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NOT got the steel box!!

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But I do have a letter from parcelfarce demanding £37.79 (over $62 US) before I can see my game/manual!

Perhaps US folks can now see why British customers were so upset at the way BF treated them on pre-orderes...

Thanks a lot!!

After CMSF I promised myself I would NEVER ever pre-order from BF again...but my enthusiasm and trust trumped caution.

(PS the game looks lovely but is pretty bugged; no working QBs and more problems with the interface come out with each game)

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Bad luck - I'm still waiting for my copy too (or ransom letter if I'm unlucky like you).

However, while BF could have been a bit clearer about the pre-orders shipping from the US instead of Europe, it's not their fault that our Customs folk seem to make stuff up on the fly - if you check out the other thread, there are plenty of UK people getting the game with no extra tax/ransom demands.

As for you assertion on the buggy nature of the game, I'm afraid to say I don't agree with your assessment (or at least, the bugs which you may have experienced have not had an impact on my playing, which is about as diplomatic as I can be!)

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QB's work great.

I, and many others, have no or at least minimal problems with the interface after getting used to it and maybe using the alternate hotkeys.

You were given the option of cancelling your pre-order after the customs and VAT issues were discovered.

That being said, I am sorry you got screwed by your government.

You could look it at a value per dollar issue, I feel that you will get, even at the increased cost (which is a function of your government, not BF.Com), more enjoyable playing time out of this than most other $120.00 worth of computer games you could buy.

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I'm in the UK, is that right that I've got to pay another £40 to get my steel box?

All I've had is an email saying my games on it's way.

I pre-ordered this game within about 8 hours of it being announced on Battlefront, how the hell can they get away with that?

If this is the case it will be the last time I order anything from them, when I think of the amount of money I've spent on their site in the past and this is how you get treated.

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Chill out everyone. You should know by now, that if you order something from the US, chances are, customs are going to charge you import taxes. I'd be much wiser checking your country's customs regulations before you order anything from outside the EU. Other than, complain to the EU parliament and US government for maintaining something as retarded as import taxes in the 21st century anyway. Sure, BFC may have warned you better about this beforehand, but you've had ample time to cancel the preorder. Besides, I haven't seen most other companies/establishments advertising this fact as well as they should.

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If QBs worked "great" I would be the first to cheer.

lets see now - there was my QB vs Tolga where he was attacking, and the only objective on the map started behind the attackers front line...

then there was my QB with simmox where, as well as his infantry pointlessly and stupidly firing on my tanks at all ranges all the time (so revealing their positions), we then discovered that we both had US forces, despite selecting US v Germans, and he has infantry only, despite selecting mixed force.

Plenty more like that - QBs work as advertised less than half the time - I have gien up on them as a result; its a waste of tyime with too many games abandoned.

And as games now take several minutes to load, instead of the less than a minute or much less for CM1, it is very frustrating trying QBs.

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I assume you downloaded the game or paid the amount needed to get your steelbox out of ransom?

If you do have some of these issues, please post them and a save game here and we'll take a look at them. Can't promise anything, but we'll definately look into it.

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If QBs worked "great" I would be the first to cheer.

lets see now - there was my QB vs Tolga where he was attacking, and the only objective on the map started behind the attackers front line...

then there was my QB with simmox where, as well as his infantry pointlessly and stupidly firing on my tanks at all ranges all the time (so revealing their positions), we then discovered that we both had US forces, despite selecting US v Germans, and he has infantry only, despite selecting mixed force.

Plenty more like that - QBs work as advertised less than half the time - I have gien up on them as a result; its a waste of tyime with too many games abandoned.

And as games now take several minutes to load, instead of the less than a minute or much less for CM1, it is very frustrating trying QBs.

PM sent re looking at the QB issues

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How on earth can they compute £37.79?

20% VAT on $60 is £7.30.

So are they trying to charge you an extra £30 for handling fees? According to their website they should only be charging a maximum of £13.50, although more likely it should be the standard £8.

Something doesn't add up.

However, nowadays it's near-impossible to talk to real people with companies like this. I bet Parcelforce are overcharging, but it'll take you days of effort to sort it out. Sorry. :-(

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for interest sake

what would happen to the product if you refused to pay the extortion?

do they just keep it or return to sender?

regardless of any game issues we are having

i dont think you can blame BFC for a countries extortion policy

its a sad reflection of what the worlds become really.

and they wonder why people are rampaging through the streets more often thesedays

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From what i've seen on this forum, many UK customers have received their boxes without being charged any customs or mail handling fees. I really don't know how they work these things out.

If it's any consolation, CMBN is a great game and will give you many years of entertainment.

Manx, in Rip-off Britain, aka Treasure Island.

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Message to thread-starter Sandy

My sympathy--but at least you know your "steal box" has arrived in UK---no news whatsoever of my preorder (shipped 18 May) ostensibly for Brighton UK . Could be in Mars or up Uranus by now.

I also notice you mention "Parcelforce or farce" but I thought they were being delivered by DHL --they are the company Battlefront indicated on purchase document.

Could you or any other favoured UK Stealbox recipient confirm carrier please.

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Message to thread-starter Sandy

My sympathy--but at least you know your "steal box" has arrived in UK---no news whatsoever of my preorder (shipped 18 May) ostensibly for Brighton UK . Could be in Mars or up Uranus by now.

I also notice you mention "Parcelforce or farce" but I thought they were being delivered by DHL --they are the company Battlefront indicated on purchase document.

Could you or any other favoured UK Stealbox recipient confirm carrier please.

Mine was delivered by my local, happy, smiling postman and not a courier company.

However, mail in the UK is not a simple thing these days. Delivery companies like DHL, often subcontract the actual delivery (the so called last mile) to the Post Office who then charge them (at less cost price thanks to our idiot regulator). Why in some areas people are being hammered for an exhorbitant charge, far more than one would expect from reading the web sites, and others like me are charged nothing God only knows.

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£37 sounds about right...I was going to be charged £30 for an $80 game....I sent it back...

Sandy you've had very bad luck there mate....from what I've read most in the UK got away with the charges...

Looks like you didn't like the game anyway...so I wouldn't pay the charges..just send it back...refuse delivery....go boot up CMx1..take your mind off it...I mean what I've bet you've had hundreds of hours of enjoyment out of that game...so just look at it like that.

Also Sandy everyone was given the chance to cancel the pre order due to VAT charges...there where coutnless threads on it...so really it was your responsibilty...I'm afarid it's tough look old chap.

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Whoa, thats annoying and seems way too much. In the past I imported something much heavier and twice the value from the states and didn't have to pay that much, I think it was under 20 quid. From what I've seen on this forum it seems like people in London are getting hit with this charge.

Mine came by regular post too with no extra fees.

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Games received today.

Posted by "Priority mail" on 20th May, received in London 3rd June.

Actual total cost of each game including postage, shipping, taxes, handling charges, etc, etc just over $100 US equivalent. Not cheap for a "discounted pre-order" of a game currently being advertised by BF as costing $65 at full price.

Maybe BF could go back to their old usual way of shipping from Europe for European customers for the modules...customers might prefer it.

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Chill out everyone. You should know by now, that if you order something from the US, chances are, customs are going to charge you import taxes. I'd be much wiser checking your country's customs regulations before you order anything from outside the EU. Other than, complain to the EU parliament and US government for maintaining something as retarded as import taxes in the 21st century anyway. Sure, BFC may have warned you better about this beforehand, but you've had ample time to cancel the preorder. Besides, I haven't seen most other companies/establishments advertising this fact as well as they should.

I don't need a lecture from you or anyone else about what I should or shouldn't be looking up in regards to charges from my countries customs.

Iv'e ordered plenty of software from games companies including this one before and have never been caught for this sort of charge, it's my right as a customer to complain when I've been shafted.

At the end of the day Battlefront made NO attempt to point this out on their site when they were pushing their product, therefore it was underhand.

It never ceases to amaze me how any forum I go on there will always be some veteran member blatantly defending that companies poor customer service, they must churn you people out in a factory somewhere!

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But I do have a letter from parcelfarce demanding £37.79 (over $62 US) before I can see my game/manual!

Perhaps US folks can now see why British customers were so upset at the way BF treated them on pre-orderes...

Thanks a lot!!

After CMSF I promised myself I would NEVER ever pre-order from BF again...but my enthusiasm and trust trumped caution.

(PS the game looks lovely but is pretty bugged; no working QBs and more problems with the interface come out with each game)

Holy! Maybe the box should include a can of Vasoline. :-) Something tells me even at Euro tax rates you've been robbed. I suggest consult the regs and seeing if there was a mistake in the calculations.
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