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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. para - the Marines is worth it for the T90. You've got to have a challenge for your Challengers. I don't think it was designed that way but it looks like it has become so in practice.
  2. Cute baby. I'm sure it'll work out fella. The best thing I can add is that you've got to realise that sleeping is a skill that your little girl has to develop. Sleep and wakefulness is a bit of a grey area for them initially. Give her time to learn how to do it. Routine is absolutely essential. Do the same things at the same time, get agreement from your Mrs on the best times and you’ll find it works out so much easier for everyone. Our second daughter loved being dolly pegged, when you wrap a blanket around them so they basically can’t move. It sounds a bit cruel but it’s really just what they were used to in the womb and makes them feel secure. We’d dolly peg her and she slept for ~6 hours almost straight away. I've got two daughters and it really is the best thing ever.
  3. Ooo, close. She used to hop like a frog...of course maybe I'm conflating things...
  4. While we're on the subject, I used to see a Finnish girl and she just to do this folk song about frogs, complete with jumpy dance. If it's on youtube etc I'd like to see it again for a laugh. My youtube-fu fails me.
  5. Probably shouldn't post this but BFC have decided to go in a different direction. <spoiler> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clown battles
  6. If you're using Firefox (and you should), click View->Page style->select "No Style" and the styling is removed - nice black text on a white background.
  7. I'm not sure but have you tried saving at the beginning of a movie?
  8. If it were me, knowing where he's going, I'd move all my armour to take advantage. It looks like he's kept a reserve somewhere - I'd use everything at once and get the firepower edge. Up to you of course - looks fun.
  9. Lets face it. Cover values are a fudge. Why should the 1m sq under a soldier matter more than the 300m to the shooter? In CM1 that's why it was there and why it could be displayed. In CM2 the bullets trajectory from shooter to shot is tracked through all the intervening objects - this is what has the greatest effect.
  10. OK, I've raised it as a concern. No idea what they'll do with it.
  11. It's a good point. Does anyone have a save showing just this?
  12. He was banned Michael. One of the first high profile bannings I remember.
  13. Just playing British Mettle and it looks like your CR2(En) have about a couple of rounds of APDS each. It's annoying.
  14. What I do is mad-minute onto the area with Target, then as the infantry assault move to Target Light. Infantry will fire bullets, no HE, and so won't hurt your guys but will suppress the enemy. I don't consider it games* as there's a lot of things we're missing, like door breach commands etc. *except if it were done to me. Obviously.
  15. Absolutely not. Never happen. In fact, it’s become a bit of a running joke. Several years ago, I posited the idea of having large 3D icons of soldiers that would represent the squad that would be superimposed on them when they were too small to actually see, as these could get over a lot of information about facing, morale, current action etc. I thought it was a great idea and raised it so often people could predict what I’d write. Steve & Charles decided it would cause a scale clash with the landscape etc. and that it was a bad idea – and so it’ll never happen.
  16. I'm hoping for the return of shift-C and hence no need for them. Other than that, flags.
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