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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. Thanks dieseltaylor, some good stuff on that PhysOrg site.
  2. Me - I have NASH. Thanks for posting this - do you have the source please? I saw that they've actually started to vat grow livers, which is a scary/cool/sci-fi-y thought.
  3. I wonder if, as he couldn't control it, they ran aground on purpose. Lesser of 2 evils kind-of-thing.
  4. As ever, an interesting take from Lewis Page at The Register: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/10/20/comment/
  5. Actually, these Civ V reviews have made me go back and play Civ IV. I never liked it much but I'm enjoying it more now. It's nice to whack Culture up and take a few border cities.
  6. I guy I know was in a roadside cafe in Vietnam and the waitress came to him and started saying something urgent in a loud voice. He understood nothing and was saying "It's OK, it's OK" and making patting down motions with his hands - then he saw on his shoulder the largest, meanest spider in the whole world ever. He squealed like a girl as he flung it off then, apparently, danced around waving his hands. Really flew the flag on that one.
  7. I can't see why it takes up so much processing power. It nearly freezes your machine - to animate little units? The rest of the game is a spreadsheet so it seems odd.
  8. I think he got it, and repeated part of the story as it as it was told. Which leaves you somewhat exposed old chap. But let us not let that get in the way of my monumental thread (if you ignore Emrys - but I think that's assumed).
  9. I don't read blogs but I'm loving this: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/
  10. And here it is with a working video: http://io9.com/5639113/the-scariest-video-you-have-ever-watched-in-the-name-of-science
  11. This would stay broke. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txdv_oNq81I&feature=player_embedded
  12. Great example of what I was talking about John. BTW I know where you worked, I know you don't any more and I probably have a better idea why than you. If I could throw you a rope I would but I'm afraid you're too far gone.
  13. What's scary John is your conflation of unrelated and unsubstantiated material to form an argument. As scary as Jaws was when I personally witnessed it in the 1970s, which must mean that you're about to be attacked by a shark.
  14. Any word on the engine they're using? I liked it but something about the Unreal engine just felt...not real to me.
  15. http://www.usdebtclock.org/# might interest some. Interest - geddit. Interest ahhh. Other Means you sly old dog, you've done it again.
  16. British: Jet engine. Integrated air defence system? Magnetic mine sweeping. Invented by the British, developed by the US.
  17. What possible reason could you have to let it live?
  18. That's really cool. Love to see it in other countries.
  19. Congrats Phil! Couldn't happen to a nicer fella.
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