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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. I'd imagine it quite easy to design a hammock that could withstand 50g. I doubt the mounting points wouldn’t even have to be as strong as for chairs because the weight of a canvas and nylon hammock would be substantially less than a plastic and metal chair. Plus the fact you're stacking them closer means you're getting more passengers paying for fuel. Be a lot more comfy for everyone as well. They'd swing in response to acceleration too, so you'd be safer in a crash. You could even get one end to let go on command so people would land on their feet in an emergency. From all the videos I've seen look like a darkened obstacle course when a plane starts filling with smoke (Mrs Means is a trolley dolly so I've watched a few). If the chairs were out the way it'd be so much better. The only bad thing is some granny trying to get out of a top one to go the bathroom would fall and break her hip. But it's be more than made up for by the mile high opportunities
  2. Great publicity they get. Seriously though, what's wrong with hammocks?
  3. I originally read that years ago, before the crash. I think it's inevitable that eventually we'll build nuclear* reactors on a large scale taking the place of fossil fuels both for electricity generation and land transport. Then either produce some kind of synthetic jet fuel or just use the now over-capacity of oil for them. *Fission or fusion, it doesn't really matter.
  4. This is a wargaming forum, of course we like to discuss warfare. It's just most of us know enough about it to know it's obscene and have some empathy with our fellow man. War is a terrible, terrible thing - it's just not the worst thing. That makes it interesting but not something to look forward to. In short - grow up.
  5. Yep. That's Liverpool girls for you.
  6. I wish they'd build a few bloody reactors here so we weren't reliant on Middle Eastern/Russian fossil fuels.
  7. When I used to do Judo, you worked up to 7 minute rounds. They'd absolutely knacker you. OTOH, you were that fit a 10 minute rest and you were ready to go again, I'd imagine professional soldiers were about that level - mostly. Your conscripted peasant stock though... Affentitten, might look that up, cheers. Via the Great Vowel Shift, no doubt.
  8. I've often wondered what it was like in a sword battle at the sharp end. Did people just stand and fight in line until they died, did the lines swap, what was the life expectancy when face to face with an enemy, was it a big shoving match until advantage was gained? How, in fact, did the whole thing work on a micro level? I understand the larger tactics but right in the front line how did they do? The closest I've seen to an answer was from the program "Rome" where they swapped people out of the front lines on a whistle - I think that must have happened. It would certainly explain how the Romans, with practised battle drill, managed to so often overcome much larger but disorganised armies. For things like Cannae there must have been a push back of/retreat by the Romans to a line that was too tight to swing a sword, or swap people out, leading to the front line being exhausted and eventually succumbing to Hannibal's men who'd had 10 minutes rest. If anyone knows better illuminate me, cheers.
  9. Batch file programming? I wrote a batch file last week.
  10. Can't imagine him starting opposite Jennifer Aniston in a laugh a minute rom-com soufflé but he does good hero. 200 years ago he'd have made a fine Cavalry officer and done deeds of daring did. Today he's an actor and chat show bore. Tempus fugit.
  11. Thank god I didn't go with my first response then...
  12. I'm unfamiliar with this acronym.
  13. Hang on, £17 isn't cheap as chips. Or at least the chips I buy. Let me a have a think.
  14. That looks fun - I'd be up for a game but not tonight. I'll post here.
  15. The way I see it, they've got to live long enough to catch enough people to let their infection chance create at least one more zombie. Early on I prioritise speed and infection, then resilience. Good little game.
  16. Go to different continents and clean up the smaller villages first.
  17. Great little zombie game. I've wasted more time than I should really. http://armorgames.com/play/5349/infectonator-world-dominator
  18. "Hi, my name is Jon Sarkipants, why yes it is French, can you tell me if the thesis by Andrew Holborn is anywhere online, or if you have a policy regarding these things?".
  19. Why don't you phone the uni and ask them or talk to him?
  20. Agreed Michael. Rob a bank with a gun and get life, rob a country with a bank and get rich.
  21. They were in my story :mad: (I still miss the old smilies) I reckon it fell off the back of a lorry.
  22. Guess what? It was a gob of fluff + dog hair stopping the fan on the video card from spinning. Cleaned it and it started working straight away. It actually wasn't that much fluff. Need to keep an eye on it I guess.
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