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Other Means

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Everything posted by Other Means

  1. http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager07.html list of all sites you've visited that use Flash. Obviously this has no effect on me. Just youtube there and, you know, educational stuff. Still...interesting to know.
  2. Yep. And TBH it's been running with no difficulties for a while now. Something must have blown.
  3. It's a new, top quality PSU. Surely if it was going it wouldn't get as far as it does?
  4. Recognises the chip, validates the RAM, hangs then re-boots. (I'm on the crappy laptop BTW) So, given I've got a Quad Q9550 (LGA775 socket) and a GeForce 250 GTX, what the best mobo anyone can recommend? Thanks.
  5. Sorry mate - should have checked your location
  6. Pinetree, did you try my key mod? You might enjoy SF more.
  7. There's odd being taken on what they will find. Dark matter is the 11-10 favourite. God is 100-1.
  8. No, not for sure. But given that they were mainly cycle shops we can be sure of them, then the other side are derelict houses. Given that you see him putting back the bar he rode up, plus what I've read about him, I'd guess that he asked permission.
  9. I think it looks pretty obvious that he had permission to do that. Did you not notice him put back the guard rail they'd moved later in the clip? Tutting doom-mongers like yourself suck all the fun out of life. For God's sake - there's more important things than money. Like inspiration, and wonder and being bloody young and invincible.
  10. Who cares about the bikes? Seriously? He also seems like a nice guy: "I am not going to cancel the smaller events which I am booked to do in favour of the big stuff. Having a prime-time American TV show wanting me to perform is just wild, but because my biking is going to be exposed to so many people I want it to be exposed in the right light. I am not going to degrade what I am doing and act like a clown. I am not too fussed about making money. I just want to ride my bike every day and see a bit more of the world."
  11. So the positions are "Oh God won't someone think of the bicycles." and "Tut, wouldn't do that if he had to pay to get himself fixed, won't somebody think of the children."? Damn you guys are fun.
  12. It's only a place John. We take with us always what is important.
  13. That is really worrying. So the vXP box was shutting down? As in exiting gracefully or crashed? Would you post what you learn about it?
  14. Naw, this is how you score an own goal. NWS link.
  15. Nice to see the University of Liverpool getting in on these things.
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