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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. Knew a girl who’s mum taught some refugees daughter. Lovely girl called Funky Porn. No idea how it was spelled. So she took them to one side and said you can’t call her that, so they called her Barbara. No idea why I found it so funny at the time but it seemed even funnier than Funky. My mate went to college with a Scottish girl called Shona Twott. Knew a Dr Cart, called his son Orson. And it’s supposed to be a caring profession.
  2. I wonder if some PC centric maps will come out. Looks gorgeous like. {edit} Quite enjoying the single player now.
  3. I was kind of expecting a BF1942 feeling to it. Huge maps with loads of vehicles to have fun in. Not happening right now. Claustrophobic maps and crowding. I understand that's due to it running on consoles. They really are ruining PC gaming. The single player campaign is far from gripping.
  4. Plus I can't paste my CD key in so I'm reduced to *akk* typing. Single player is a big bag of meh. Plus Bioshock 2 just crashes on me from my QS. I'd have to lose ages to go back to my last save. Gaming has not been kind. *goes back to playing CM:N*
  5. Dude, I totally can't connect to a server. It's so bumming me out.
  6. Gotcha Elmar. Need an invite to PENG now...I guess...
  7. I've got Battlefield Bad Company 2 downloaded and ready to go. If anyone wants to kill me, my name will be Pvt_Function.
  8. Did you mess up character encoding so you weren't using the latin alphabet?
  9. A guy works sister is doing the skeleton bob there. Must be playing on everyone's mind.
  10. You need to buy the Vista patch for a trifling stipend.
  11. Now available online. {edit} Or at least the intro is - bugger.
  12. Interesting stuff. Amazing more isn't known about it.
  13. Really? That works? Colour me shocked. I thought the only way would be to run CM in a VM and assign it to the 4 cores. I'd try it but I can't be arsed.
  14. Enemies disappear/reappear all the time as they are only shown on the map if your men can see them. So if they are firing, you can see them. If they then take cover they will disappear. If your men take cover they will also disappear because there’s no-one to see them. Is that what you mean?
  15. What happened to Dutch? The big guy who’s a bit slow on the uptake but has a heart of gold who gets teamed up with the guy from da Bronx and reads out letters from his parents in a slow voice before passing round a picture of his family at which point Weasel, the Bronx guy, grabs it and says “hot damn take a look at little Miss Dutch! She your sister?” “Yah sure, she’s my leedle sistah.” “She don't look too little to me Dutch, am I right, am I right?” before putting his life on the line and firing a captured Nazi MG from the hip to get everyone out of the abandoned building.
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