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Dog Red, Easy Green, 1/2 Easy Red

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Looks really good. I have been tinkering with the section just to the left of your map on Easy Red up till WN 62. My map is 1,5 km wide and covers the section of Omaha where the American Cemetery is nowadays. I do however share the same concern as Kip: these big maps need big rigs to run on! My rig is a few years old and when I testplay with good details on, the game really slows down. The troops on the beach are really exposed and it's a real turkey shoot with tracers and explosions everywhere. It really puts a strain on my pc.

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thank you for your positive feedback

here is a small preview of the allied oob:


i will try to simulate the assault sections (~30 men per boat) which were created for the landings.

The new mix and match system of the editor is one of my favourite feature of cmbn! thank you bf!

On the german side there will be 5th company of Grenadier Regiment 916 and 10th company of Grenadier Regiment 726


i don't know when it is done but there is still a lot to do like placing flavour objects. i don't have much time next week so i would say end of june for the map and a bit later for my planned h-hour mission.

playability is ok - i did a stresstest with all the allied troops advancing at once (~1100) and there were no problems watching the replay. (best, best, shadows on, aa off)

i guess it will not be playable in realtime with my machine (c2d@2,4Ghz, ATI HD3850, winxp 3 GB Ram)


looking forward to your map as well as to this one: http://battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=98002 maybe someone could make a mini campaign using our maps


it is not exactly at scale it is a bit too broad and st laurent is a bit too small

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  • 2 weeks later...

just did my first playtest but had to stop in the middle of the action. here two screenshots

29th infantry 1st wave disembarks:


and here is what was left of them:


thank you mjkerner for the divisional patches and uniform mod!

i'm still looking for playtesters please write me a pm if you are interested!

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Excellent map. Obviously a lot of work went into it, and it shows. It really seems to portray what the 2D map of the area show as the actual terrain very well.

One minor glitch that may or not be fixable- the stone bridge on the US left (below the bluffs) may need the ground raised 1 point on the left side where the bridge meets the road. That may just be the way it needs to be given the depth of the cut, though.

I've just fired the scenario up SLIGHT SPOILER ahead........

20 minutes for the first US arrivals may be a bit long. My prep barrage (wow!) was done within the 5-10 minute mark. Maybe move the arrival up 5 minutes? I'm not sure if that will play havoc with the rest of the scenario timewise, but it feels a bit long.

Great stuff.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ok this map is finished! i will upload it in the next minutes. here is the briefing screen and a short version of the briefing:


Soldiers of the Allied Expeditionary Force!

You embarked upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you.

In company with our brave Allies and brothers-in-arms on other Fronts, you will bring about the destruction of the German war machine, the elimination of Nazi tyranny over the oppressed peoples of Europe, and security for ourselves in a free world.

Airborne troops and heavy bombardements from air and sea have prepared the biggest naval landing operation in history. Now your time has come!

It is the 6th of June 1944,6:30 - the first wave of tanks and infantry will hit Omaha Beach in the next minutes. This is the area between the beach sections of Dog Red and Easy Red. There are two beach exits codenamed D-3 and E-1.

In the original plan units of the 116th Infantry Regiment of the 29th Division were designated for D-3. The Area around Exit E-1 was assigned to the 16th infantry Regiment (1st Infantry Division). But it came differently than planned. A strong current and the smoke of grass fires, as a result of the initial naval bombardment, caused that most of the boats landed eastwards of their designated landing zones.

You are in command of the 2nd and 3rd Battalion of the 116th Infantry Regiment (29th Infantry Division). Your task is to gain a foothold on Omaha Beach and open up the Beach Exits for follow up troops. Move inland as soon as possible towards the assembly area which is located south of the small village St. Laurent sur Mer.

Your forces:

Battleship USS Arkansas and the british cruiser HMS Glasgow as well as a destroyer will participate in the naval prebombardment of this sector.

Tanks of A Company of 743rd Tank Battalion should land in this sector at about H+15.

2nd Batallion (116th Infantry Regiment) will follow the tank landings at about H+25.

3rd Batallion (116th Infantry Regiment) will be part of the second assault wave. Their landing will start at about H+55.

You will get additional artillery support by a destroyer which is tasked to close in on the beach. It should go online at about H+60.

Your infantry units will be organized in boat teams (assault and support section) carrying additional heavy weapons and explosives to work as a self-contained unit. The only exception will be K Company, 3rd Batallion, which is part of the reserve. Therefore only two boats will be loaded as assault section.

The Enemy

We don't know the exact armament and the force level of the german strongpoints in this sector. As far as we know from intelligence reports and aerial pictures we expect at least one company stationed in the area of St. Laurent sur Mer.

The germans organized their defenses in so called Widerstandsnester (WN). This strongpoints at the at top of the bluffs consist out of trenches, pillboxes with mgs and anti-tank guns, tobruks with mortars as well as tank turrets and minefields. The defense positions are interconnected with tunnel systems.

From aerial reconaissance we know some of the minefield's positions but we expect that the whole area between the bluffs and the beach could be mined. The antitank ditches which are blocking the beach exits should not pose a problem for infantry but they could be mined as well.

Since the Germans had prepared their defenses for quite some time, we assume that they were able to train their guns accurately onto the beach. Their mortar and artillery fire will be precise and fast.

The Plan

- Use your tanks to knock out strongpoints like pillboxes or mg-nests prior to the infantry landings.

- Try to get your men off the beach as soon as possible to avoid severe casualties from mortar and artillery fire.

- Use your light mortars to knock out soft targets hiding in trenches and foxholes.

- Use your breach teams and combat engeneers to mark mines and to find safe passages through the minefields.

- Try to flank the strongpoints around the beach exits E-1 and D-3.

- Advance to the assembly area south of St. Laurent sur Mer with caution - we expect at least isolated resistance in the rear area.

- Find and destroy german artillery located in the rear area.

- We expect high casualties nevertheless we need your battalions for further operations on D-Day. Make sure that at least 25% of your forces are in fighting condition at the end of this mission

Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped and battle hardened. He will fight savagely but I have full confidence in your courage and devotion to duty and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full Victory!

Good luck!

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