for these Scenarios goes to Mishga who had the foresight to include troops to Many of our QBG maps.
  3. PBEM and Quick Battle Maps don't mix. There was no expectation that they would in this patch. The problem seems to crop up when a QB map (.btt) becomes a PBEM map (.ema). This Does NOT happen with a Scen (.btt) I am working on the short term solution to this. Almost all QBG Maps in Vol 1-3 have units placed in them (like a stand alone scen). By copying the QB map to your scen file you will be able to easily play PBEM/TCP. I am doing it now with my 3 PBEM. I intend to dig into the QBG maps today and rename a few for 2 player games...More later
  4. We have certainly got a lot of DL's so far. It's nice to see
  5. I had a similar issue in V1.03 PBEM play in one scen only (trident Valley orig game scen). I had to wait forever to end the turn and get to the new outgoing file screen. At first I did C alt d...but started just waiting it out. It worked each time but took several minutes. And ONLY with that scen. Is in in one scen or each game you play?
  6. Did you down load the QB Group maps from CMMODS. If so: 1. Unzip the file. 2. Open File. Go to "edit", select all, select copy 3. Open your C:/Program/CM:SF/Game Files/Quick Battle Maps folder. 4. Select "edit", select copy. QBG Maps are now copied into your Quick Battle Maps folder Good Luck and Good gaming
  7. Here's what I did. 1: Renamed the Quick Battle Maps file that came with the game to Quick Battle Maps Orig 2: Have Vol 1, 2 and 3 in Quick Battle Maps QBG Standard 3: Have Vol 4 Large Multi maps in Quick Battle Maps QBG Large Now all I need to do is Choose the file I want to play, Re-Name it Quick Battle Maps, and fire up a QB. You Can ABSOLUTLY have all these types in the one file There will be No Overwriting or lost maps. There have been problems with the originals and many people have chosen to discard them
  8. 111 divided by 3 = 37. Each map has been copied "large" "Medium" and "Small" Which allows the player to choose any size force to play but kept the map Large. "Small" maps often have slight changes made in objectives and plans to suit fewer troops.
  9. QBG is pleased to announce the release of Vol 4 All Large Maps. You will find them at: cmmods.com (file Name: QBG Large Multi) These are Very different maps then the Standard QB: 111 Large Maps. Each map allows the player to Choose ANY size force (Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge) and still play on a large map. Use it either in addition to our standard QB maps or Save your original "Quick Battle Maps" and Re-name this file For All Large Maps All the time. QBG Contributors to Vol 4: Mishga, Gonzo Gonzales, Me. ENJOY!!
  10. I have been testing V1.04 on the large Battle maps we've been working on....At this early point in testing I can give a tentative YEEEEEEEEEEE----HAAAAAAAAA.....When I know more I'll report more. Please understand that testing is difficult, hard and time con....YEEEEEEEEE----HAAAAAAAA.....ahhhh time consuming...so it may be awhile before I can give full report of findings......dammit their on my flank....call for arty
  11. You sound terrible! Shouldn't you take the day off? Don't want to infect EVERYBODY at work...Right
  12. The large map sizes we are working on conform to what we have produced in Vol 1-3...Not Overly large but, we felt, room enough for maneuver. FPS is an issue for players. We plan no release of the Large edition until V1.04 is released. BFC has stated they have improved performance with the patch. Naturally the proof of the pudding is in the eating...
  13. If you do then you're in for a treat. The QB Group is working on a Complete set of Large Only Maps that allows the player to choose any size of Units from Tiny up to Huge and play them ALL on a large map. This can be placed in you Quick Battle Maps File with all our other maps but we recommend you Save/rename your current QBM file and Try these as a stand alone. You'll get at LEAST 2 maps for all terrains and all battle types...Usually more. Each map has multiple Plans for both sides so these Large Maps should have some staying power. It's a work in progress. We'll keep you posted
  14. Monday, Monday, so good to me Monday mornin', it was all I hoped it would be
  15. I don't expect you to read all my post. But for the record I have responded to negative Beta Tester comments on several occasions Having done a lot of Testing myself it's generally something I will comment on. Your defense of beta testers sounds, to me, more like just another negative swipe at BFC then a praise of testers...hence my comment...which clearly states you have a perfect right to your views as I do mine. End of story
  16. Please find another thread for your comments. This thread is about solutions not finger pointing. You have a perfect right to think and post what you wish. I only ask that you post it elsewhere...Please...
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